Gay White Nationalist General - /polgb/

This thread is for all Gay/Bi white nationalists.
No mentally ill trannies allowed!

>daily reminder that Ernst Röhm, leader of the SA and proud homosexual was so "close" to Hitler he called him "Adi" (his nickname, used by no one else)
>daily reminder that homosexuality is the last stand of implicit white identity
>daily reminder only ackbars and other sub humans kill gays
>daily reminder god made homosexuality appear in every species
>daily reminder monogamy is still best even if you're gay
>daily reminder that Milo is a degenerate Jew coal burner
>daily reminder The Spartans, one of the greatest warrior cultures of all time was 100% gay
>daily reminder it's illogical to hate gays
>daily reminder that most gays are just normal people and the only ones you notice are the faggy hedonistic attention whores
>daily reminder there is literally nothing wrong with gays in society if they are presentable and keep their sexual relations private
>daily reminder if you haven't read The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams you have been fooled by the Juden and can't call yourself redpilled

>inb4 gays can't be white nationalists because they don't reproduce
oh you mean like how Hitler reproduced?
>inb4 but the nazis sent u 2 da campz!!
literally not allowed to make this argument until you read The Pink Swastika
Read the ultimate redpill here:

This thread is for white nationalist gay/bi Aryans and people who wan't to discuss related topics. This thread is not for butthurt stormweanies who have a limited understanding of national socialism.

Other urls found in this thread:''

Genetic Evidence of Homosexuality:

Straight males carry gay genes:

Fecundity increases in female relatives of male homosexuals:

Scientists find DNA differences between gay men and their straight twin brothers:

Female relatives of gay men have 1.3x as many children:

Androgen receptor gene linked to XQ28

The benefits of gay marriage:

Does conversion therapy work:

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Is being gay a mental illness?

HIV information:

White gays experience a dramatic decline in new HIV infections:

HIV infection rate in the US falls by a third in a decade''

UK HIV decrease:

AU HIV decease:

Businesses cannot be coerced into producing anti-gay messages:

>tfw my bf redpilled me on the JQ and showed me Sup Forums

Hitler is daddy af

Daily reminder that trannies are just regular gays who got fooled by the jews

>inb4 gays can't be white nationalists because they don't reproduce
Artificial wombs are the solution to this.

This has to be a fucking joke

>tfw no redpilled bf
life is suffering faggots

Rohm did nothing wrong

You'll be cleansed, degenerate.

as a straight guy id rather have the clean, cultured gays on my side over somalis and cucks.
op dont be a faggot and make this a daily thing, good sourcing

Fucking this
Anyone who reads the non-jewish history can tell that Hitler had Rohm killed to appease the (((business oligarchs))) and consolidate power

>as a straight guy id rather have the clean, cultured gays on my side over somalis and cucks
I'd rather have neither.

Go get raped Swedecuck because you h

hang yourself you utter faggot

This pic seems a little gay

>op dont be a faggot and make this a daily thing
I have to keep this up until every White Nationalist is has read The Pink Swastika


You know you fucking degenerate faggots are going to be hung and bogged when the day comes?
You fucking dirty hedonistic, degenerate fucking scum.
The only reason a self-serving faggot would want to be a Nationalist of any sort is to avoid the inevitable lynching that comes when we take power.

Name 1 (one) good reason gays don't belong in a fascistic society

>implying we can't be monogamous
>implying we can't further the cause
>implying we can't be humble and non-hedonistic

Gays are yasss queen whores because that's what the Jews want them to be like
The jews know homosexuality is deeply tied to fascism and you feel for their bait


You contribute nothing but disease and degeneracy, you spit in the face of the Universal Truths by insulting the traditional family unit, your nation, ethnicity and race.

A faggot can not be a Fascist, a faggot is an untermensch and deserves nothing but the bog.

Back to leftypol you degenerate fucks

didn't even read the thread
what a faggot

they spread STD's and have a higher chance of being a pedophile.

>jews know homosexuality is deeply tied to fascism

You're a fucking idiot. What the fuck are you even talking about, you just made it abundantly clear you're a leftist shill.

Can't wait for the day of the rope, faggot.

