The Hooton and Kalergi plans are taking hold.
The Hooton and Kalergi plans are taking hold
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dippidy derp you must be lying user
Awww sheeeeeeit Kaufman-Hooton_Kalergi plans worked
Hitler was an immigrant, no?
True though. But Frankfurt has always been a very multicultural city due to being a (((finance center))). It's not just >50% mudslims.
Frankfurter here. Can confirm. It is quite depressing from time to time. Frankfurt has a specially liberal drug policy hence we are not only diverse but very criminal diverse.
Part and Parcel of globalism.
You're never an immigrant if you're Germanic living in a Germanic country.
if you get afd elected you could start the deportations of all non-german ethnics and clean this mess up, but it will need to be fast. merkel cannot be given another chance.
Lmao. There is party in the western world willing to do that. The Jews have twisted the overton so much now that simply wanting to LIMIT immigration is "far right". When in reality, wanting more immigration despite all the problems it has caused us should be considered suicidal-far-left.
>You're never an immigrant if you're a human living in a human country
That's how retarded you sound
there is no party*
germany just needs a trump like figure who isn't afraid to say anything
many germans are probably tired of the political correctness, so if someone rose up and said to deport all recent arrivals then you could probably accomplish it
i figure it would clean up a lot of the problems, sure some non-germans who have been there for generations would likely stay, but it gets rid of the most of the demographic problem. i think repatriation is the most moral thing europeans could do at this point.
ethnic nationalist states are the only thing that is going to work for europe, and it needs to be made clear. it could be a winning platform but in europe there is a much bigger fear of the media than here in america.
I have no problem with it.
To some degree you can't change it. Right now if you look at the numbers it's simple biology. ''Native'' Germans don't want to have any children so sooner or later they will be less Germans. On the other hand, to keep the economy strong we need to integrate proper migrants to help us stay competitive. Most migrants have higher birth rates but with some time these numbers tend to adjust to the native population.
There will be a lot more immigration to Europe and Germany in the next years. The old people die and new ones will take their place.
Most of the controversy with the refugees at the moment is of religious nature. I think it's kind of hypocritical when someone states that there is an ongoing ''Islamisation''.
If I'm correct, then it's the Europeans who become more and more secular.
The funny thing is the same will happen to Migrants as well. 2 or 3 generations of immigrants will be more secular. Of course there still will be some radical elements but only a very small percentage.
The story that migrants are more criminal is a hoax as well. The Police already released many numbers and the migrants even commit lesser crimes than the native population.
So as you see most of the right wing populist propaganda turns out to be bullshit.
Get real and look at the facts (going outside your moms basement would help as well)
germany wouldn't be german anymore. you would become like another america, a country of immigrants instead of a country of germans. do you really want that? like hitler said the most valuable thing you have is your people. once germany stops being german it will mean nothing anymore.
>if someone rose up and said to deport all recent arrivals
If you're gonna convince people that this is needed, you have to talk about race. And that can put you in prison in Germany. Honestly Germany is fucked, they need to be re-conquered after it falls into mass civil unrest.
>what is globalization
The world changed rapidly. Now it's piss easy to travel from one continent to another.
Basically the world grows together more and more.
The USA is a good AND a very bad example. We can learn from their history and present. In the end the change for Europe is inevitable.
As stated before, you can't stop it.
>you can't stop it
He says afraid and ignorant that it can and will be stopped.
Kill yourself filthy shitskin
>you can't stop it.
Stop falling for Jewish tricks you dumb faggot.
well that's an easy number to bring down with a few planes full of people who don't belong in Germany.
>World's economic, financial and social hubs are multicultural
You don't say.
Right. We need more doctors and engineers from Somalia!
Oh but didn't you know? Just like London:
>"It's a story of aspiration, it's a story of success."
Guys relax this is just a test for the most beautiful, intelligent and prosperous race on earth. What the white race has little of and needs is tribalism. Yes individualism and liberty is important to an extent but it becomes lethal when taken too far such as whites have done. What brings people together is a common enemy, war, natural disasters. You can't have sunshine without rain. As soon as we pass this test and come together as a race we will be unstoppable.
That is very naive thinking. You would be burned after 20 minutes and probably would need a new identity to survive in this country.
A postmodern society does not want someone telling them what they CANT do. They only want someone who tell them they CAN do EVERYTHING.
Stop posting Kalergi. The dude was a weird guy, but his impact on the European Union or how policy is driven is negligible and he was a serious Russophobe and anti-bolshevist. That's a fake quote, btw.
>That's a fake quote, btw.
Nope. Google it
It`s not just the koshers, Kalergi was a freemason.
