What does Sup Forums think about Christianity?

what does Sup Forums think about Christianity?

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people on this site says it has failed the west

but the west has abandoned it. and thats why west is how it is today


Couldn't have said it better myself



daily reminder you are not a good Christian if you are racist

just a fraudulent larper who is going to hell

im not racist

i just don't want my people to be genocided and replaced by a foreign people

Not even a christian and I agree

Except every member of the fucking church is arguing about racism and letting our countries get fucked.

Living in a family that was modeled to have one man and women and their children while following the ten commandments and abstaining from seven deadly sins is a guide a manual of a sort for advanced civilization.

Just like the rest of religion. Fake.

How about you pray for it to come back?

Please abandon all abrahamic religion racist.


St. Tsar Nicholas II did nothing wrong, he and his family are martyrs of Jewish violence

i think all christians are spiritually jewish

fuck all semitic religions

Im not following the advice of a misguided heathen


Will stop now my racist, sexist fascistoid anti-globalist worldview full of predator-prey and might-is-right approaches thanks to this quote. Bless Jesus



I don't hate other races, I just hate Christ killing kikes. Oh and anglos.

Yeah, no.

Maybe they abandoned it because it doesn't work. It's not a true religion, so people fell away from it.

it worked fine before they abandoned it

aww i wish there were more people like you on this board, the Varg d&c against Christian Europeans is lodged deep within this board sadly, or the NS community for that matter.

Personally I take part in a Christian Youth organization in my town (we don't help the poor/niggers or anything like that, we just gather chill and pray, with the occasional field trip). You should do the same; I reckon these are alot more common in American (unless your from ((((NYC)))) )

yo thats why they have legalized murder and legal murder in canada when christianity is kicked out the door the country goes to shit


Episcopalians are, as a rule, faggots, so it makes sense that they're marching for faggot rights.

that's a picture of the west abandoning it

Fuck white Sharia, Christianity is the solution not the problem. Even Dawkins said that Christianity is the best defense against Islam

RAYCISS!!! Check your white privilege, as well as agree to be unfairly discrimated against in schooling and the workforce!

Depends NS community is split between "muh thule" Varg pagan larpers or Christian NatsSocs.

>Don't help the poor
Why not? I'm sure not all the poor in Argentina are boliguayos/congolombians.

it didn't work for socialist non-christians and their agenda, i'll give you that. worked really well for western society

Damn son, good first post.
But it isn't over and the church will never fall.

Like all religions its a fucking cancer, but in the grand scheme of things its not as bad as some.

Eastern Orthodoxy has withstood the degradation that the West has faced due to the way it works and how autonomous it can be at times. An example was how during the rule of the USSR the Russian Orthodox Church in America was told to become autonomous from the rest of the Russian Orthodox Church to ensure the KGB would not root itself in America through that institution.

The Roman Catholic Church, however, was infiltrated through it's highest ranks, the only reasonable explanation for the Second Vatican Council. The fact that they called in the likes of Lutherans to help them create this "new mass" is a testament to just how badly the West has failed.

Christian in Orthodox form is absolutely beautiful and I suggest many people here, if they were EVER interested in Christianity, to look into it. It is the home that you've been looking for, I promise you.

But Christianity in the West? From Western Institutions? That's what all the fedorafags cherrypick from. Protestants, larping as priests, holding up pro-faggot signs, and Roman Catholics rejecting all the dogma that the Roman Church built up for over a millennia. No wonder the West is in such a decline when the so-called Christians cling to the Western Churches and the so called "good atheists" kick that institution and it's followers while it's down on the ground. You both ought to be ashamed.

This is true.

In a society where greed and selfish consumerism are the highest virtues, where every vice is encouraged to be endlessly indulged, a religion like Christianity will fall out of favor. Now, the real blue pill is atheism and nihilism, because it's better at supporting that consumerist worldview.



>no birth control
>no drugs
>clean disease free society
>young marriage
>big loving faithful families
>no society wrecking ideologies

would our people be threatened with extinction? even if the flood gates are opened and the world started pouring in, they would be powerless against us


Bandwagon Protestants. They even accept abortion as a right.

you are a faggot, Christianity has been degenerated along with the rest of European traditions, look at how Christian groups need to resort to "new tactics" to attract youngsters, like punk rock Christian bands and such, the Christian youth celebrations that exist today had no place 70 years ago. A lot of Christians will even betray the sayings of Jesus to be more "progressive", whereas true Christians have opposed all of this.

>out of context quote

this talks about people in other nations, makes no mention to invaders. Considering some other race inferior is not wrong, for Noah himself cursed Canaan and said something along the lines of "Your children will be servants to everyone else" (mind you, Cam children all mixed with the negro race).

Being Christian has nothing to do with being "cucked", Remember the jews and moors have been expelled from Christian nations in the past. Also conquistadors and British Imperialism was Christian. The Aryan race must prevail because God so wills it, the chosen race, they are the real chosen people and the one that can spark civilization and thus history wherever they go. The only race that posses this trait, Asians merely adapt it and niggers can't even do that, such was the will of The Providence

Being cucked just has to do with jewish propaganda that has persistently gone on for over 70 years, take a look at Christians in ex s*viet countries, completely different people.

the ones that arent boliguayos are mestizos, i dont want to be associated with those resentful people so i dont partake in such actions, theres a small group in our communtiy that does it, but im not into that

middle eastern philosophy adopted by lesser humanoids

I'd rather fight fire with water than with fire: Science, education and reason.

Jesus is my lord!

