are there people here that unironically worship this filthy kike?
Are there people here that unironically worship this filthy kike?
Other urls found in this thread:
>are there any people who
Fucking idiot.
spotted the kike worshiper
Only retards. I can see why someone would argue for the necessity of some sort of belief system (look how degenerate it the west has become as it's became more atheistic), but only retards would take any of that shit literally or seriously.
Verily Sir. Enjoy your hell fire......Yah will not be mocked....
you seem to know alot about jewish mythology.
what kind of jew demons are down there?
modern Jews are khazars
64% of azhkenazi levites are r1a
A bunch of turks mixed with slavs larping as jews.
jewish scientists determined how the average britbong will lok like in 2050 and it's beautifull
and how that changes the fact that you worship a sandnigger semite..?
Unfortunately, yes. You'd think a board like Sup Forums would be free from jewry.
Hey look,its another edgy pagan faggot making the same thread for the billionth time
You posted a picture of my Lebanese friend's dad. Here is a picture of the saviour
pagan? what the fuck is a pagan? you dumb kike worshipers invent new strawmans everyday lmao
its amazing how even the fake hoax photo has a kike nose lmao
What are you then?
Hell is obliteration of the soul by the lake of fire. It is impossible to have an experience of hell, which is the eternity of oblivion after complete destruction. Christian hell is Buddhist heaven.
I can tell you for sure that I don't worship any sandnigger. Why are you worshiping sandniggers?
is that from a poem?
Oh it's a fake? What was the pigment the forger used then?
I just composed it and no
I was gonna tell you that science debunked that fake photo years ago.. but considering you are a dumb kike worshiper that believes 3000 year old poems written by kike shepherds you are obviously too dumb to believe in science
You ignorant fuck, kikes are called kikes BECAUSE of their hatred for Christ.
pic related
>hides flag
>only uses insults are "arguments"
>le sand kike le juws
>won't even tell his beliefs while anonymously mocking other for their beliefs
You sound just like those raving feminist leftist,that just like you,hate anything about Christians
>hurr durr
>that nigger hates other niggers
>therefore he is not a nigger!!
christard logic, everyone
>tell you my beliefs
my beliefs about what?
>basing someone's face off other people's skulls
Huh but you didn't answer my question faggot
we are so lucky we have christianity to keep our society away from degeneracy
What do you personal believe in?
Are you a atheist? Pagan? Buddhist
You obviously have strong feelings for Christianity, so probably a Jew or a Muslim
Which is it then?
I don't get your question. My personal belief in what? What subject are you referring to?
damn, we are so lucky we have christianity to uncuck us right guys?
>makes a thread about religion
>asked what he personally believes in
>lol wut?
Keep acting stupid m8,I'm not taking any more of your bait,troll.
>makes thread about religion
are you blind? I made a thread about a kike called Yeshua, I don't care about religions
Show your flag.
guys did you know that all ancient religions are all fake and stupid?
All except the Hebrew religion ofcourse, Hebrew people are the only people that were blessed by the divinity of g-d. Dumb europeans were shitting on streets worshiping gay animals while the superior Hebrews were worshiping the True Lord
Does it really matter what Jesus looked like?
why are European people so dumb? they were worshiping stupid gay gods and lived in degeneracy
it wasn't until the Superior Hebrews came and enlightened Europeans into civilization
>not knowing that the true limit if human potential can only be reached through religion
>not believing in the idea of god as a tool to better one's self
I agree bro. The only possible way of achieving greatness is through the teachings of Hebrew people
I will laugh at you from heaven as you burn eternally, op.
TIL Lindy Beige is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
I bet you have Israel flag.
He's a troll from reddit trying to be annoying user,don't give him attention
how so? I am saying good things about our Hebrew Lord Yeshua Christ, don't you also like him?
Jew hated Jesus, and many still do. He was a threat to them and thats why people who follow Jesus are not called jewss.. Also it was a Roman who spread the religion throughout Europe, mixing it with a lot of the local Pagan traditions.
Maybe chill from the varg vids eh?
I simply cannot believe that its 2017 years after the birth of our lord Yeshua Christ, and people still deny his divinity. Its almost as if they never even read the ancient Judaic texts that specifically confirm his divinity. I swear to Yahweh, if I wasn't living in this athiest ruled society today I would go all deus vault on these heathens
That picture depicts an average male in those times and places. And "scientists" have the guts to say that this how Jesus looked like. WTF?
Yet you were grubbing around shtetls while we explored the world and invented Western civilization. How do you account for that? Must be that spirit counts as well as intelligence.
No, that would be idolatry. This will go right over your head.
Nice facebook filename dumbshit.
the only reason Europeans were able to explore the world was because they were enlightened by Hebrew people. If it wasn't for Hebrew people Europeans will still be uncivilized degenerates worshiping some bearded guy with a flower pot on his head lmao
This is how Jesus actually looked like.
Hebrew people basically created Western Civilization. Before the Holy Jews brought their message of the Lord to us, Europe was a backwards and uncivilized place
Nice (((histroy chanel))) meme faggot
Your jewstar is showing
I say bad things about a Jew and I am a Jew.. I say good things about Jews I am still a Jew...
no matter what I say you will still call me a Jew
Did Jesus or did he not open the previously jew only kingdom of yhwh to the entire world? It's a yes/no question, please don't waste both our times answering with anything else.
Not me, brother!
The one true word is the Dharma, handed down by the Aryan Buddha, and propagated by the Sangha (which is not jewish).
Daily reminder that current Jews are of the synagogue of satan and were called out by Christ 2000 years ago
this. if a jew hates another jew he is automatically an honorary Aryan
if it was wrapped around his face, the image wouldn't look like a painting.
>and how *does that changes the fact
You monkeys even into English anymore?
christcucks get the rope too.
He wasnt a jew. Thats a jew meme. You kikestan faggots need the gas.
>Scientists have discovered what the average kraut looks like now
I always forget what he was, which Semitic tribe he belonged again?
show your flag shill
When Jesus rose from dead there was a flash of energy which produced an X-ray like image on that cloth.
I don't get it , I agree with you and you still call me a shill?
I don't know how many times you faggots have to make these sage ass threads, but you're a fucking idiot. 1.) The religion you talk of isn't JUDAISM. Judaism refers to the people of the tribe of JUDAH. Yes, Jesus was from that tribe. You are talking about HEBREWS which were religious people who PRACTICED the old ways of sacrifice, but adopted a WORLDLY book of law (TALMUD). 2.) Christ was THE CHRISTIAN. This is why Jews hated Christ and had him crucified. They did not believe that Christ, even though he preformed MANY miracles with his time on Earth, was the messiah.
You genuinely need someone who knows the true translation (KJV) to speak to you about it. I get you're trolling and looking for (yous), but you need to look inward, because you know what is wrote in the bible is true.
>Implying the Jews are semites
Well I guess if the jews say it it must be true.
Fucking nufags
wait a minute.. if Yeshua was Christian does that mean he worshiped himself?
if jews aren't semites what are they?
Jesus spoke Aramaic.
Nigga read your own posts You can't call Christ a nigger/ burst out in retarded sophisms while getting offended for being called out as a shill.
Why don't you show your flag?
They're Edomites.
Why are you talking to issues you clearly know nothing about?
Watched a couple evalion videos and now you're the expert on everything jewish.
I didn't know thats why I asked you...I always forget that Yeshua was from the semitic tribe of Edom
Fucking idiot.
If I believe in God, but don't recognize Jesus as a messiah, what does that make me?
"You don't know what you're worshiping. We Jews know what we're worshiping, because salvation comes from the Jews. " John 4:22
Christ was the son of God, but also the son of man. He is the messiah that was prophesied in the old testament. No, he did not worship himself because he worshipped God himself. God transcends all human logic and reasoning. Same thing was said by Christ at the Lord's supper. He spoke to the disciples and told them he would leave them, but that he would leave behind a part of himself, the comforter, also known as the third piece of the God head; the father, the son, and the holy spirit.
Yes you disgusting frog worshipping heathen. May god have mercy on your soul
fake and gay faggot gas yourself kike
The only way that you are saved is by Grace through faith in Christ. If you profess yourself to Christ and repent of your sins you will be saved. If not, then you will likely face tribulation, and you would not want to live through this.
dude wtf, don't say bad words about Jews. Yahweh will get mad if you insult his chosen children
Jesus Christ, speaking to the Pharisees in the Gospel of St. John, 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. - then answered the Jews -- "
ok let me explain to you how this is gonna work, I am a published author on this topic, I am going to so thoroughly BTFO you you will prob just stop posting altogether on this thread from shame, let me know when you are ready
Do not let the jews and their agents fill your heads with talmudic memes and anti-christ doctrine.
Jesus was not a jew.
The Jews are the anti-christ
>believing that worshiping a jew is better than worshipping our original deities and practicing native religions
You are a liar and thief.
Just as I expected, all the retards retreated to their holes, no one has the guts to argue with me. Just so you know, I am extensively well read In the Torah, New testament and all the apocrypha texts. I also memorized all the Chronicles from the Old testament in the original Hebrew. I would like to see an """"educated"""" atheist try to argue with me
First let’s explore the history of these secret societies. I graduated from Mercer University which is a private Baptist University so although I have never been a practicing Christian I am a bit of a scholar on the history and politics of Christianity, meaning I have studied it quite extensively from an academic point of view as I find not just history itself fascinating but the history of Christianity in particular and as a Buddhist recognize Christ as a Boddhisattva. In fact I would like to share one of my favorite Buddhist parables that perfectly describe Christ to Buddhists.