>You contribute nothing but disease and degeneracy
HIV was spread by the jews. Redpilled gays are monogamous and don't spread degeneracy and keep their relations private. They just want to act and be treated like everyone else.
>A faggot can not be a Fascist
Do I need to post a list of prominent gay fascists?
>deserves nothing but the bog.
how Christian of you, Hitler would be proud

Listen to Common Filth.

Read this:

And repent your fucking sins you filthy scumbag. I hope you die slowly.

>they spread STD's and have a higher chance of being a pedophile.
Gay STD rates are going down, and really only exist because the jews have pushed hedonism on gays so hard

Go on Ironmarch and tell them why you can be a faggot and a Fascist simultaneously

>What the fuck are you even talking about
Read the Pink Swastika you fucking mong

Quit talking like you're fit for the SS basement fatty.
I'm actually on the street going to alt-right rallys while you probably larp all day and accuse Spencer of being CIA

>Hitler was gay
Let me guess, he also had one testacle, was half jewish and was addicted to coke, right?



I'll read it after you read this. You're defying your Fascist worldview by being a faggot, Fascism is adherence to the truth - the laws of Nature.

Resisting to hedonistic temptations by being a faggot is defying truth, you're not a Fascist. You're a degenerate.

>Hitler was gay
Never said that
Some of his best comrades were gay though

>Fascism is adherence to the truth - the laws of Nature.
100% agree
Did you know that homosexuality can be found in pretty much every species of mammal?
Why would God make us gay if it wasn't part of the natural order of things some how?


Pick one. Ahahah so you're American then. You claim to be NatSoc but support the Alt-right?
The Alt-Right is a cancer, you really need to educate yourself.

The Alt-Right might accept you faggots but any real Fascist doesn't. Go read some more.
And I'm really out here doing bits, have fun with your big-tent movements you fucking faggot, you're achieving fuck all.

>being gay automatically makes you a hedonist
Get a load of this guy

>pic related

you homosexuals need to dress appropriately, have a personality, and not be fucking creeps. or you're going to the camps.

Read the fucking article you pleb.

>jewish shill hates the alt-right
why am i not surprised
I bet you shill Richard Spencer threads telling people he's a gay commie or something
>yes goy the alt-right is bad don't ever fight for your right to exist publicly just keep larping as nazis on the internet
I'm out here on the streets spreading fascism while you sit in your basement all day starting D&C threads

WTF I love Stalinism and USSR now.

>you homosexuals need to dress appropriately, have a personality, and not be fucking creeps

I believe homosexuality is nature's failsafe for overpopulation. You faggots should speed up the process and kys.

>In 1933 the Soviet government, under Joseph Stalin, recriminalised homosexuality. On March 7, 1934, Article 121 was added to the criminal code, for the entire Soviet Union, that expressly prohibited only male homosexuality, with up to five years of hard labor in prison. There were no criminal statutes regarding lesbianism. During the Soviet regime, Western observers believed that between 800 and 1,000 men were imprisoned each year under Article 121.
>More recently, a third possible reason for the anti-gay law has emerged from declassified Soviet documents and transcripts. Beyond expressed fears of a vast "counterrevolutionary" or fascist homosexual conspiracy, there were several high profile arrests of Russian men accused of being pederasts. In 1933, 130 men "were accused of being 'pederasts' – adult males who have sex with boys. Since no records of men having sex with boys at that time are available, it is possible this term was used broadly and crudely to label homosexuality." Whatever the precise reason, homosexuality remained a serious criminal offense until it was repealed in 1993.

really boils my potatoes

Fuck off faggots. You will burn in hell for your sins.

Why doesn't it read?

You'll find all my reasoning in the rightful resources.
The Alt-Right is a directionless big tent movement that accepts faggotry and degeneracy. They support democracy and all they want is an all-white bath house.
You are an abomination.

I'm a member of a Nationalist organisation and we do our own things, I'm really out here.

You wouldn't know what Fascism was if it hit you in the face, go to IRONMARCH and tell them why you can be a faggot and a fascist at the same time like I've asked. You fucking degenerate.

Even the USSR knew that the LGBT was a degenerate thing build by (((them))).

>nature's failsafe for overpopulation
Then why does it occur naturally in normal sized population of virtually every red blooded species
What did God mean by this?


Cannibalism also occurs within 1500 species, should we start eating eachother??

You do you, Goy.

What is more important is Gas the Kikes - Race war now!

i think we can make this work, then.

