My family is taking a 2-week trip to London this winter. What areas should I avoid if I don't want to get culturally enriched by the Religion of Peace?
My family is taking a 2-week trip to London this winter...
>What areas should I avoid if I don't want to get culturally enriched by the Religion of Peace?
that entire circle
Londoner here.
Basically avoid all of it. 80% of London's population is either wogs, Pakis or Poles. The only white parts are in the far south-west, places like Richmond and Esher are good.
You'd be better off going to somewhere like York, Bath or even Hull. Like the U.S, major cities in the UK are infected with diversity.
What a fucking waste of money, don't go user. Visit a small town in Ireland instead.
>that entire circle
it's not that bad. juust avoid the east, north, south ends and the area immediately around the airport and you're golden.
The areas in England.
this guy isn't lying. I've spent time in York, Bath and London of those named (not been to Hull), and either would be miles better than London.
Bath is quite picturesque but it's also really hilly and small and not that city-like. I think York would be a better compromise.
You could also try out Newcastle, Edinburgh and Glasgow if you wanted.
Anything's better than london. Okay, apart from Birmingham, Bradford etc.
everything within the red circle is safe
TFW I saw that map and thought it was a map of the inner sphere.....
Avoid whole London you faggot the mayor is himself a lone wolf terrorist
this pic is from 2014. It's alot worse already.
All the bits you would naturally visit are nice. South East London is rough and avoid Woolwich and Lewisham but you wouldn't go there anyway
Everywhere is enriched but the onlybplaces I literally wouldn't go are woolwich/plumstead and the bits of east London that are full of Islamics although I'm old so I dont know the trendy bit from the bad bit. But Whitechapel is a shocker
Ignore the haters you'll have a nice time. It's not quite Paris just yet
What sights you gonna see?
I was there last month, you'll be fine as long as you follow the golden rule: around blacks never relax
>around blacks never relax
you must be permanently on edge
Haha you and me user we know what's what
Threadly reminder
also, makes me wonder when the Clans are going to come and retake it and rebuild civilisation
Bring your own parcel.
London isn't like LA or Chicago. You don't turn down the wrong street and think 'oh shit, I really shouldn't be here'. Even the most violent parts of London are relatively peaceful compared to major US cities. Plus, if you're just visiting tourist shit there's no reason you'd go anywhere that'd bring you into a Muslim-occupied part.
This. London is shit.
Come to Paris. Much more safer.
One could only wish! God it would be glorious if the commonwealth united and came and cleansed out the homeland with righteous fury and fire!
speak for your self mate. London is dangerous as fuck. People go missing every day.
>What areas should I avoid if I don't want to get culturally enriched by the Religion of Peace?
Pretty much all areas that are tourist attractions. Sorry, mate, but London isn't safe.
Take the Tube - get bombed.
Take the bus - get blown up.
Take a taxi - can't understand a word of what they say. Seriously, they have white people ebonics in London. Don't believe me? Experience it yourself.
Walk around - get run over by a lorry of peace.
Sit in a pub - get stabbed by a knifeman of peace.
Walk inside the British Museum and Tate Gallery - now you might have a chance there. Muslims hate culture, it's their mortal enemy.
avoid stratford unless you want to be blackpilled to death
Londoner here. Here's a handy map.
I've lived in london for about 8 years now in a few different places tho mostly SE and SW, generally tourists complete the stretch from tower of london down to buckingham palace maybe stopping off south of the river to look at the shard/borough market.
Most Muslims you see in this stretch will be arab tourists I imagine, most people you see are probably tourists if its a weekend or during a work day.
London is pretty safe in Z1/Z2 I don't think there are any stretches or areas that I have ever felt personally unsafe on. Even places like Brixton are safe enough to walk around in at night thesedays.
London is better than any of the major UK cities I don't think for a tourist there is any value going to anywhere built up in the UK unless its a smaller place like Bath/York as mentioned or maybe Edinburgh. London is the only larger city that should be visited if you want to catch a look at anything relevant.
Why the fuck would a tourist want to visit manchester/birmingham/leeds/liverpool or what not lmao.
no they don't
Lewisham, anywhere east from or in Tower Hamlets and Seven Sisters, I don't think you will get culturally enriched but they are literally shitholes and nothing of interest in there.
I remember visiting Kensington, it was a nice area. Not sure if it still is though
Stay in central London, which surprisingly is still mostly white. Avoid the suburbs and poorer areas.
>2 weeks
Very Inderesting map
Edgeware road is little iraq. Shepherd's Bush market is little North Africa.