It is said that soon after his enlightenment the Buddha passed a man on the road who was struck by the Buddha’s extraordinary radiance and peaceful presence. The man stopped and asked, “My friend what are you? Are you a celestial being or a god?”
“No” said the Buddha.
“Well then are you some kind of magician or wizard?”
Again the Buddha answered, “No.”
“Are you a man?”
“Well my friend, then what are you?” The Buddha replied, “I am awake.”
Buddhists view Jesus with reverence and veneration as a Lama or Guru. I don’t want to go beyond the scope of this book by delving into the history of the Old Testament, or what the Jews refer to as the Torah, but I do want to mention the Kabbala and its significance. I am not sure how educated my readers are on the history of Christianity, but some of you might possibly have heard of the Gnostic Gospels (I actually wrote a paper on these Gospels in college). These ”lost” Gospels were discovered in a cave in 1945 in the Egyptian City of Nag Hammadi. They contain among others, the Gospel of Judas, The Gospel of Mary, and even the Gospel of Jesus. It is believed that these Gospels were not made part of the Canon by the Council of Nicea because of their heretical nature.
The Gnostics were a sect of Christians labeled as heretics and ruthlessly hunted down and slaughtered by their contemporaries because they were trying to incorporate an ancient tradition of possessing hidden and secret knowledge needed in order to obtain salvation rather than receiving salvation through Christ. You can interpret this as a cultural phenomenon that was done keeping in line with tradition or you can interpret it as a group of deposed wannabe elites trying to create a new gravy train elite class in this rapidly expanding religion that was toppling the ancient power structures, old religions and ruling classes of the time. The goal is to always have a group of people with secret knowledge, where you can only gain “salvation” through them. Christ destroyed this ancient model of a privileged class, allowing them a way to gain salvation through him free of charge.
"The highest development was in the Egyptian and Cabalistic systems, and it was blended with Christian thought in the schools of the Neo-Platonists and the Gnostics...Its studies were only kept alive during the Dark Ages among the Jews who were the chief exponents of its Cabalistic aspect...and it is still alive today." (Fraternity of inner Light, Dion Fortune)
Regardless of what you believe to be the motivation behind the Gnostic movement, I only mention it in order to draw parallels to the Kabala, Judaism and the ancient religions preceding it that were institutionalized forms of control. If you are a Christian then you are free to interpret this as you wish, however it is common knowledge amongst historians that this is a common characteristic among ancient religions. I minored in Anthropology and studied Latin American cultures to see many examples in the priestly classes of Native American cultures, since they were discovered at such a relatively late period of time comparatively they were able to be documented and studied objectively by outside observers to this day.
If religion is the opiate of the masses and the true believers have their book of knowledge and instructions, then in order for there to be a ruling elite to exploit them they also need their own book of knowledge and instructions. For Judaism this is known as Kabbala, which offers an occult explanation of the revelations of the prophets and history of the Israelites. Below is an excerpt from A Program for the Jews and Humanity by Rabbi Harry Waton, which I have quoted from several times already.
"There never was a time when any Jew believed that Jehovah spoke to Moses or to the Prophets in any other sense than we believe today that God - that is, existence - reveals himself through the minds of a Spinoza, a Hegel, a Marx, an Einstein and the like." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, p. 217)
"His (God's) intention will be realized through bloody struggles, wars and revolutions; the present social order will be destroyed together with all institutions that are bound up with the present social order. State capitalism and fascism will take the place of the present social order." (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Harry Waton, p. 225).
in this moment I am euphoric. Not because of any phony science, but because I am enlightened by my faith to the true master of the universe, Lord Yahweh, protector of Yisrael and the twelve tribes
As a Buddhist I am also intimately familiar with the teachings and doctrine of the Dhammapada, which is the complete opposite of organized religions in this respect. There is no organized structure or clergy/ruling elite, or secret knowledge or ceremonies. In fact the entire premise of Buddhism is built on universal egalitarian principles and self discovery of truth. The reason I mention this is because during Christ’s so called “missing years” it is my belief he was in the East where he learned of Buddhist philosophy and principles which in his time were already over 500 years old and he incorporated those principles into his teachings which are in the New Testament. I also wrote a paper on this in College. There are many very similar parables in The New Testament that are in the Dhammapada and the very use of parables as a teaching style seems to indicate this. I later found writers of a similar mind while researching this book.