I see MBTI threads on here all the time, but how would you classify notable people in politics or political commentary? For example, I would classify Jordan Peterson as an INFJ. Even though he is very verbal, he doesn't really seem like an extrovert, he's more subdued. Intuitive is a given. Although many would disagree with the feeler part, he very much is the counselor; he's oriented towards improving PEOPLE not systems, the latter would come second for him. The judger part is kind of obvious as well.
Others I've thought about:
Lauren Southern ESFP (not great at any type logical argument. Likes to get out there and experience things. Needs a cause.)
Millenial Woes INTP (Always seeking to be objective. Lots of his videos have moments where he's just debating himself on a subject.)
Donald Trump ESTP (nuff said)
Sargon of Akkad ENTP (obvious as well)
Varg Vikernes ISFP (Although known to pontificate, most of what he does is sensory activity. His interests are in music, and more recently survivalism. His "simple living" is his view of authenticity.)