She's a 17 year old half normie and for starters I'd say I'm close to one too. Fit, have some good friends who I meet to a moderate extent and am a good uni student so she has respect for me and regularly tries to talk with me when we meet. She just goes to more parties and concerts than I do.
She knows how shitty feminism is and jokes about colored people who talk about white privilege sometimes imitating them in a mocking way. I've taught her about communism and she probably slightly knows that race is real and that ww2 wasn't exactly the way that people portray it as but I've been very careful around those subjects just planting some short ideas in conversations.
I'm not sure if I should stop here or go a bit further, I've been thinking about showing her the generation identity movement in France and hope that brings fourth more traditionalism since I want what's best for her or would it be better to stop now and hope she finds traditionalism and nationalism herself from what I've taught her?
Should I push my younger sister any further?
you are a fucking faggot holy shit my sides HAHAHHAHAA
>from iceland
yeah good luck with that, icelands one of the most whitest yet blue-pilled places in the world
Nobody cares about your shitty family
but ur countrys awesome anyways so good luck trying to not get attacked by liberals
keep going brother! my sister is redpilled to the eyeballs!
Moishe is right
Says your blogpost faggot
Pol is a politics board go fuck yourself with your life advice bs
Why are we having this conversation? Redpill the shit out of her.
>I'm not sure if I should stop here or go a bit further
Go deep brother, balls deep. Fucking ram your knowledge deep inside her swooning receptors while she is in her prime.
Redpill her my man. Women are what this movement needs most.
Keep showing her the hatred of jews and non-whites. How they only want to use and abuse.
life problems closet incest
fuck her, you incestous island kie
Corrective rape.
>Wanting your sister to be a miserable as everyone on this board
You're a terrible brother, let your sister live in ignorance. I wish I could.
Post her facebook profile, I'll do the job for you
t. alpha normie
Pol is a politics board go fuck yourself with your life advice bs
>Be me
>Make a thread about Geniocracy
>Say my opinion and ask others for theirs
>No one replies
>Make a thread and babble about my sister attaching an attractive woman to the post
>Get replies
This is just how things work, I'm bored and want to laugh at shitty jokes.
Ertu að fara að red-pilla systur þína?
nei, á ekki einu sinni systur . Var bara fúll af því að ég gerði eitthvað ógeðslega langt thread um lýðveldi og engin sagði neitt. Bjó til þetta einhverfa drasl í staðinn.
thats the most cancerous pic i think ive ever seen
Ja, ég meina, það hefði samt verið tilgangslaust að red-pilla hana hvort eð er ef að það sem þú sagðir um hana sé satt. Hún hljómar eins og hún sé nú þegar ekki mikið fyrir interracial. Ef þú þarft algjörlega að red-pilla hana, þá myndi það vera betra ef þú myndir bara senda henni svona mynd eins og þetta, þá mun hún að minnsta kosti hafa betri hugmynd um hvaða races myndu vera betri fyrir hana og þannig.
You're in Iceland, ding-dong
Vacationed in Reykjavik and every single black/arab was from Britain. Not a single one I saw was born in Iceland, and although you think you're top-tier at pronouncing English you can't pronounce the letter Z to save your life which makes your kind easy to identify.
You're safe.
Your sister is going to get reamed by my throbbing ebony cock.
Yes you idiot show her the truth.
Then take pictures of her in the shower and post them here.
I mean shit it isn't rocket science
Seeroh pounds in my pockets :((
Even if this has somewhat to do with politics, your family isn't politics. I consider this a shitpost.
Since you wasted so much time writing it, I'll give my opinion - I think you should let her decide for herself, what she wants to believe. She sounds like she has some good sense. I also think you're giving yourself a little too much credit.
How many levels of irony are you on?
Not your personal army tho
Zedro* :^)
Keep pushing user until shes like this
Is the tape an ode to modesty?
Fuck her.
stop trolling
Marry her