Mummy for President

-Russian media is testing opinions on her as a possible candidate for presidential elections
Prove that mummy can't follow the footsteps of glorious Vladimir Vladimirovich, the greatest leader of al times.
Protip: You can't.

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post moar pictures of mummy

>-Russian media is testing opinions on her as a possible candidate for presidential elections
If Russia elects a woman to be the president it will die and it will fall akin to what happened in the soviet union.

Men are what is needed for a strong government, men are the leaders needed to run the country and not turn it into a socialist feminist hellhole (like a woman will push for the legalization of domestic violence, the keeping of marital rape and the free shit not given to women.


Invade my county, mummy

From this point on, all world leaders must be Sup Forums memes.

It is not a random woman, it's mummy.
And it will cause a dilemma for the anti-Russian propaganda machine since media can't attack a woman like a man.

She should restore the monarchy and United, Great and Indivisible Russia!

Mummy is way to autistic. She's probably too autistic even for Sup Forums.

tsarina mummy?
Even lard-loving hohol agrees.

It's MOMMY, fucking bongs.

I think she will run in the 2020s. Hope she wins.

He never fails to appear in mummy threads

are you the lad who met up with a mummy from craigslist?

I guess it's her turn now

i'm not the mummy poster

just another brit who fancies the pants off of her

boy she better watch out, would be really unfortunate if she ended up suicided

I don't think it true for Russia.

she belongs to black men

Mummy for /bant/*

>President election candidate
>not /political

kys Baltic faggot

Conflicting digits, wat do?