>The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]
>Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation.
The first paragraph is the one that matters
Can confirm, am immigrant visiting my immigrant family in Frankfurt.
It was an ideal based in ignorance. He wasn't being malevolent.
He is correct. The quote isn't directly "fake" but is being misinterpreted on purpose. There is no "Kalergi plan" and that quote is merely him writing down his predictions for the future in his book. After that quote he never mentions anything like that again
It's equal to quoting Hitler on saying that France will become a negroid nation and saying that its the Hitler Plan
>As stated before, you can't stop it.
Try me you cunt.
I have made it my life goal to rip my nation out of this fucking shit and ensure that Finland remains a land of Finns.
It falls to non Germans to carry on the legacy of the greatest german who ever lived, Adolf Hitler.
Sieg Heil!
>It's equal to quoting Hitler on saying that France will become a negroid nation and saying that its the Hitler Plan
Lmfao. Hitler talked about France becoming negroid as a warning. Kalergi and the kikes I posted above wrote about it as being the ideal future.
Here's the actual direct quote without the random "..." breaks in the image that cut the important parts for propaganda purposes
>"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals."
The image you posted sounds as a plan and is intended to sound like that (probably by stormfront who use this guy as their holy grail against the EU). But in reality its just a mere measurement of the situation and sharing of personal thoughts in his book. Again, after that small quote he never talks about it in the rest of the book
Dog bless Binland :DD
You protected the Jews, but it's k, holocaust was a lie anyway, Hitler was friends of the Jews while he should've been actually gassing them
Finland is too small to defend itself forever. It needs White, European allies. The whole of Europe must be white.
>I have made it my life goal to rip my nation out of this fucking shit
by shitposting?
The reason we don't is because of the US who killed the last hope for that, sweetheart. Up to today it's not Italian or German or French NGOs that ferry the refugees to our coasts, it's Americans funded by American citizens involved in American interests (Soros). It's not us or Ukraine or Russia that keeps separating eachother and preventing any peaceful cooperation between the EU and Russia, it's the US. It's not us invading the Middle East for oil and strategic interests that creates the waves of refugees, its the US
wew lad
But the USA is run by Jews.
Thank you.
Finland did not have jewish problem at the time (there were like under a 100 jews here back then), so we naturally did not understand why Hitler persecuted them (they deserved everything Hitler did to them, and would have deserved everything they claim Hitler did to them).
I would not show them even an ounce of mercy. Anyone living in Finland, who works against the interests of Finns, deserves to be shot. Anyone who thinks that Finns should be ok with our land becoming a multicultural, and multiracial shithole, deserves to be shot. Anyone who supports EU, deserves to be shot. Anyone who supports international financial interests above that of the interests of Finns, deserves to be shot. They are all traitors and enemies of my people, deserving of death in my eyes.
Finland belongs to Finns.
Indeed, but the change has to start somewhere. I predict that unless a major power does not uncuck itself, we must ally ourselves with either eastern european powers like Poland and Hungary, or with Russia. Our western neighbors certainly won't be of use, and Germany is lost.
I'd prefer an alliance with poland and hungary, for I do not trust the Russians and in an alliance with them, we would be the underdog and by nature of our power differences, we'd fall too heavily under their influence for my liking.
No. By studying, learning how to understand my enemies and their rhetoric, learning how to speak, and preparing to make my entrance to politics. I am still too young and inexperienced to step forth. I need to practice and prepare. I won't be ready to make my move in at least a decade, due to the fact that my youth and inexperience, would sabotage any serious attempt at national revival and rallying of my people, I might try, thus do more harm than good for my people. Right now, I am just gestating into what I must become in order to free my people.
Shitposting I do on my spare time.
He was an austrian german you moron. An ethnic german who lived in austria. You don't change from what your ethnicity is based on lines on a map.
A somali shitskin will never be a Finn, because he/she is not ethnically Finnish.
They were like that far before it was run by jews (WW1 and before with their Monroe Doctrine). It has always been their grandest strategy to keep Europe down because its their only rival who can actually match and surpass them in power. Soviet Union, China, Japan? Irrelevant compared to a unified and centralized Europe of about 700mil white people
I thought that you already knew that since you're posting with a nazi flag? In case you don't, watch this
>It has always been their grandest strategy to keep Europe down because its their only rival
To some extent, yes. Just like Britain. But white people of the US and UK wouldn't come up with such a Jewy plan like breeding us out of existence
The demographic problem in white people has been fostered by those subversive elements. Two world wars, the pill, promotion of consumerism as ultimate goal in life, abortion, LGBTQrssss ism, drugs. They have been trying to wipe out Europeans for a 100 years
The obvious solution to a demographic problem is not to import lots of foreigners, would it not make more sense for society to offer incentives (our own tax money ayway) for indigenous people to have children?
