Hurricane Harvey "helpers"

Atleast donate $5. Oh wait this is America.

Other urls found in this thread:

dont h8 me cuz 8 aint me

>when cuckboy doesn't realize those on the right of the political spectrum are the largest givers to charity
Must feel bad being this stupid

Then why would I h8 you?

I've been poor my entire life. Not once have any of these charities ever helped me or given me any money. Once a flood went through and damaged buildings on my property. Guess what? I never received any money from any charity or government organization.

>Oh wait this is America
You mean the country that surpasses every other in giving to charity?

>Implying that I am implying that religious people are all on the right

I hope you learned a valuable lesson about owning flood insurance and/or not living on a floodplain, you gibsmedat cuck.

I live in Houston we're getting so much free shit. I haven't paid for food once since the storm I got a free hotel room even though I don't need it and I just signed up yesterday to get free money for "missed wages"

This charities are to help other rich people

The American population donates more to charity than any other population. More than any government aid even.

Lolno, the right just has lots of people who like tax breaks and use charities to shelter money and revenue streams.

A few people like Gates give more then everybody else combined, because they're actually interested in charity work rather then just using charity as a financial tool.

That's because most of the charities aren't for helping individuals whos property was destroyed by a hurricane. They just send supplies to shelters that take people in.

I'll drop $25 right now if you can post a link to a place you can promise will actually provide help. Where ever you say is good OP will get the cash.

Goverment hates private citizens doing their job better then they can

Don't these people have insurance policies? Why do they need my money?

Donate to a blue district why?

If we can selectively donate to the red voters that would be way better

>donating to charities


>Houston Strong
More like Houston Pissy. What a piece of shit.

I was listening to the Cajun Navy's line a day or so ago. Retards kept tying up their line with, "Hurrrrr, calling from New York to offer you our thoughts and prayers." Every time some retard offered their "thoughts and prayers" they were tying up the line for boaters trying to save people.

Atleast you have bragging rights instead of saying you prayed for a city.

Only the rich do.

Spacious transport vehicles capable of ferrying flood victims / rescue personnel arriving is a good thing.

I donated 50% of my earrings for 40 years. I have already paid for repair of the roads, loans to utility companies and public water works. The insurance companies can pay for their liabilities. What else is there? