Anonymous Declares War on Neo-Nazi White Supremacists

Be afraid Sup Forums. Be VERY afraid.

>The Anonymous hacktivist collective has declared the launch of a new operation against white supremacists and the alt-right right following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia in a video.

>In a six-minute video posted on YouTube Tuesday, a narrator speaks over footage of violence at the Charlottesville alt-right protest on Saturday, in which anti-racism activist Heather Heyer was killed.

>“Citizens of the world, we are anonymous, and we are angry. Anonymous finds it a sad state of affairs that in 2017 we still have Nazi party flags flying high and terrorists killing for the Nazi cause,” the narrator says.

Other urls found in this thread:


Checked. Archived it:

>newsweek com/anonymous-declares-war-alt-right-new-video-650980


*breathes in*


I've always found it fucking stupid that a group of people have called themselves "Anonymous" and then pretend they speak and act for everyone on Sup Forums.

So Antifa is converting into Anonymous?


The real Anonymous died a decade ago. These are just retarded as fuck LARPers.

Anonymous Jews

Who? Isn't the new anonymous run by FBI?


literally just SJW'S hijacking the movement

O-oh no

Oh no!
Not Anonymous!

according to these digits /thread

Oooh shit guys what do we do? what do we do?! we are fucked I tell you, FUCKED!!

No wait...

>literally just SJW'S hijacking the movement

Yep. The entire point of Anonymous was that we did shit for the lulz. And I say we because the entire fucking point is that Anonymous was an amorphous blob of random people engaging in ridiculous tomfoolery and bullshit. It was never a leet hacking team of SWAT katz. It proves the old adage that a few retards will always end up missing the point of the joke and take it seriously true. If you were here, posting without a tripcode, back in the day then you were part of Anonymous.

What did we mean by this?

this is the most cuck fail attempt at reverse psychology psyops ive ever seen. go kys idiot.


It's OK CIA!

Oh no, not anonymous. I hear he has connections to that notorious hacker Sup Forums.


once they started making messages about political video 'threats' i knew they were infiltrated by the government

Faggots that downloaded Kali and Low Orbit Ion Cannon and think they are 'le ep1c l33t hack0rz'



? Well that's an obvious lie. Who do you think has been dropping truth bombs and trolling people for years? If anything they'd go for antifags and chimp lives matter but wouldn't since it wouldn't be fun trolling the mentally disabled. Also, nice self bumps. Sage

Dude this it's us too, get a clue.

I read online that all the oldfags went to reddit so this makes sense

Oh no, not Sup Forums! They are terrorists who explode vans


>wears a mask
>wants to bash fascists
So, just AntiFa with a different name. Who gives a shit?


eric gets his lockup

>I read online that all the oldfags went to reddit

You'd have to be legitimately retarded to think this. I assume Reddit is your source? Faggot.

>Unironically believes Anonymous is a hacktivist elite group
>Cites (((Newsweek)))
>1 post by this ID
>Nazi flag
Thread discarded and saged. Fuck off, Antifa shill.

that, and LARPing squeakers on youtube


Don't drag Ron's name through this, please.

>Anonymous isn't really us Nazis

LARPing level: 1000

Oh no. The worlds most popular group of scrip kiddies declares war on us. Whatever shall we do...

Who's doing what in there where now?

Classic Sup Forums.


Actually yes I think I did read that on reddit a few years ago. They like to say the oldfags "grew up," and ascended to leftism.

Who the fuck speaks out on behalf of this dead movement? Like is there a king anonymous or something

>we are still here
LulzSec remnants, but yes most of our network works for the CIA, gov, or is jail

>implying that OP is Antifa

Oh no, not the group that anyone can claim to be a part of.

Will they list Ben Garrison and all his nicknames again?

It's obviously for online prestige which is the definition of irony.

AHAHAHA "Anonymous". Those were good times. Guess it's not for lulz anymore eh ?

>implying anonymous aren't mostly /ourguy/s

>They like to say the oldfags "grew up," and ascended to leftism.