Oh yeah and knightsbridge is little oil rich gulf state
Funny how visiting Europe now is not a matter of which places to visit, but which places to avoid to not get allahu akbar'd
>nigggers in the west end and bromley
>half of walthomstow in "safe"
>No "indians " label in harow
>no "slavs" label in north london
your map is shit lad
this guy is not even wrong
don't go to the cinema either and avoid most shopping centres
avoid taking the tube between the areas on this map
Sure way to guarantee enrichment:
Airbnb, go for the cheapest offer.
So don't be that idiot who for example flies to Berlin, books cheapest Airbnb available, and later complains he didn't want to go to fucking Beirut but it felt like that.
I hope you get acid thrown in your face.
>Why the fuck would a tourist want to visit manchester/birmingham/leeds/liverpool
I'm from the North West can confirm that most places are garbage, thanks to the industrial revolution its just a grey shithole up here full of terraced housing, mills, factories and warehouses. Lancaster is pretty nice though
>go to ireland
>car bombed immediately
>white people ebonics in London
are you talking about cockney?
>local dialects dont exist in germany
I also will visit London this year and would like to know non-infected areas to find a hotel. Is the circles provided by other anons are enough for referance.
>you are the infection
Why should I listen to you?
if any legit tourists want to go to england, please don't go to london or any major city, try somewhere else where you will meet actually real nice people. you have no excuse apart from not understanding their accents
Pic might be from 2014.
Data is from 2011.
Save the indigenous!
Don't go, tell them to come to the West Country instead. They could see where the Mayflower left for America while down there too.
When it comes to personal safety you are more at risk from blacks in london than from a muslim. They are mostly south of the river but there is no reason to go there anyway. Muslims may do a van but that could happen literally anywhere.
I visited London in 2012, we stayed in the nicer croydon and it wasn't that bad. Although an old cockney man took us on a walking tour of the jack the ripper murders which took us straight through londonstan, which was rather interesting. Safe to say we were getting looks left and right. We took a day trip to bath and it was really nice, the McDonald's across the street from Windsor castle made me kek. I imagine London has only gotten worse now, though.
>full of terraced housing, mills, factories and warehouses. Lancaster is pretty nice though
These would still be nice if they'd maintained the aesthetic. Instead, they ruined the "feel" of these places with ugly post-war modernist architecture.
I suggest Luton if you want to stay with your own kind
Avoid East London entirely. If you stick to the tourist-y places around West London you'll be fine.
Go anywhere in England other than London and Birmingham. Even Bristol is better.
fuck that's beautiful
Local dialects exist, but they are only spoken by older people and farmers in the country. Young people and city people speak standard German as heard on radio and TV. (That is provided they are German.)
I know about Cockney, but in my one week in London I got the feeling that every quarter of the town has its own dialect. I had to ask people to repeat what they said two/three times to understand. (And I'm fluent in English.) Seriously, the best pronounciation I encontered in London was a Chinese rice cook in Soho and by an embassy delivery man in Mayfair.
I visited the Muzzie part of London last year and it wasn't a complete ghetto. Could walk around without getting any shit.
>outskirts of croydon
safe as houses m8
It's obviously gotten worse. The floodgates were flung open to Europe in 2015 and since then London has seen an uptick in terror attacks, acid attacks etc.
Pretty much the same with Paris which I visited in 2008. Haven't been back since but it doesn't take a genius to realise how things have gotten worse there too.
WHY the fuck would you go to London if visiting UK ? DO NOT judge UK by that shithole ! Go north...
I've been there.
The main tourist zones felt very safe. The area around Trafalgar Square/Piccadilly Circus/Leicester Square, Hyde Park, Westminster, and Buckingham Palace felt very safe, albeit very gimicky and full of millions of tourists.
What really brought the "diversity" home for me was arriving at Heathrow Airport and noticing that like 80% of the workers were Indians/Pakis.
No I would like to be far away from them as possible
>London isn't like LA or Chicago
The fact that London isn't like LA or Chicago is the problem. If we had ghettos then we could easily avoid them - but we're mixed in with the filth.
>Londoner here. Here's a handy map.
You haven't got the foggiest idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>north Kensington
You've put the safe zone above one of the shittiest, blackest parts of the city.
It wasn't that bad but obviously we were out of place. Really the worst thing I saw was a fee muzzie kids playing soccer under a sign that said "no ball games"
I can heartily recommend going to North Wales.
Cornwall is an absolute gem of a county, the locals are a bit backward but a friendly bunch.
They mainly keep to themselves. Worst interaction I had was some Paki honking at me and a nig asking me for some money.
Still, fucking terrible and in need of a purge.
Here you go user, I just saved your holiday.
>WHY the fuck would you go to London if visiting UK ?
Tons of museums, palaces, public parks, iconic architecture and of course most social events of the entire UK.
