what the fuck are they playing at now?
Time to give up on identity politics
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So is the world ""post-racial"" yet? I want affirmative action to go away so I can visit a black gynecologist and know for sure he actually got an education.
identity politics makes literally no sense and it's the best thing that's happened for us since forever
fuck the proles and fuck enlightenment values, liberals and marxists are the greatest threat to fascism
Oh so now that we are finally using identity politics it's bad huh?
"oh damn. This thing that we've sunk so much time and energy into is actually killing us. Maybe we should abandon it!!!"
Sorry faggots, but this train has no breaks.
>ASIANS FOR BLACK LIVES (yes that is a real thing)
>Teach school kids "Be proud to be black/hispanic/asian/jewish/arab
Suddenly.... out of nowhere...
Woah... time to stop with this identity politics guys....
I can't believe this is serious. They put down ALL their chips on anti-white politics, what the fuck else are they going to do now?
I believe the yids have this creeping feeling that being explicitly anti-white like they are now is not in their best interest. They will tone it down and be more subtle about it. The second thing that comes out of this is that they will "move on from identity politics" and start shaming anyone doing identity politics. They won't make BLM happy but once they stop getting jewdollars they are done for anyways. The larger goal is to stop white identity politics.
We obviously won't let that happen since we are not dependent on jew gold and are used to being shamed for whatever reason is trendy on tumblr anyways. We just start get one inch smarter by pointing out their implicit anti-whiteness for what it is every time.
This piece will fade into obscurity and they'll go right back to what they've been doing.
Its too late to turn back.
Gee, when you attack the majority (whites) plus males + conservatives you don't end up with much of an electoral base. who knew?
Democrats are going extinct. 1 more seat on the Supreme Court and Republicans have a monopoly on federal power, plus a record number of governorships and state legislatures
and the 3 oldest SCOTUS justices are all liberal
I'm down to free Palestine
Exactly. Dim witted fucks just realized they having been shoveling coal into the boiler on the Titanic and know here comes the damn iceberg and it's too late.
but I AM with HER!!!
Damage control. They've realised that attacking white people for being white only leads white people to get defensive about having been born white, and they're having second thoughts about a race war.
Support Jewish nationalism! Oppose white nationalism!
Literally this
Fluck Bonald Glumpf!!!
No mention of made of the murderous warmongers who supported her.
It all comes down to the fact she has a vagina.
Tell that to a Syrian who's dying for Zionist wars
>CIS white men are the worst
>Why are CIS white men against us?
>aw fuck we've been pushing identity politics for the past 10 years but now white people are voting in their own racial interests so now its time to stop
i fucking hate leftists
>muh arabniggers
No! They can't stop!
Oh no motherfuckers, you started this. Now were gonna finish it.
I think I'm suddenly warming up to the idea of identity politics.
We should promote it extra hard to show our left friends the good it can achieve if you just keep at it!
They thought they had us.
Murdering Scalia and Hilldawg was a shoe in.
They had some nasty shit planned.
It is true, We are turning into a one party state.
Wtf I'm Stalinist now!
I think this too
Just ask yourself: is identity politics good or bad for Jews?
Let's hope so.
this the white man awakens
They're finally realizing just how much they've fucked up by pushing this agenda and are trying desperately to backpedal before the midterms.
Doubling down on identity politics and opposition to Trump will bite them in the ass next Fall.
Fucking this! What goes around comes around, bitch!
>guys, i think we fucked up
They finally realised that in a idpol polarized nation that the "white group" will be far more cohesive than a coalition of multiple minority groups. Infighting would be a much greater problem whereas whites would easily come together under a single bloc.
Therefore chnge of plan.
This. They've got too much momentum to change now, and anti-white politics are all that's held their collation together this long.
Based CreepyFace agrees:
>oh shit white people are using identity politics too now ABANDON SHIP
>Trusting kikes
This. Do they honestly think they can just say
>alright guys, thats enough
Hahahahaha. Stupid nigs, spics and the most cucked whites on the planet are about to inherit the dem party and its going to be hilarious.
If they tell you to cut off 5% of your dick does that mean you cut off 95% or you grow an extra 5%?
Makes Sargon and the enlightened centrists look like controlled opposition if fucking Salon starts agreeing with them now.