They would like to think that, wouldn't they. The only reason I am on Sup Forums is because it has some of the anarchic energy that old Sup Forums once had. I certainly didn't "grow up". Any oldfags or c. 2007 newfags that are still on Sup Forums have either hardened as a result of all of the political bullshit over the past decade or given up entirely and just go on smaller boards.


>10 nazi flags at one city
>America has been taken over by da ebul knotsies!
I'm getting the feeling they would orgasm if nazis did take over america, it's like they want it to happen

>"Anonymous" moralfags pretending they are still relevant

Fucking suck a dick. Anonymous has been nothing but larping libtards after it hit mainstream. Initially it referred itself as the internet hate machine and come up with memes such as pools closed, habbo raids and countless nigger threads. But as with everything fun, the left eventually wanted to take part of it, and subsequently turned it into a wasteland.

They are fucking retards who co-oped anonymous from us they aren't from here.

>Anonymous finds it a sad state of affairs [...] Nazi party flags
>and terrorists killing for the Nazi cause
I came in 2009 but Sup Forums was just as nazi as we are now back then.

anonymous my ass. fucking guy fawkes bullshit

The lefts biggest fetish is being a superhero. No wonder why these fucks all watch Marvel movies and cartoons. They want nothing more than an attempted right wing takeover so they can save the day

They have always been.

>anti-racism activist Heather Heyer was killed.



So much cringe in that video. Please make it stop.

>terrorists killing for the Nazi cause
LOL who talks like this. It's as if it was written by some kike intern at the SPLC.

Stupid fat mexican

You realize anonymous has been disbanded and/or absorbed by multiple agencies, right?
Get your shit together. Sage.

>Anonymous Declares War on Neo-Nazis White Supremacists
ANONYMOUS HERE. Ask me anything

antifa becomes anonymous that becomes synonymous with being antonymous?

what's "moot" and why is it dangerous?

Quads confirm. Anonymous died back during the Scientology protests. Anyone with any real competence either left or got hired as infosec.

god this is so gay. Sup Forums was a mistake.

He works for Google. He has always worked for Google.

most people grow up to be conservative though? I had an edgy anarchist stage at 14 which changed to ancap then ron paul libertarianism and then apathy for a while till trump

the only times i see "anonymous" now is shitty fb posts about how cancer is cured by weed and big pharma is hiding it

seuss pls go

>Scientology protests

Chanology was a fucking mistake. As soon as Sup Forums became politicised the dream was dead. Anyone still here is just a bitter, depressed wreck.

So cringey my face is red xddd


I like how it shows you an example of a vehicle *sarcastic female nigger sounds*

oh no im shaking in my boots

fuck this larp shit. those fags aren't representative of Sup Forums, Sup Forums or anything

and old meme for an old cause....cheers faggot

>most people grow up to be conservative though?
True; it's just leftists wishing they had a future because everything they do fucks it up.

Anonymouse died when Sup Forums stopped raiding people circa 2007 - 2008

No one gives a fuck about the hacker known as Sup Forums now. He's a paper tiger.

>irrelevant script kiddies declare war on weaponized autism
Nigga you gonna make me hyperventilate with talk like that

SJW's keep hijacking Anonymous from a free speech movement into moral fagging why am i not surprised.

Please rephrase in the form of a question. Such as
>Why would anyone work for Google?


Doing the Lord's good work norbot

the first anonymous never existed lmao, take your nostalgia goggles off retard

They're not anonymous lol, why the fuck would any cuck like that video obvious shill.

>and I still made Newsweek?
And rekt

Why does google need a php programmer?



>anonymous used to use the word nigger like it was nothing
>now they're a bunch of cucks

You mean, anonymous not Sup Forums right.

Uhh... They realize we're Sup Forums right? They shut down websites, we memed a fucking president into office with pictures of fucking cartoon frogs.

Do they really wanna ride this train?

Is anonymous still working? I thought it was dead.

>anti-racism activist Heather Heyer
you misspelled fat nigger loving whore

It doesn't. It needs a (((community manager))) That's what Google calls you. A community. KEK

And you weren't a bitter depressed wreck before?

so Anonymous is the ALT LEFT and may be funded by the same people that started ISIS
Got it