Btw. same goes for Paris and Berlin, where both countries are really and truely beautiful if you leave the trodden path and go to the countryside and visit idyllic villages. But they have of course only the museum of millstones maybe and you just missed the annual farmers' fair which is only once a year.
stay as far away from the shithole known has Brixton. North London is better than south London.
Reminds me of The Shire from LOTR ;(
>the locals are a bit backward but a friendly bunch.
That's how I like my locals
What's the shitskin situation like in Wales?
You have never been to Londonistan have you ? The rudest most ignorant people in the world , even worse than Germans !
Not a fucking chance mate, you sound like you are in a massive stage of denial.
I lived in both LA and Chicago and both of them are awful comparisons to London.
There wasn't a single place in London I felt safe, tourist zones are filled with police, cameras and yet filled with soft targets because of the massive amounts of brown people that walked around with a chip on their shoulder.
I have friends in Queens Park that I stayed with back in 2005, they told me not even bother coming up there due to my own safety.
It's fucking depressing to no end, your liberals have destroyed your once wonderful city.
Wake the fuck up.
What about the City of London? By which I mean only the small district around the Temple. Much nogs and shitskins there?
Nvm just realized Cornwall isn't Wales lol
The rest of the town is alright. Looks quite cosy.
Cardiff and the "cities" in the same direct vicinity are very mottled. Some parts are absolute gems, others Paki slums. The rest of Wales is virtually snow white.
No but there's fuck all to do there unless you like jerking off to briefcase wankers
what about Watford? have family there
>What areas should I avoid...
Seriously, go to Scotland or the peak district or something. London has fucking nothing but pollution and crime.
Unless your holiday is not complete without hearing the fucking cockney accent when you come to England go the furthest north from London as possible.
We took the train from london to frankfurt and our first real interaction with a German was a (white) methhead presumably asking for money, besides the packies in England the native brits were wonderfully steriotypical I gotta say, bought an ice cream from a massive ripped guy and he said "ere ya go lad", you guys are cool but maybe too nice , I'd love to visit both places again but with the current situation I wouldn't. I live in the american south (near Atlanta actually) and even though we have tons of nigs for the most part everyone is cool with each other.
That map is dumb. Those areas are white because it is endless boring suburbia of overpriced houses and market towns. City is find mostly banks, tourists will go there for St Pauls most likely.
Watford's actually alright, apart from a few Romanians there.
>have family there
Then it's probably best to avoid that area
I can see cheap tourists make bad Germans, but you'd be surprised how nice the average people in Germany are.
I have been in London, but it was a long time ago. But even then there were many sandniggers around Paddington, where my hotel was.
I don't think Londoners were rude. In fact I remember when I took an almost empty bus late at night, the conductor asked us to sit together and who was a tourist and could tell the others a story of his town or country. True story.
You realize that was of course in the late 1990s when some busses still had ticket conductors on board, and a platform at the end that you could hop on and jump off at red traffic lights.
>What areas should I avoid if I don't want to get culturally enriched by the Religion of Peace
Meh, the situation hasn't changed much at all since 2012. However, London is a boring city that I'd really only visit once as a foreigner. I'd recommend going to Yorkshire and renting a cottage or something if you like rural stuff.
>briefcase wankers
I know they chose a job that would bore most people out of their minds if they even sat at it for five minutes. But deep, deep inside, they're still people. If you prick us, do we not bleed? Etc. (Oh damn. I think that was a Jew quote by Shakespeare.)
Whitechapel and Mile End are the worst offenders, or the Borough of Tower Hamlets as a whole.
I was only 17 when I went so I was with my dad and stepmom/aunt who's mom was from Manchester who married an American soldier after ww2, so they spent some time there as kids and knew their way around places, and obviously we were hitting g tourist spots. The next time I visit I definitely want to go to a more rural area and just get immersed in the culture, ie drink a lot. In Germany though we stayed in a small village called bacharach on the rhine known for its wine, that was really nice. Pretty much 99 percent ethnic Germans (all my grandparents emigrated from Germany before ww2 so I blended right in this time) until we visited the black forest and cologne, then it was definitely more diverse
Stupid northerners, stop recommending your shithole post industrial rape-gang infested towns for tourists, fucking ridiculous (unless its York or something).
Truth is this is the UK anywhere outside of a city, this is why most Englishmen say that cities like London aren't a part of England. If you want to see the real England travel to the country
How is it that that part is still resisting gentrification? I hear the worst, run down parts of Hamburg and Berlin have been getrified and are now the priciest, hippest places to be. But Whitechapel was already a slum in Jack the Ripper's time.
Incredible pictury. Sounds kind of like my own country in that regard, although our worst city is Malmö, not our capital.