Prove me wrong
These nations are, unironically, the saviors of the white race
You forget Israel
>white race
Fuck off kike
What the fuck are we doing on this list? Let's be real here our country is cucked as shit.
slavs are subhumans
> portugal
Not for much longer
Those are all comparable to African nations
Iceland is ok
Cool beans!
>falling for the slav meme
Heil Hitler Deutschbro, my country is full of mongrells and won't do shit for our glorious Germanic race
fuck off you retarded greek cunt, you might honestly be THE single most retarded person i have ever encountered in my 9 years on Sup Forums, and that says much
You will just reply me with same "slavs are subhumans" shit but i just wanted to let you know that you are one despiceable, sad and repulsive person. Probably bitter virgin as well
You are comparable to an African nation.
> United States savior of the white race
>56% white
Gen Z dude. You are going to have some real crazy fuckers in a few years. Not happening here in bongland
> foreign prisoner
I bet all the Muslims and niggers that make up the majority of the inmates are classified as British citizens
Wow I'm not trying to insult you, but it's the truth and we both know it. In fact everyone outside of America knows it.
USA fucked it over pretty bad in WW2. they'd best get ready to do the shoah for real this time if they dont want a karmic punishment from hell
Only the bottom 10 count
The only reason your Gen Z seems socially conservative is because they are all muslims
>burger thinks he's saviour of the white race
>not its biggest executioner
Eastern Europeans keep going more and more to the right, at this point in my country the lefties are about to become a footnote. Except for one small party, that is built more on judicial principles, and are traditional liberals, but they did not reach minimum representation. They are the only tolerable lefties.
>you are retarded because you post something i dont like
>le saviors of the white race
>flush down thousands of embryos down the toilet
t. muslim
not even arab refugees want to live in those shitholes
For America to be savior of the white race they have to be white first.
We have low crime, almost zero migrants, no terrorism, and no grenade attacks. Murders are so rare that they make the news. Our problem is media freedom and government corruptions levels, but as far as living in the country goes, it's pretty good.
A nation that is 60 percent white will not save the white race
o boi am i laffin
In the UK yea probably, check out Unz, White high schoolers in the US would vote for trump in 47/50 states
Eastern and some parts of southern europe are going pretty right. My cousins in italy are pretty much fascists
Galicia or Asturias had no muslim ocupation. Indeed there were sueviis there. Catalonia or Valencia had moorish ocupation for much longer plus A LOT of andalusian immigration in the last century.
Map is bullshit.
>t. Bong intellectual
half of them aren't even white themselves
Also Ireland Is giga cucked. Not sure why you list them
Ready for a race war!
its because muslims want to live in wealth countries and portugal is also far away from all important cities
you gave me a good kek there
it would be called civil war in romania
Why Italy?
I just realized I forgot Australia and New Zealand.
Updated map
oh boy here we go again mr 56 percent trying to be the international committee on whiteness
Australia is cucked to no end, isn't it?
Stop killing gypsies, we warned you already.
They tell migrants to fuck off every chance they get
that would be the UK though
Yup it always starts there.
fuck off
nz is 30% asian if you include maori subhumans
australia is the toilet of asia
weak bait
oi m8 laffin is haram you should know this kaffir
kek, caravan cavalry making an appearance
This "white" shit is the most perfect self defeating Jew constructed, historically and biologically unaware bullshit that has ever plagued this board.
asia is the toilet of asia
and stop the autism, we get it, you're a snow nigger
I am a Greek
Agree. And checking.
>Burger thinking his own 52% white nation contributes to the white race
>thinks white means nordic
Being this retarded
>UK, Italy, USA, Bosnia
Pick one
maoris are actually pretty cool tho, its the abos youre thinking of
>roach mutts
>60% land
Try again.
Sorry my dude but we are the biggest threat IMO
no they are not
they are very ugly savage subhumans
you stupid shitskin
Im Irish
that is what it means. Even France used to be A Nordic Frankish Kingdom once before it decided incest and BLACKED by Algerians was a good idea
holy shit why does my country look so good
>Includes American
Gee, what a surprise. In reality, in a few hundred years, everyone in America is going to be Afro-Mestizos, and American is going to be Second Zion for the Jews.
Turks aren't even humans.
Greeks are white you mongrel subhuman
irish are subhumans
>low crime
bullshit half of the country is scamming you on a daily basis, dwindling population, most people are fucking idiots. Migrants don't stay for a reason. And the only way of fixing those problems is acknowledging them first.
lol, nope. Being white is more than being pale skinned.
America isn't a white country anymore.
yet they fuck your women every summer
Spain, Germany, France, UK and Sweden are such fucking disgraces of nations.
The shit state of affairs my country is in doesn't affect my statement at all, burger.
Why is America on there? No other country has done more to undermine the cause
No. Our cities are degenerate shitholes is all this proves. Come see for yourself.
>Saviour of the white race
Have you not noticed how millions of non-Europeans are making landfall from across the mediterranean, in Italy, and instead of sending them back to North Africa, Italy is sending them north into the rest of Europe?
Yeah, fuck off, Italy isn't saving shit.
>Low white percentage compared to Europe
>Still elects Trump
At least we're not cucked and continuously vote our rights away.
>tfw too smart to form coherent sentences
Also Greeks are not white after living under the turks for hundreds of years.
Ireland is also genetically the whitest country in europe along with iceland, and we have made a greater contribution to europe than you have.
I literally cant because you included me
why do you blame shitaly?
its the fault of germany
should they keep them in shitaly if nobody wants to help them?
sneaky anglo subhuman
Greeks are direct descendants of Greeks
science > irish subhuman
ireland is a useless non country
irish are useless anglos
irish are weak feminine subhumans
That is because we realize our nation is dead and there is no turning back, if European cities were 'diverse' as ours that would redpill them a lot, their cities are actually civilized compared to ours
>moortuguese aren't white ecks dee
>is a turkish rape babby
turks are turkish rape babies
show me your flag shitskin
Irish are celts, hans
Hahaha how are you gonna get rid of half of your population, faggot?
they wish they were
but they are just westernized anglo subhumans
Badumpf will fix it don't ya know?