>would it not make more sense for society to offer incentives (our own tax money ayway) for indigenous people to have children?
Obviously. This is why kikes like Franz Boas, Stephen Gould and Richard Lewontin came up with the meme that race is a social construct.
If the Jews really wanted you gone and they had all of this power you dream of a tiny nation like Finland could be burned down to the ground in a week
It's funny how because of Germany 70 million Europeans died and Stalin killed 1 gorillion and got rid of the bodies but somehow the master race couldn't get rid of bodies
>If the Jews really wanted you gone and they had all of this power you dream of a tiny nation like Finland could be burned down to the ground in a week
Why burn us down and cause a ruckus when they can push multiculturalism and mass migration which will lead to the extinction of my people in the next 100 years?
If we actually went full on natsoc, (((they))) would immediately resort to harsher measures, hence we need allies to back us up.
fuck off, you are clearly blind to the truth or a shil
>But white people of the US and UK wouldn't come up with such a Jewy plan like breeding us out of existence
The average joe wouldn't, the top administration would and has come up with shit far worse than that - the forced marches being one such thing initiated fully by white American generals out of hatred and envy of the German army. Also it's not jews who had the last word in those times, it was white American presidents and a fully white non-jewish military command and senate
Americans just hate us for no reason other than insecurities and they will continue to do so as long as they exist. Remember that, it's not jews - it's americans regardless of their race and color. That's the only policy of that continent which can help it survive and stay on top - plunder Europe of its capital and intellectual power once in a while and leech it back to the barren shithole that no one would ever bother living in if it wasn't for money
whats that?
You don't have to accept mass immigration, but it's also funny that there are 600k Finns in the US, but that's totally different.
Oh now, alas, I finally see, it was the Jews that kept as as serfs in the German reich, it was the Jews that sent us to die on the battlefield in WW1 because of Austrian imperialism. It was the Jews that shot at us when AH dissolved and surrendered, it wasn't the Italians. It was the Jews in WW2 that wanted to exterminate us. It was the Jews telling the UK to fuck off when Nazi collaborators came to the Brits in Austria asking for the allies to occupy Yugoslavia so that communism doesn't root itself in. I was blind, but now I truly see.
I like the fact that shills aren't denying the Jewish problem anymore, now their tactic is "but it's not only jews who do bad things"
>accept mass immigration
> 600k Finns in the US
>Oh now, alas, I finally see, it was the Jews that kept as as serfs in the German reich, it was the Jews that sent us to die on the battlefield in WW1 because of Austrian imperialism. It was the Jews that shot at us when AH dissolved and surrendered, it wasn't the Italians. It was the Jews in WW2 that wanted to exterminate us. It was the Jews telling the UK to fuck off when Nazi collaborators came to the Brits in Austria asking for the allies to occupy Yugoslavia so that communism doesn't root itself in. I was blind, but now I truly see.
but now you redeem yourself, you have never said anything truer and one day you will know it, hopefully
>You don't have to accept mass immigration,
In theory, true.
In practice, yes, we have to, because our leaders are traitors that care nothing for our people and our kike controlled media fully supports our ongoing demographic replacement. If we were to save ourselves, nationalist forces would have to take over the institutions of power, and our treasonous media would have to be shut down.
Which is what I plan on working towards.
>but it's also funny that there are 600k Finns in the US, but that's totally different.
How is that relevant? Those people are no longer really even Finns. They have become rootless colonial mongrels, like the rest of murricans.
>How is that relevant?
probing four doublethink
600k fins is like 10% of their population
all of our problems have been caused by the UK, US, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Ottoman empire, but yes the Jews are ruining Europe guys do realize humans are going to breed with each other right? You can't stop sex. Eventually, far in the future, race will be a thing of the past. This is an inevitable reality. Hell a large portion of humanity are already "mutts". Breeding is tool of nature, and it cannot be stopped. Dividing humans by race is simply not possible or realistic in most of the modern world anymore. It just doesn't make any sense. Humans will travel, humans will meet other humans, you can't stop humans on this fucking planet from interacting with humans of another race. It just isn't possible. What you are asking for is not realistic, and highly unpopular. It wouldn't work, and it would never happen.
You're joking right? The whole reason races even exists is precisely because we didn't interbreed.
wew forgot about Shitaly
Miscegenation is a rare practice even in these tolerant times.
What you are spouting is nothing but a leftist fantasy.
