The yellow question

Is it acceptable to be both a ethno nationalist and have a degree of yellow fever? I mean far east Asians are basically white. right?

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>Is it acceptable to be both a ethno nationalist and have a degree of yellow fever?

>I mean far east Asians are basically white. right?
Far East Asians are Far East Asians

Black pigeon has yellow fever and mister metokur

Black pigeon?

Makes you a cuck because they think you're fucking disgusting.

this you brah?

no it isn't. you are fetishizing the fish women because you think they act like submissive frogs. they don't, they are still amphibian cunts.

grow up.

No they're mongoloids

No, but hes not entirely wrong...

Just because they;re just as good as us doesn't mean they're the same as us.

All squares are rectangles, but that doesn't mean all rectangles are squares.


It is totally unacceptable. just stop watching (((porn))) and this will disappear

East Asian women should be with East Asian men in East Asian nations. That's what ethnonationalism would be about.

For some reason, Anglos and Americans cannot put away their desire for globalism and mixing with foreigners. That's what makes nationalism so hard here, and why you get proposals like "civic nationalism", oh mix with whom you want, create a new Brazil or Turkic looking area but as long as you own guns or something all is forgiven.

I love you longtime user

I don't know, I did date a Chinese lass for a year and it was quite a good relationship, she was pretty westernized but more in the traditional sense than in the modern way.

Japan/both fucking Korea are one of most homogeneity nation on the planet.

Stop touching us with dirty hand,gaijins.

Dude, Chinese women are NOT submissive. There's a huge difference between being submissive and traditional minded, though sexually they do prefer to be dominated.

t. white gamma male with a Taiwan gf

Are you happy with your choice?

All things considered? Yes, things are quite comfy.

>That flat asian frying pan arse


Biggest flaws and befits?

Dunno the cute noses and small height make up for it

Then maybe try actually fucking some of them tojo

I'm coming over there VERY soon to claim your ojousamas like a gorilla in Tokyo, HAAAAAAANH!

my fiance is 5'3'' with a button nose and she has an arse. no need to go chinking my armour user

To put it simply
>language barrier
>childish personality

>no signs of getting fat
>doesn't drink

just don't racemix and that goes for everyone whatever your race or her race

I would personally she the neediness as a positive at the moment, my current gf (who's white) is pretty cold, you don't appreciate it till it's not there. I would certainly agree with childish personality though

The mental issues and obesity problems of white women combined with feminist and pop culture brainwashing mean it's very difficult to find a decent women for a lot of men in the west. If you go Asian though you must raise the children in Asia as an Asian to minimize hapa identity issues. Don't marry a white worshiper either or talk to your kids about white supremacy.

Why avoid a white worshiper? What is the downside?

Your kids will be asian looking, the mother may see her kids as not white enough, the kids see their mother as worshiping whites yet they themselves look asian...

>no need to go chinking my armour
tee hee

getting with a chink is the male equivalent of coalburning
you are trash if you do this

>being white in first world country
>literally hit the jackpot
>yellow fever


I do not see any flaw if I breed with my qt 3.14 nip gf and raise my kids in Japan.

Never thought about it that way but I can see where you're coming from. Don't give up on all white women though, especially the ones from eastern Europe.

Disregard those cosmopolitan prostitutes in the UK.

I like Asian girls for the sole fact that they make my dick feel significantly larger than it actually is.

please stop baiting the asianmasculinity faggots, we have enough of those threads as it is

>hit the jackpot
Life in the west for the average person is not the story of Chad thundercock: billionaire playboy like in Hollywood nipbro

>I mean far east Asians are basically white. right?

Women in the west are a often a plethora of issues and require a shit tone of work to become traditionalist wives while it's a much easier process with Asians.

>white bottom barrel loser who gets utterly rejected anywhere else and a self hating spineless asian woman

match made in hell

>be 'murican
>competition for women who aren't landwhales is incredibly fierce
>Asian women aren't as fat

It's really a consequence of most white American women deciding to be fucking fat and men not being able to find a suitable partner that isn't Jabba the fucking Hut.

kids who do not look like you are not yours, cuck.

I have dated both and have thus seen the pros and cons of each. It's not a question of getting a white gf, hence me having one already it was a question of preference. Just because tyrone smashes your wife/mum on a regular basis doesn't mean you have to project

They will always be a outsider to their peers for being a mixed mutt.

thanks, doc

>40% obese

What are the "8 simple steps", I'm kind of curious

dunno why not find the pdf of it.

Then go buy the book.

She still looks like she is squinting her eyes

name one hapa that grew up in Japan and was given a hard time for it

John Tomozaki

How are we expected not to have a degree of yellow fever when there are QT's like this in the East.

do it, muscular Spain bro
they're too innocent and trusting, they need some of our top shelf Jewish subversion detection DNA mixed into their Y chromosome pool
without that transformation, Japan will not survive