Why NK means History is dead. And why a new History has just begun

North Koreans are fully woke. They understand how imperialist capitalism works.
>New money is created when banks issue loans.
>But banks charge interest on loans, so the cost to repay loans exceeds the money that was printed.
>So either some loans are guaranteed to default, or more loans must be issued to create money to pay back old loans. And the big shitpile just builds until it all collapses into depression, Unless
>you conquer a foreign country, build a central bank there, monetize their assets to print a bunch of new money and use that to pay back your domestic loans through international trade
This is what America has been doing for 100 years now, and there are only a few countries left without a central bank: NK being one of them.
NK knows that no matter what they do, economic determinism means that America must come for them eventually or suffer a great depression.
America almost suffered a great depression after it failed to monetize all of Iraq/Afghanistan, but to save itself it set interest rates to 0% and issued infinite free money to save everyone from default.
NK must either submit to being cosmopolitanized or defend itself with nukes, period.
But having achieved racial consciousness, economic-historical consciousness, and nuclear weapons, NK is one of the greatest powers in the history of mankind.
America cannot occupy it and transform it, because every man woman and child will fight to the death, moreso than what happened in Iraq, because every citizen in NK is militarized.
The NK "threat" is only ended by nuking it, which would make it impossible to build a central bank and monetize its shit, so the result here for America is that it must suffer another depression or itself go full communist by keeping interest rates at 0% forever, making the concept of money meaningless, which is literally what communism is, the destruction of the concept of money.
The sad part is we have Cryptocurrency now, a new economic paradigm, a new history.

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Interesting. Have a bump wise faggot.

At its base, what history is is the ledger, the archive, derived from the word "archon", meaning "lord". The archive is the library of the lords, the documents that document the economic activity of the lords. History is the bank accounts, all the economic transactions of the lords, the wealthy elite.
We are at the end of the old economic paradigm.
A new economic paradigm is beginning with cryptocurrency. With new developments in cryptocurrency, any business, any individual can be its own "central bank", and the ledger of all transactions is public and decentralized, verifiable by anyone, but also immutable.
History ended when America failed to pacify Iraq and Afghanistan. We are entering a new History.
America can't do anything about NK without ensuring millions of people get nuked. So America has no choice but to keep its interest rates at 0% forever or the entire economic system will collapse into a domino effect of defaults.
However, the price of money is the interest rate. And when interest rates are 0%, then money is free. And when money is free, money is meaningless. Rational analysis of markets has been impossible for 8 years now, everything is based on pure speculation and irrational psychology. The price of stocks has nothing to do with company's profits, but is only a popularity contest, a stock's price goes higher if you think more people will want to buy it, so you buy it first. But there's no correspondence between price and profit anymore.
What Communism is, "real Communism" is when the concept of money is meaningless. We're at that point now. And now we must look to cryptocurrency to provide us with a new concept of money, one that is much different than the historical concept.
Long story short, free, unregulated cryptocurrency makes the Jew impossible, it emancipates the Jew, because the object of the Jew's consciousness, accumulating money via huckstering and control over currency and markets, is no longer obtainable.

So can we still nuke it or..?

That's it, I'm buying one bitcoin today.



A golden dawn emerges.

>buy buttcoin
no faggot

A nation's currency, the ledger, is an index of social relations. If you own a bunch of money, bonds, stocks, then people owe you work. They have to do work for you to get your money. Before money, you had to convince people to work for you through fancy words, titles, or force.
When money is free and meaningless, this paradigm changes. Now you once again have to convince people to work for you with your words alone. You must have a good idea, an idea people want to be a part of. You must be able to realize that idea to establish new social formations.
America, in its fractured, multicultural state, is practically incapable of functioning without meaningful money. How willing are you naturally to work with people of other races and cultures, whose behaviors and values you disagree with, unless you are doing it for meaningful money?
Multicultural societies can only function under versions of capitalism, or through forced slavery; because slaves from all over the world will work together if they are motivated by the whip.
Thus, in a world where money is meaningless, the future belongs to the nationalists. The racial nationalists first and foremost. Because members of a race will work with their own race for the glory of their race, for recognition by their race, irrespective of money. Because when you are recognized by members of your race, they will respect you and work for you without needing "money" in exchange, because they know that by working for the greatest members of their race, they too make their race greater, and also earn recognition from their race in a virtuous circle.
This is the future. You must work with and for your race, your nation, or you will have nothing, because money will be meaningless and worthless and money is the only other way to get different people from different backgrounds to work together.
This is the future, and cryptocurrency will help us bridge the gap, but ultimately there will be one cryptocurrency for each race.

Ultimately there will be one cryptocurrency for each race, and if you try to steal or huckster your way into riches, then the transaction by which you acquired it will just be rolled back.
This new form of money, this new form of social relations, will be different than before. It will not be social relations themselves, but rather just a marker. A race-traitor with millions of a race's cryptocurrency will have no power. His "money" will not be good anywhere among his race, and certainly not among other races, because he will be a marked man. His "money" will be his own history, of good or ill, and will identify him to anyone wherever he goes, who he truly is, everything he has ever done.
No, bitcoin will not be this currency. New systems and technologies built on the blockchain concept will develop this new index into what it needs to be to record the new history of the races and ensure their survival, prosperity, and development.
Your "money" will no longer be what you can make others do for you, it will be your entire history, digitized, decentralized, and public.
If you betray your race, everyone will know, forever.

