Classify people in politics using MBTI

I see MBTI threads on here all the time, but how would you classify notable people in politics or political commentary? For example, I would classify Jordan Peterson as an INFJ. Even though he is very verbal, he doesn't really seem like an extrovert, he's more subdued. Intuitive is a given. Although many would disagree with the feeler part, he very much is the counselor; he's oriented towards improving PEOPLE not systems, the latter would come second for him. The judger part is kind of obvious as well.
Others I've thought about:

Lauren Southern ESFP (not great at any type logical argument. Likes to get out there and experience things. Needs a cause.)

Millenial Woes INTP (Always seeking to be objective. Lots of his videos have moments where he's just debating himself on a subject.)

Donald Trump ESTP (nuff said)

Sargon of Akkad ENTP (obvious as well)

Varg Vikernes ISFP (Although known to pontificate, most of what he does is sensory activity. His interests are in music, and more recently survivalism. His "simple living" is his view of authenticity.)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kellyanne - ISFJ

Maxine Waters - NIGR

Stefan Molyneux seems ENxJ to me, leaning on ENFJ

agreed with Woes and Sargon, and Trump as ESTP is unquestionable.


I think trump is entj

Meyers Briggs Personality tests are pseudo-science.


Peterson is INFJ and has a desperate need for attention and dogmatic tendencies; He picks and choose from both Nietzsche and Jung and tires to push his Christian morality through proxies.

Interestingly, He doesn't like MBTI even though its based on Jungian typology.

Shit poster master race

Your mom is pseudo-science.

It's because MBTI has little predictive validity and its popular usage is delusional in how it tries to play up each personality as being special unlike the Big Five which acknowledges personality disorders and puts out clear messages such as conscientious people being superior to inconscientious people. Big5 also is designed specifically for predictive validity.

Extroversion and Neuroticism

Nah his mom his used as a control group of someone everyone slept with

I was thinking of Molyneux as an F. Even though he insists on being logical, he's not great at it. I'm not insulting him by saying that, I used to be a fan and recently lost interest. His call in shows and his theories on NAP and peaceful parenting make his feeling qualities overshadow his rhetorical abilities.

You sure got me, butthole flag.

oh lord what have i done

I agree it's not very scientific, personality tests are just for fun. At least for me.

(I agree on your analysis of Varg btw)
I fall somewhere in the INxx quadrant. It's more difficult to parse within, although by I think I can easily rule out INFP.

I'd also be inclined to rule out INTP by as I don't feel I have extroverted intuition and introverted sensing, even though I like the description given here for it So that leaves the INxJ's, and it's a lot more difficult to tell apart which is introverted/extroverted and secondary/tertiary between thinking and feeling.

Ok I'm pretty sure I'm INFJ.

the tests are indeed wonky, aside from the fact that they were conceived for preliminary (i.e. non-binding) mass testing in an industrial setting.

if anybody is serious about this stuff
> Carl Jung's volume 6 of the Collected Works
> anybody can read it fast, just skim over the boring and repetitive parts as Mr. J is kind of a redundant scatterbrain himself

he is an ESTJ
This article describes INFJ quite well, which is my type

>Meyers Briggs Personality tests are pseudo-science.
things like myers-briggs and enneagrams are less pseudoscience than the chinese zodiac.
the fact that mbti and enneagrams rely on self report doesn't make them "pseudoscientific" - self-report and self-identification are often a datapoint within scientific studies.
it's simply one form of typology, which may be arbitrary in where it draws the lines, but is still based in truth.

you are okay although kind of politically incorrect :P

there was an MBTI topic on Stormfront and most of them were INTJ, go figure "rare breed" indeed

Big 5 and MBTI correlate very well (except neuroticism which is not represented in MBTI)
that being said, Big 5 is not a TYPOLOGY oriented test as it does not sort people into TYPOLOGIES. as such, you can't compare them. i am sorry, you will have to repeat the semester.