>includes Free Palestine
Cuckservative shill detected
The article dramatically downplays identity politics pre-1990. If your model of the world makes such a curious oversight, it's unlikely to be correct.
The same (((activists))) with the same anti-white moral assumptions had taken over academia and media decades prior. They didn't have to contend with the internet, though. Their propaganda, misrepresentation, and selective reporting was unimpeded.
White America was powerless to stop it, and White America knew it. So they curled into a submissive "y-yeah, l-let's all get along" posture and hoped their tormenters would grow bored of slowly boiling the frog.
Well, the left did get bored. Their ideology formed a purity-spiralling feedback loop, they lost their patience, and they blew their load too soon.
The frog leapt from the pot.
>pic related.
It's worth reading the whole article, though it's long. He basically thinks both sides have been sidetracked into identity politics - meanwhile, economics has trundled on in the same neo-liberal way with no opposition.
>The situation is like the indoctrination in Soviet Russia in the 1930s, so that only an economic catastrophe that lays waste to everything, resulting from imperial misadventures, can possibly break the logjam.
He's right you know.
Seriously. Hillary and Bernie ran alot of their campaign on "fuck whitey, POC are the future, we want to give you even more gibs"
I was never into identity politics in the first place.
this so much. the only thing uniting blacks and fags is a hatred of whites.
I don't think the author is a kike for once, he's a poo.
Its funny that the applaud this type of behavior in America. As soon as lefties talk about "free palestine" and "we dont want to give israel money" they start with
>No goyim, stop being anti semitic
Fucking hilarious.
If Salon really wanted to give up on identity politics, they'd fire that angry nigger Chauncey DeVega
how long til this guy gets lynched by his colleagues?
>Cut 5 percent of your dick off
I think the opposite of that would be NOT cutting 5 percent of your dick off.
Where have they received the instructions to suddenly turn on a dime from?
Also, won't work.
Oppression hierarchy and leftism are a virus. Once you let it out the bottle, you can't just usher it back in.
6d chess
The jew has once again, created a Golem that has turned around and now will destroy him.
We should thank them for Identity Politics, for from identity politics, white people will find their salvation and awaken to National Socialism, which is fundamentally based on strong national identity.
>one voice of reason speaks up on the left
you really think Libshits are gonna start utilizing logic all of a sudden?
they'll just ignore him or call him a nazi sympathizer
What a fucking diatribe. I'm skipping to read only the first sentence of each paragraph, and I can't even do that. Fucking hell.
>what the fuck are they playing at now?
Easy, keep affirmative action, h1bs, no voter id, and all identity based political platforms that benefit the leftist dynasts while shaming the right for engaging in identity politics. It's already in their picture. Three white guys.
Where's Linda Sarsour, where is Lena Dunham, where is Donna Hylton, hell where is Jesse Jackson in that photo?
Standard libshit hypocrisy, they're just evolving their propaganda tactics.
>all jewish
b-bad goy
Everyone is allowed to practice identity politics except white people
they are too good at it
they finally realize they're screwed in 2018. This combined with the ANTIFA disavowels is the DNC's shift to center.
Who knows if it will work.
nah its too soon
the people will remember 2015 to 2017 and know that the democrats sided with marxists openly
they will be out of power for 2-3 terms
>"Cool it with the antisemitic remarks!"
>Who knows if it will work.
As they continue to fracture it most definitely won't work. You can't push for pride in your identity and then expect any one person to speak for everyone. That's why it's nonsense to begin with.
This. It's nothing more than a tl;dr accusing the right wing of engaging in something that they created and nutured.
IDK, this is a 180 degree shift from what they've been saying.
Even Pelosi and Fienstein have been saying "stop calling Trump a Nazi"
They're freaking out over 2018 IMO which is why we're seeing sudden shifts in liberal media.
It won't. Sup Forums will just remind people they disavowed a portion of their own voters, screwed over bernie, and other hypocrisy. It's likly the DNC has EVEN LESS voters than it thought it had.
>Kick whitey for a few decades over and over
>whitey half opens one eye
Jewish media ringmasters: Oh shit stop kicking!! stop kicking!!
>everyone gets to have an identity except whites.
