>Unironically bearing a 70 year old nationalist flag of a nation that's not your own
Explain this.
>Unironically bearing a 70 year old nationalist flag of a nation that's not your own
Explain this.
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They're LARPers.
Approximately 70% of the people who unironically post with that flag are Feds.
The more you know.
I don't, we have our own.
>t-they're out to get me!!
sure lol ;)
>t-they're out to get me!!
Never said that, and frankly, I wouldn't care if they were. They've had almost 14 years now, and couldn't do it.
>implying my region hasn't been rightful nazi territory during the war
Elsass-Lothringen my friend.
you can admire the Aryan race regardless of what race you are.
I´m German, so it´s my flag. Sieg Heil!
I blame Rick and Morty
Neo nazis are retarded untermensch that adopt the symbol to be edgy and start fights. They want nothing more than to create turbulence to fight and act barbaric, their neither Nationalist, nor socialist, they're lawless thugs that'd wave any flag that would let them be violent and create problems for society.
As much as I like George Lincoln Rockwell, he fucked it by wearing the swastika and not promoting an American image. Meanwhile, America has embraced the Fasces since before Fascist Italy was a thought. It's in our senate, on our monuments, on our currency. It symbolizes America, undivided and unbreakable, and it's style lets it be easily associated with bald eagles, making it beautifully American.
Its the ideas and the ideology that matters. If we now start bickering about how old/new the flag we fly must be we never get anywhere.
Oy vey make sure to punch right, not punch left.
Look at what JewTube is censoring:
The actual design was intended as a refutation of communism. So it's more an anti communist flag than a nationalist one
Is it? I know the swastika has roots all over Europe in it's design and occurrences, making it a symbol of historical and traditional value, but I never knew it to be a counter to the communist.
nice flag, are you from rome?
you're either from reddit or baiting for (You)'s
most likely the latter
either way
fuck off retard
Yep. You can never truly tell who is a shill and who is not, might as well just assume they all are.
Deutschland isn't a place it is an idea faggot
The swastika is a symbol that came from vedic Aryan literature on the various ages of mankind. From the golden age to the decadent kali yuga. The swastika is a symbol of that cycle.
It doesn't belong to any nation.
OP is a massive faggot
Wake up from your massive faggot dream
>t. American with one German ancestor
Pr faggots are pathetic. GLR was killed by the cia for a reason, he was winning slowly but surely.
When a bully calls you a name, best way to win is to just embrace it. Goddamn right we're nazis.
It's the JIDF
Sneaky fuckers.
No, but I just explained why the Fasces has a long history of being an American symbol, it's usage symbolizing America undivided. It's an ancient symbol, and if I were to design a new one, I'd pay homage to it and Rome for it's contribution to Western society and philosophy, though I'd make it uniquely American.
the flag is the nazi flag. it literally means "nat soc" among other things... and I support it. Just because you support nat soc does not mean you want to kill all non whites. sure, would rather them to not be here but we can work something more humane out that does not result in their death.
Well not my bad there is not this flag on Sup Forums I would chose it if I could
One might think they would be smarter than to hand us that power. When a word strikes fear into the heart of your enemies you wield that weapon. Especially if it ain't true. So much the better.
The ensign of freedom belongs to all peoples.
> Fasces has a long history of being an American symbol
whys that? it originated in a foreign country, a long time ago
The full title is the German Natiomalist Socialist Workers' Party. Are you German?
It strikes fear into the heart of our enemy. Sort of bad PR but some believe there is no bad PR. Can be interpreted to advocate Socialism which is also stupid. But the strikes fear part should not be overlooked or discarded out of hand.
While true, too long for a libtard to comprehend. Remember, you are dealing with people with the attention span of a gnat. 140 characters or they go to sleep.
It's not the flag of a nation
it's the flag of a political movement which did nothing wrong
Using the flag of a dead German political party is pretty stupid to be honest. I'd rather we just created a flag for modern nationalism.
The commies do it as well though
stop being gay blood and honor faggot
Can we get some red-pills and angry face emojis on this Pozfest?
> FACEBERG >> /GlobalCalgary/videos/10155770069394679
1. It's the flag of the most controversial regime of modernity.
2. It triggers liberals, Jews, and seemingly you, like nothing else.
They think we can be shamed, for some reason.
You have half a point. The nazis were a German solution to a German problem. While their ideals are somewhat universal, how they actually coalesce in various different countries will almost certainly differ.
However moaning about people flying the flag because they align with said universal ideals because the nazis were German is retarded hair splitting.
The Fascists were Italian. Are you?
>1. It's the flag of the most controversial regime of modernity.
Excuse me?
The German flag during WW2 was this one, not the one you posted, OP.
The red flag with the Swastika was simply the flag of the ideology National Socialism, and therefore can easily be used by anyone who follow the doctrine and ideals.
>meme "country" that only autists on the internet have even heard about, let alone care about
Isn't that the ensign of the (ww2 era) kreigsmarine?
Hmms, seems that you're right. I fucked up :)
>expecting neo-Nazis to actually develop a fascist tradition of their own
>expecting neo-Nazis to actually be creative in any way, shape or form
What is it they say? Tip kuk?
It's not the flag of a nation anymore. Today, it's a symbol of the only resistance that stood up against the Jewish tyranny.
awwww mein fuhrer, melts my heart
>what is the CIA
Non-german self-identified nazis are pretty dumb. Just get your own identitarian ethnic nationalist movement
fake and gay
But if I don't use the Nazi flag, how will people know how edgy I am?
It makes lefties mad, like you
George Lincoln Rockwell was winning some ground so he was murdered. I listened to him turn a crowd of jeering callie faggots at the UCLA into a crowd that clapped and cheered for him.
He was a great orator and i genuinely believe the modern world would be different had he not been killed.
Don't confuse Neo-Nazis with actual National Socialists. The first is just a degenerate, while the latter is an idealist.