This triggers the BritBong
This triggers the BritBong
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Delete this thread please, offensive weapons have no part in a civilized society.
Fun Fact: A swiss army knife is allowed to be carried in britain
Except when they're used by Muslim terrorists because terrorist attacks are part and parcel of living in a British city
Why would you ever buy such an ugly, edgy knife?
Actually cowering in a corner
At least we are tolerant of other cultures, unlike the US which seeks to ban them. Sad!
so are folding knives with a blade 3 inches or less
Actually, they're both knives.
>being this cucked
>offensive weapons have no part in a civilized society
>Has fucking bayoneted savage negros to bring civilization
>Inspired Americas 2nd amendment
>now pathetic
They just leagalized the carrying of switchblades in based Michigan.
A statewide ban on switchblades will be lifted under legislation signed into law by Gov. Rick Snyder Thursday.
Senate Bill 245 eliminates current law prohibiting sale and possession of spring-assisted knives, also known as switchblades.
What use do you have from a switchlade
Savage polytheism of north america > Christcuck civilization of Europa.
Go read nietzsche you mad fag and quit defending what is currently killing you.
Aesthetics duh.
I love butterfly knives and switch blades.
This and a godly machete.
you know your machetes? Are the US army models any good? I'm looking at what feels like a good deal for one.
Well,aesthetics is give it to you.But they have zero practical use.Even if you want to kill someone a tanto is more practical.
spoon beats knife
Aesthetics are for faggots. Get a real knife based on use.
A tiny little knife what is so triggering about that?
Jesus H, why would you insult another man when your knife is offensively ugly?
I'm actually repulsed.
Knives, how plebeian. Now Indian cavalry sabres are an absolute steal if you know where to go shopping.
How many times are you going to repost this?
Don't be a prick, bin that stick!
Don't be a prune, bin that spoon!
It's almost as if federal dictation to the populace don't work.
>Ban guns!
murder rate stays the same
>Ban knoifes!
Murder rate stays the same
now people are getting locked into burning buildings.
Maybe that personal protection could solve this shit.
Are you seriously advocating individualism and personal responsibility?
Why would I want that? Big Government will take care of me!
Love my mini grip
Mine is nice
Whats this?A knife for ants?
Checked. Yeah its on the small side but hides well, and still does everything i need for a daily
It's almost as if that is why the USA is what it is. Don't focus on the collective. Build up the individuals. Then you end up with a collective of kickass individuals. Rather than a limp wristed collective.
What possible use can this tiny knife have?Cutting thin cords maybe?
You don't need to be carrying a machete to do what you generally need a knife for in your daily life.
Where is this? This is my life's creed. Free to succeed, free to fail.
Thats true,but to be versatile enough to justify carrying it every day,it needs at least a 10cm blade.You cant even eat bacon comfortably with that small blade.
I carry just my Boker Subcom sometimes. It fits flat in the coin pocket nicely on my jeans.
Granted, I usually EDC 3 knives.
Generally to stick blacks with.
Silencers are legal in Michigan too.
*drops in woods*
whoops whee'd it go
Now thats a dedicated box opener,not a knife.
>hur durr terrorist attacks and shitskins flooding British cities.
We have 69 cities in England, Manchester and London are just two of them ...learn to count.
I have one of those in my coat pocket right now and im a britbong. Its uk legal. I have a micro sog in my back pocket.
Well you have to be a clumsy fuck to do that.
Get a life bin your wife
Get an 18" OKC field machete with the full hand guard. They are good for the money.
One of my typical EDC is a Gerber EAB. It's a great little knife, and absorbs the brunt of many menial day to day tasks to preserve the edge of my other EDC blades.
Please guys I know we have soem pretty horrid laws over here but for knifes you can carry one with a cutting edge under 3 inches if you have a "good reason" to do so.
Not carrying 2 Cold Steel XL Espada's akimbo for EDC= low-test.
bin that knife right now scum!
Define "good reason"
Also, why can you get a FUCKING PENCIL confiscated in your country if the person doesn't have a "good enough reason for having it?"
Post your ass, I'm horny
To defend m'lady's honor!
I would never carry more than one knife.
Thats not a knife.
Help lads, i fear for my Britbong life.. I stole my SA80 bayonet knife after i left the TA 4 years ago
Holy crap not a swiss army knife!! Absolute madmen!
why the fuck would you ever want it to be camo that is fucking retarded
Clean and sharpen your knife.
t. /out/
You can get everything in camo.There are people who really like when everything they own from underwear to car and house is camouflage patterned.
Mate that thing looks like you dug it straight out the ground at least give it a bleach and sharpen.
I dunno I got myself one back when I was in the military and was desperate for a knife since my old one broke in half so I just bought this camo one they had for sale at the cantina. Has a big sharp blade that is all I need.
>he doesn't have a knife garden
Pull one up every day.
Never leaves me side. Very underrated seeming tho it is exceptionally good for slicing throats open. UK plug for verifaction
That bayonet is army standard issue (read: as cheap low quality as they can get away with). Good luck getting an actual edge on it.
Maybe i should give it a good clean.. she had a hard life opening mess tins
How any did you snap doing that?
>Britbongs have to resort to 9/11 specials to defend themselves.
get a loife, bin that knoife
>Vic Hunter Pro
Damn, I love their pocket knifes, but too bad it doesnt have a pocket clip
gay, buy yourself a cheap switchblade, youll be more happier, trust me
>implying you can defend yourself using that
Our self defence laws are full retard. IF you were to trip and fall on top of an uzi, then used that to pepper your attacker with bullets, that's completely legal. If you carry a big stick around for the purpose of self defence and then use it as such, you're probably going on a trip to see the magistrate.
>Britbongs can't bong operationally
knife bread
>britbongs will never get to experience this
Smokey Mountain Knife Works in Sevierville, TN. I can buy one today, no questions asked, if I wanted to
I just shpunked. God bless America
oioioi ye cheeky wanker, is that an unliscensed butterknife?
Reminds me that I need to go again. I haven't been in probably 6-7 years. I still carry a shitty S&W tactical folder I bought there for $5 on clearance.
That's legal here. Though curved swords aren't. I know, fucking madness.
is there any chance that they would allow real knives ?
i wanted to go to britain to work but after i realized that i can't even carry a knife i stopped thinking about working there
and remember no knaifu no laifu
What are the laws on homemade Orc swords ( fancy big shanks )
I don't think they need anymore of you lot in Britain.
You can carry a folding knife with a blade length of up to 3 inches with no questions asked (unless you stab someone with it). You can have other ones so long as they're for a so called "legitimate purpose" such as for work or gardening.
me too. I visited when I was still a resident of facachusetts, but clearly I wasn't able to bring anything back
Spotty. Depends on the specifics. Those specifics generally being whether or not some chav has stabbed someone with one recently and their mother has cried.
Mfw all these useless meme swords.
t. Hema instructor
Plastic toy, stop taking pictures of shit.
>3 inches
get over here poland!
say it's part of your religion and carry a sword where ever the faicku you please
Other than the obvious fantasy bullshit ones, there are a few that aren't completely shit (in design anyway. They're almost certainly not made to be able to take actually hitting anything without shattering).