>trying this hard to fit in with normal national socialists
I'd still kill every last one of you if it were legal to do so. There's absolutely nothing normal with faggotry. It always baffles me how some can be so close to the truth on matters of race and state, yet fail the most basic of biological principles. Failures of men.

You are a broken organism.

Everybody already knows that Sup Forums is a gay board

Gay nigger shills must be in full force today

In the camps you go.

Heil Hitler, just stay away from degeneracy in the form of niggers brother. There is nothing wrong with sleeping with a fellow Aryan male as like you say the Spartans also took males for lovers.

>puts all the gay people into a camp
Hey that sounds pretty gay.


Enough time to mass execute all of you degenerate faggots.

this is a good thread


>Why doesn't it read?
going to go through D&C article and disprove every point you dumb nigger

>Faggotry did exist throughout history, but it only became a prevalent social ill in the last century.
disproved by an elementary understanding of Greek or Roman history

>as it only strongly affects western societies that are in their demographic decline
Explain the Spartans then nigger. You have to use sources and can't just say muh jewish narrative

>However the point of this concept is still that fags can’t reproduce and must die,
oh wow just like how Hitler reproduced huh? he didn't help spread white nationalism at all

>Lesbianism, on the other hand, is always psychological and is thus nothing more than female promiscuity.
probably accurate.

>In this sense, psychology is very useful for us, and Freudian psychoanalysis along with some other schools of psychology stand out
nigga did you really just use an article that uses the logic of that jew kike Freud? how bluepilled are you

>However, in the United States the American Psychiatric Association had to cave in to faggot pressure, as it experienced constant harassment and protests from the faggot movement for 3 years from 1970 to 1973 until the matter was put to a vote, with 58% voting for declassifying homosexuality as a mental disorder
yea because scientists never learn more about us and update their knowledge. You probably think the earth is the center of the universe too.

>The third source of homosexual behavior is – simply put – perversion, which is simply behavior dictated by pure self-interest and narcissism, with hedonism taking center stage
Literally spread by the jews. Gay != hedonist

> Faggotry as perversion has nothing to do with love or attraction to this or that sex.
Wow fuck you how would you even know this if you aren't gay. I can personally confirm this isn't true.



Those helmets look pretty phallic bro. You sure you're not gay? Even a little?

I wish USSR and Nazi Germany could have been allies during WW2, but apparently we fought the wrong side.

>no mentally ill trannies allowed
>sticks dick in poop

The faggot sees sex everywhere. What a surprise.


Agreed, Hitler should have kept the non-aggression pact with the USSR so that we could have destroyed Capitalism together

Whats this?



Maybe in the next war, side by side, hoping (((they))) will be crushed once for all.

I would fight with commies to the bitter end if it meant destroying (((them))) once and for all.

Eww the blonde looks like me

What is your opinion on interracial gay sex, I know its wrong for races to mix but if its gay sex theres no chance for children. Does this make it acceptable on logical grounds?

>2 autistic LARPers that will get nowhere with themselves or their meme movements
You know you're here, on the internet, forever. You'll amount to nothing.

But I suppose i'm checking in on this thread. I'm bi, thankfully, so I can have kids.

>interracial gay sex

Pic related.

>That’s why by and large, regardless of the roots of faggotry, it becomes a choice of either indulging in it or denying it – so it is always a choice.
You could literally say the same thing about marrying and having sex with an Aryan woman. You have a CHOICE you know? You don't have to have degenerate sex for pleasure. Should married straight Aryan couples only be allowed to have sex in the missionary position for the purpose of pro-creation? That appears to be what you're arguing.

> It is easy to fall from grace and it is hard to climb back up, but for the inferior there are no options.
So we should just kill them all right? Even the author of the shitty article admits at least some are born gay. Mass killing is communism 101, heaven forbid gays learn to operate as good fascists instead.

>Thus, we finally move to the real crux of the matter. The sociopolitical movement of fag acceptance and the Fag Agenda,
can't wait to hear about the agenda that was invented and pushed by the jews, that I'm fighting against
This whole section is basically explaining the degeneracy spread by the Jews to corrupt gays because they know of our fascistic, chauvinistic tendencies

>However, if we look back to the argument of a natural occurrence of homosexual behavior in animals, then in most cases animal homosexual interactions are not done for pleasure, save for some species (most prominent yet again being the Bonobos). In most cases, such acts are done as a show of dominance – meaning that those homosexual acts are instances of rape.
I like how this guy never uses any sources, and assumes consenting adults are raping each other.