Let me explain what happened:
>You killed religious identity by destroying religion and creating secular states
>You killed work-related identity by shipping all the factories overseas to the point where Americans are lucky to have the same job a whole year and thus can't base their identity on work unless they are military or police
>Schools filled up students' heads with nonstop bullshit on how whites are the most evil people in history and little kids who didn't do anything wrong have to feel guilty about it and pay for the "sins of the father"
So, predictably, whites in America divided into the anti-Fascist zombies, who have no positive identity and can only define themselves negatively, as being "not-Fascists" and "not-RacistNazis" who hate themselves and their people and want to destroy it all, like zombies. Predictably, these zombies absolutely hate Police and Military since these are the only people left with positive work-based identities and the zombies are jealous and want to eat their brains.
And the other half is, wait for it, White Nationalists, who have nothing left to build an identity on except their race, since the institutions of their country have shit on them their whole lives, they have no religion, and they have no careers, so it is either join the zombies or be proud of your race.
This isn't fucking hard to understand unless you're a goddamn zombie.
It's bigger than 2018. They've finally realised that they got Trump elected and they created the "alt-right". And now they're panicking because they have no idea what to do about it.
Pol might have been shut down by then.
But disavowel of Antifa and identity politics doesn't seem like an appropriate counter to this bullshit "alt-right" thing.
Seems more like a power grab for blue collar whites. The panic is over losing seats not controlling a specific political segment (to me).
we have to keep putting pressure and applying their rules to them and keep putting more and more id politics into them
Can someone summarize what she is saying in a short greentext summary without retard Sup Forums speak?
My english is not that good.
10/10 post.
Really good breakdown.
This is another article by the same author from May 2016. It's titled "Donald Trump is going to win: This is why Hillary Clinton can’t defeat what Trump represents." It starts off pretty sensible and then turns very odd.
>Let us note the rise of suicide among white working-class men and women, of all ages. This—like the other deals in death that the market fails to name—is an assertion of independence from the market.
I think the left really thought that if they just called us Nazis and Putinists real hard and tried to shame us because one white woman got run over that we'd all just abandon the only identity that remains to us (our race) after the left destroyed the identities based in religion and work (by destroying the church and shipping all the factories overseas) and expected us to just apologize and cuck ourselves to leftist nonsense.
Since that didn't work despite their best efforts, now they are abandoning the whole plan. And what? They are going to stop having every institution in the country shit on us for being white? Are we all just supposed to be "Proud to be American" again?
That ship has fucking sailed.
Either give us back religion, or give us back work, or get prepared for white racial consciousness to the extreme.
lol this nigger looks like an octoroon. Nice job appropriating those white genetic intelligence predispositions
>shutting down the contaiment grid
how to lose an election in 5 easy steps.png
Oh man I live where they live I'd love to know where they work because I can tell you in a military town these fucking bitch is history.
it doesn't matter what Progressive leaders think about identity politics, they don't have a stable coalition without it unless they overtly come out as the Brown People's Party.
Stoke the Fire, Brothers
They might be able to leash antifa and blm, because all you need to do is to stop funding them.
What the Left cannot do by any means at all is reign in the cultural, civilizational and biological processes they have precipitated.
They cannot undo the mouse utopia. They cannot undo entitlement mentality. They cannot undo feminism.
They cannot undo the destruction of education and employment and industry.
So they'll flail about and panic and ultimately probably go back to doubling down on identity politics. It's safe to ignore their current inner doubts because they'll be incapable of substantially derailing or slowong what they themselves have set in motion.
Progressive platforms are 100% inseparable from Jewish Identity politics. They are one and the same. What this article is basically saying is "would you darkies shut the fuck up, you aren't as good at selling this poison to the goyim as we are."
>But disavowel of Antifa and identity politics doesn't seem like an appropriate counter to this bullshit "alt-right" thing.
It's because their lunatic fringe has just about taken control of their side of the political spectrum, and not only is it a completely unelectable position, it's creating a monster on the opposite side which is rapidly gaining in popularity. So they're trying to distance themselves from it and naively hoping it'll just disappear into obscurity.
She hasn't read it, she's just read the title. Fucking morons.
>They're being given the last possible path of peace and they want to double down