I HATE ENNEGRAMS and "MBTI-oriented people" keep pushing them! which reminds me, be very wary of this kind of people on reddit/other forums as the vast majority of them are liberals, socialists or straight out communists (although they NEVER acknowledge it, they go on about "muh egality", "there exist an equal number of each type" etc)

Chinese Zodiac can be superimposed somewhat with educational/economic generations, just as standard Zodiac can be superimposed on when your parents were fucking... with spicy conclusions like serial killers being born in February, psychopaths in January, whores in July and August (check for studies about zodiac, criminality and eventually life outcome and personality)

Read Jung.

Lol typologies aren't that scientific, as in there hasn't been one with reliably reproducible results. However, unscienftifc doesn't mean wrong, MBTI or Enneagram are ways that someone can learn about themselves, but that's not really the point. MBTI was created for others to know you, but most people don't know themselves so self-reporting is flawed.

>myers-briggs and enneagrams are less pseudoscience than the chinese zodiac.
So, what the good people in this thread are arguing over, essentially, is how to pick up the clean end of a turd?

>self-report and self-identification
are to be trusted when talking about personality traits but not about penis size?
Anyone who has spent a fair amount of time on this board will know from the 10+ daily threads about "muh bbc" that some studies involving differences in racial penile dimensions were self reported and some were measured by doctors. Can you guess which study produced bigger numbers?

Humans can't be trusted to accurately self report penis sizes. What makes you think they can accurately self report personality traits?

> t. communist with muh agenda
where did I sat typologies were scientific? i said that MBTI correlates really well with Big 5 and correlation (as a statistical procedure) has nothing to do with the content of the test... although it confers validity to it ;)

i won't even correct the rest of the bullshit you are spewing

i didn't say self report was the only datapoint used in watertight scientific situations. it should always be compared against a more easily repeatable, measurable and falsifiable datapoint, but in case you missed the memo, MBTI isn't exactly seeing its greatest use within scientific studies these days, so the question of whether it's "pseudoscientific" or not is kind of a moot point.

sorry, was meant for

you guys realize all this shit is complete jew psychobabble right?


People like you are the reason why Pop-Science is worth shit;

Do you know who uses the big 5 ? Academics and social scientists.

Do you know who uses MBTI ? Fortune 500 Businesses

Big 5 is a mere reflection of how you describe yourself while MBTI actually has an underlying theory which is deep and insightful.

As keen observer and thinker, I would prefer Jungian typology of Big 5 anyday.

>Do you know who uses MBTI ? Fortune 500 Businesses
And it's not effective for them.

Loren and the Brittany girl both said they were INTJ in one of their podcasts.

I can sort of see it, but we only see them on camera.

If you're not saying they're scientific then what are you saying?

Any other ENTP anons? How does feel being the membrane between normie and autist?

ENTP's are the Kings of Autistism

Kek anymore videos of that guy? What is his name and are you sure he is ENTP? Yeah we are turbo autists, but maybe I am speaking for myself, but I can turn it off when I am around normies... unless I don't give a fuck about impressing them, then I turn it all the way up.

Sometimes its alright.
Sometimes its shit.

We are the most medicore type in terms of results really. We wont achieve much, but we may mildly annoy someone while they achieve something.

I don't know his name, humblekantian or something like that I believe. I'm not passing judgement, I'm a dirty INTP

Are there any political ENTJs? Apparently I'm one of those, so it'd be nice to see some examples of political equivalents.

Spot on. If we are lucky enough to find a career we enjoy I know we'd excel at it, but if not then I guess we are doomed to eternal underachieving

>political ENTJs
here let me google that for you

Beg for mercy, INTP here.

ENTP here. Former fedora, current libertarian (Not an ancap).

>tfw INTP too

I don't like this feel man

Read Evola, the OG Autist and come home to the Dark Side, brother.

can we have a happening pls?
ISTP here

Eh, wh*te people. U share intp with maybe not good but for sure powerful people and u feel bad cuz some of them dont have foreskin?

ISTP also reporting in

>The loss of my foreskin is what drives me on my quest

I think there should be main remainder for wh*te people to stop call slavic people white. The grand trickery behind this, really.