People want to live among their own kind, and want their children to look like themselves. People who race mix are a fucked up minority of people.
>t. Angela Merkel
This. I think people are intentionally misinterpreting us to try to insult us with "haha ur a nazi because women want the BBC". The whole issue is that niggers are fucking niggers, outbreeding us, making us minorities in our homelands, and when that happens, I don't think it's gonna be pleasant for us.
dude, people fucked neanderthals
Nigger an Austrian moving to Germany is like an Aussie moving to Britain.
Or neanderthals raped people.
Who fucking knows what happened back then, and despite of that, the amount of shared DNA we have with neanderthals is minimal.
Natural miscegenation is fine, no worries
600k is not "mass immigration is it?
>all of our problems have been caused by the UK, US, Germany, Austria, Hungary, and the Ottoman empire, but yes the Jews are ruining Europe
and who do you think may of been influencing these events? Look the British Empire was not British at all, it was a corporate empire owned and run by Jews.
The slave trade under the Ottomans, who were the traders?
Dude, go away and come back in a year or two when you've done some research, or lurk here untill you discover the truth.
It's coming for you, you can't run or hide, the truth will find you
fuck off
yeah in the past when the world had a lot less people in it and we didn't have inventions like airplanes that allowed us to travel anywhere in the world and meet other people.
Some people want to live among their kind, others don't mind living among all human kind. What makes the latter correct?
It's been bugging me.
Like 40.000 years ago yeah. I guess it's telling that people fucked Neanderthals but generally stay clear of niggers
>we didn't have inventions like airplanes that allowed us to travel anywhere in the world and meet other people.
Literally zero people would travel to Africa if the Jews didn't trick us into believing they were human.
that was extremely rare, and even then it caused hybrid infertility.
People mostly want to fuck their own, believe it or not.
>Some people want to live among their kind, others don't mind living among all human kind. What makes the latter correct?
You mean what makes the later incorrect? Because the people who "don't mind living among all human kind" are a minority of non tribalists in a world where wast majority of humans are tribal in their thinking. They prefer their own group, over others, and would gladly sacrifice other groups, in order to save their own group. The non-tribalists, are like a team of soccer players, who pass to the other team. They will lose in the struggle of existence when facing groups who only pass the ball to their own members.
check this lot out for redpil OD
So, when the Kalergi plan succeeds and Muslims are the majority in Europe, what's going to keep them from killing the Jews who helped bring them there?
I mean, that's what Muslims do. They hate Jews more than even the far right does. And Muslims don't care about tolerance or political correctness or obeying the law.
Because Babylon control all factions, who do you think the so called Saudi (((royal))) family are?
Sabbateans, 1666 and all that stuff
No, the difference is you weren't living near niggers to fuck them
And in ancient Greece where black skin wasn't associated with being a nigger do you think anyone cared if you banged a black bitch and had children?
I think a couple % is pretty significant if for example instead of Neanderthals they were negroes it would probably be the same way.
and yet I have a feeling that a Slovene living a minute from the Austrian border would have more in common with people just over the border than you would have with your aryan master race bros
As I remember we were enslaved by the Germans and when the Ottomans raided us and took children for Janissary's the Germans didn't really give a shit as long as they weren't in danger and they would just raise taxes until we revolted, but surprise surprise! Germans could've been peasants too!? They were also being exploited by an inbred rich elite. Oh, my! It was somehow the Jews, wasn't it?
Thesis + anti thesis = synthesis
the Hegelian dialectic
Islam is the anti thesis to the Jews thesis, order out of chaos
Islam was created by the (((Jesuits))) to destroy the Byzantine Empire
The infestation is overwhelming. Germancucks are injecting more into their asses in the name of tolerance and vibrant enrichment.
You were supposed to defeat the juice not join them!
Is this a pasta?
If not, are you an immigrant?
If not, I may just now realize how bad things are for Germany.
>No, the difference is you weren't living near niggers to fuck them
For good reasons
Blonde Germans still exist?
Former Frankfurter Immigrant reporting in.
I moved to bongland because I could no longer take the cesspit that was Frankfurt. And lived in the nicer part of town too (Westend).
It's up to you to research your history and find the truth, then you can come here and tell us what you found. History is war, war is an unpleasant business but very profitable for the bankers.
Yes people of all nations and races have done despicable things to each other from time to time but the greatest evil in human history is enslavement of people through psychological control, this is how powerful people induce the slaves to act against their own nature.
What you call reality is an illusion created by your masters
Orwell, the film
They Live
Degenerate shit
Oy vey, it's a fucking (((slovenian))) again. You're so easy to spot, Moshe
Finlands sak är vår. You have our full support, great brother!