>middle eastern philosophy
Depending on the denomination, Christianity is based in either Modern Philosophy or Greek Philosophy.

First post best post yet again.

Revivify the father, buckos.

>real blue pill is atheism and nihilism
yes, it's part of "critical theory", an 'intellectual' attack on all christian values

feminism attacks the family
atheism attacks the faith
'anti-racism' attacks the people


on all fronts our civilization and our values are viciously attacked and deconstructed


I'm sure there's some poor italian argentines around.

Well, I can't speak for American Orthodox congregations but Kirill of Russia is a former KGB member (as is Jewtin) so they obviously can't be trusted. Some patriarchs of the past have been freemasons as well, which is an excommunication offense in both RC and Orthodox (Bergolio is definitely one as well).


Look at Miron of Romania


And this patriarch of Constantinople was also a freemason.


Vague, ignorant claims like this are part of the issue that the first post references. You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

And tell me, what can they actually do in the whole of things?

The beauty of the Orthodox Church's system of authority is the ability to shrug off such things as no true central authority exists.

> liberals still think reason will make them happy



I'm saying that all churches have been infiltrated, not just the RC church.

judaism was exclusive to jews, the middle easterners around them were sodom and gommorah, your philosophies were seen as demonic and evil by the jews, so i don't know why you're pounding your chest like it's "your" philosophy

not even gonna talk about the greek influence on christianity

It's a meaningless thing to point out since "infiltration" in the Orthodox church has, essentially, done fuck all, and always will. Infiltration in the RC church was, and is, deadly, because of their power structure. It's something worth pointing out because of the changes that can, and have, been made.


Instant noodles. Don't ask.


Not even communism destroyed our faith. All the stench coming from west wont affect us that much.

where do you jews come from exactly?

fake and gay, praise God heathen and destroy the enemies of our Lord and Savior

Is this legit? I've read that she doesn't like to be called cute and things like that, and doesn't like the unwanted attention of male fans

I was indifferent at first but now I'm getting more and more pissed on christianity as it becomes increasingly cucked.
Chrstianity is slave morality after all. Sure there were christian heroes but they were what they were despite being christians, not because of it.
If real christians "turn the other cheek" and "love their enemies" I say let them die.

it's mummys bodyguard


go sacrifice your sister to Ba'al or something

Why would I want to defend against Islam though?


I give zero fucks about religion or LBBQTOMGWTF shit but is there actually any passage in the bible that says gays need to be stoned?

Poland has never abandoned christianity yet the cuck pope and many polish priests abandoned us and support mass immigration

stoning in particular? i don't think so

just in the old testament that they need to be executed, i believe in the new testament there is some mention that it's bad but nothing too extreme as far as im aware

ba'al was a leventine god that was never worshiped in iraq, and there's no definite proof they sacrificed humans to him

FPBP, pic related

How far you've fallen, Poland. Nietzsche's understanding of Christianity has been long shown to be false and his views of Christian principles being based in his Lutheran upbringing and viewing that through its lens.

>fuck all
Based on their locality, yes. I'm not too sure overall.

Basically a rip off from Judaism, as is islam.

Best go pagan and check out these numbers.

Every hero ever was christian.

>Rip off judaism
>t. doesn't know what they're talking about

>Best go pagan
You mean LARPing like Varg? Will you bullshit it as you go along or use the tomes written down by Irish Catholic monks?

Erase all abrahamic faiths from the world.


Lol, sure.

Good goy religion.

The people on this board who defend christianity are defending a sort of christianity that died out a long time ago. Modern Christendom is utterly incapable of mounting an effective defense of itself other then by converting third world peasants.

It is a disgusting, semetic, middle eastern religion that was originally a Jewish cult and was created to destroy Europe. No matter what mental gymnastics you try to go through, it is a semitic, middle eastern religion.

>Confusing Baal for Moloch
The Canaanite Phoenician Carthaginians combined the both of them to form Baal Hammon and sacrificed the fuck out of some babies


Maybe they would've won against world jewry if they weren't complete imbeciles insisting on worshipping the jewish god. But sure, let's repeat that mistake.

again, lol, sure

>Jesus practiced Talmudic Pharisaic Rabbinical Judaism
Sure kid

turn the other cheek on your personal enemies

enemies of god had their asses kicked by jesus

and by christian warriors

fucking this

>would our people be threatened with extinction?

Yes, see the mouse utopia experiment.

Christianity is a shit just like all other religions are

> true
> religion

did you just read what i wrote?

did the mouses follow christianity? didn't think so

Only happens as popular density increases and social roles become filled and oversaturated. As long as the white man continued to settle untamed frontier, their would be no behavioral sink.

>>implying those are the only sources for norse/germanic polytheism
>>implying that there is any reason to believe that the eddas cannot be effectively de-christianized. I mean really, it's pretty fucking obvious where some of the "additions" were. Odin as turkish wizard? Come the fuck on now.
>>implying that norse/germanic polytheism was the only sort of polytheism that existed. Greco-Roman beliefs have plenty of backing and the Religio Romana trumps christianity of any sort pretty fucking hard for someone looking for a faith that can effectively bolster a nationalist state

Christianity is largely irrelevant, there are both positives and negatives but genetics is more important. Whites did not have negative birthrates before Christianity, either.

The reason birthrates are low is for a few reasons, but the main reason is technology and comfort leads to childlessness, which is why Japan and South Korea also have birthrates that mirror our own.

What untamed frontier? There is no more untamed frontier in the world unless billions of people suddenly drop dead.