Just remove ((Lenin)) from there and we're good.

That's twice as bad as being gay or race mixing.

>t. iceland incest baby

Speaking as a fascist who has had gay friends most of his life, I have to say that I'm disgusted with you supposed "natsocs" and fellow "fascists" who treat our (slightly different) brethren as you do. And that goes for not just the gays, but other races as well. If you were true National Socialists, you would respect the natural beauty and function that is innate in every being and in every race. Every time you are insulting to other races or sexualities, you make a new enemy out of a possible ally. And I don't just mean the person you insult; anyone who witnesses you behaving like that will immediately attribute your denseness and vileness to the ideology that you so vehemently tout.

BTW, saying "fascism is this extremely specific thing" is an incredibly stupid thing to say. It means you are merely an ideologue, destined for stagnation and festering regressiveness inside your own minds. The true Fascism is a fluid, pragmatic ideology with a few core pinciples to FASten society together.

The 2 greatest teachers in my life (not literally school teachers but friends and role models) taught me my first trade, sheltered me through my toughest times and were patient with me while I took the red pill journey, support and understand me in my implementation of fascism in life, supported me on a local political campaign, they fucking made me the man I am today. They gave me the confidence to be me, to not cave in to the bullshit system, to live as I choose and never give up on the potential I have.

You are NOT Fascists or Natsocs if you oppose the homosexuals among us who are decent men and wish to contribute to humanity's advancement. You are no better than neo-nazis; nothing more than a meme created by (((the people))) who you claim to despise so much, created in order to discredit a true Nationalist movement. And, as I stated earlier, you do indeed discredit us and drive potential support away.


Lol, naw. Not an incest baby, although I do have a malformed chest-bone or whatever, but I think that's unrelated.

>Go on Ironmarch
>BASED uzbek tells you to read Siege and subscribe to his Minecraft let's play channel
>convert to Islam
>murder your white roommates


I know this is pasta, but you're not a fascist.

>The animal argument is one of the most pathetic that gays can come up. It does nothing but further verify that they can only identify with their most base carnal desires, and would rather be animals than humans.
Yea I guess we should never do what animals do ever, even if it feels good. So forget straight sex, forget eating, forget drinking water.

>In many regards the situation can be paralleled with that of drug addicts – you can’t expect them to be loyal to anything but their desire for the next hit and whoever provides him with the means to achieve the next high. They have to choose to overcome their vice in order to become a Fascist/National-Socialist.
Yea every time you get hungry and eat you're just looking that next hit, that next high. We should definitely deny the way God made us, yes goy.

>What they identify as is an active pursuit of carnal pleasures, that is their prime concern as faggots, everything else is secondary or non-existent.
Like I said gay != hedonist. This guy is literally just making shit up like he's gay. I bet Ernst Rohm was only concerned with having gay sex too. That's why he worked his way up to leader of the SA I bet.

>If they identify with our struggle they expect to be left alone and thus allowed to continue in their behavior which will ultimately undermine anything that we strive for, hence why it cannot ever be allowed.
Yea dude we're just pretending wow such reason such logic. I like how he sites no sources on this and just states it as fact.

>One might argue that “even if we make it clear that it’s unacceptable the same thing would occur“, which is once again wrong, seeing how unacceptable and “keep it private” imply different consequences: check how USSR embodied the first and USA the latter, now see where faggotry is more widespread, modern USA or modern Russia.
It's more public because they jews have made it part of popular culture, but gay rates are the same in both countries.

>Advancing their narrative of their own superiority. You are being used you dumb fucks. You’re okay with their “private” activities today – tomorrow you’ll be forced to suck their cocks.
This is what basement larpers actually believe! LMAO

I literally just destroyed your precious article in 20 minutes.
But you won't respond, because you're a shill.

best NS thread i've seen on here for a while
good work OP, don't be put off by the haters

OK kid. Enjoy your feminine penis

>Leaf flag

Explains everything. A real national-socialist would be fucking ashamed from the cringe that there's in here.

Make yourselves useful and turn the kikes gay