In this scenario, why even have money at all? Why not have a society where your work is your money, and your physical input into your chosen group is what you are worth?

that's communism, isn't it?

Yeah pretty much. But in a world where money has become obsolete and each person is effectively their own banking system, why have money at all. Why not revert back to a more primitive time.

In fact, it's national socialism without the racial aspect.

>Why NK means History is dead. And why a new History has just begun

They said that?


Its obvious that US is attacking Syria, Iran, Afganistan, and now maybe North Korea for (((them))).

They want global domination. (((They))) don't lose a drop of blood invading other countries. Good thing they have plenty of good goys who will die for them

>because every man, woman and child will fight to the death

you do understand how nukes work, right?

How are the (((central banks))) supposed to steal money with the population dead?

Ass toot post bro.

>So either some loans are guaranteed to default, or more loans must be issued to create money to pay back old loans. And the big shitpile just builds until it all collapses into depression, Unless...
Wrong. You have no understanding of why inflation can be a good thing.

Yeah, and just completely ignore the fact that Kim Jong Un has been threatening America, South Korea, and Japan for the past decade.

>Hurr durr, America is provoking the Norks to threaten it because they're protecting the South Koreans from them.

Lol. K.

Who do you think created bitcoin? Satoshi Nakamoto is one of smartest groups of people that exist in North Korea.

Give some quick points as to why inflation can be a good thing.

the that is interesting, apparently Cuba and Iran are the other two countries, along with NK. Flies in (((their))) ointment no doubt.

Actually only Iran.

Castros are crypto kikes.
Kim Jong Un is a freemason.


Honestly I would be more sympathetic to NK if they were to openly declare themselves to be a National Socialist state that allows private property and adopted the same domestic policies as the German Nazi Party did.


Now on Kim with the hidden hand

The quick and dirty explanation is that it lets debt be paid off because the value of money will have decreased since you took the loan out.



good thread op

NK could pull Dengist pivot in the coming decades if their nukes make them feel safe enough to open markets without fearing the thread of Anglo-Jewish takeover and colored revolution. Another Peoples Democratic Dictatorship with 6% growth would make people forget about the mass starvation of the 90's, and the millions of little Korean children with chronic infections and no antibiotics. All of that will disappear if NK figures out a way to implement its own version of Dengism, and starts engaging the new center left government of SK, and bring up the old talks about federalism that were happening a few decades back.

NK is really no worse than China was in the 1960's, it's actually comparatively less violent and more stable than during the Cultural Revolution. Things can change relatively quickly, and past mass death and suffering can be quickly forgotten for the sake of moving forward.

I really hope NK doesn't do anything silly and nuke Israel now that would be a disaster wouldn't it.

The final redpill...

Such a fly in their ointment that jews are exporting gold to them.


>No, bitcoin will not be this currency.

While this is true to some extent, bitcoin is the godfather of all cryptocurrencies, and it was the introduction to blockchain technology. Till this day, and even with better coins out there, it has the highest market cap and is worth the most. It will take a long time for bitcoin to lose the number 1 spot, not less than 10 years, but Satoshi Nakamoto, the group from North Korea, have already generated enormous wealth.

And that means the money being back in the hands of the loaner can then be re loaned or reinvested elsewhere, and this make inflation go up? Is that somewhere near right?

I don't think the US will allow a country to grow and possibly thrive on a totally different political regime than theirs. I think that's what they fear the most. A country growing without their ideologies, they worry what other countries might follow suit.

Yes, it's part of the reason that fractional-reserve banking works.

Sorry to be a retard, but the idea of the 'bubble bursting' then, how does that happen? Inflation drops very low but people still don't pay back the money, and that means money is essentially becoming worthless?

To be fair, it's required in the long term that we continue to print more money because we're never really going to stop printing people. Otherwise you'll eventually hit a point where it's simply impossible for currency to properly circulate through the system.

Deflation in the long term is far more terrifying than moderate and controlled inflation. Sure, with capitalism you run the risk of a crash causing runaway inflation, but considering the alternitive it's a justified risk to take.

Crypto is a potential solution, as it's infinitely divisible, but we'll have to see how it goes.

That's indeed what the US fears, but China already did exactly that. It's too late, and unless you're a low tech, 85 IQ Islamic shithole, it is less and less up to American what your internal politics are going to be, and the US military knows it can't find a conventional war anymore (I don't want to get into it in this thread but it's easy to look into).

Now keep in mind, I have no idea if NK actually does want to copy China and institute "Socialism with [Korean] Characteristics" with a socialist market economy. If they were smart, they would. I don't underestimate their intelligence (their leadership is smarter than ours), but there's no accounting for ideology.

China will not accept a Colored Revolution™ a few hundred miles from Beijing, and Russia won't accept one a hundred miles from its only major Pacific harbor. My gut tells me China's strategy is to push socialist market economics on Kim, but Kim might be callus enough to sit on his nukes, change nothing, and allow his population to die off to a more manageable, feedable size.

I'm not familiar with how bubbles relate to inflation.

>but China already did exactly that
Are you sure?

>NK is one of the greatest powers in the history of mankind.

Wrong NorBro, Murica is coming for your little twink-chink ass!

>Why NK means History is dead. And why a new History has just begun.
The thread title alone tells me youre a colossal faggot OP, and I mean that in the literal sense. I didn't bother reading the rest of your post.


TFW NK gets real nukes

Sometimes you can see how much smarter than someone is than you.

Especially with sentence structure like that.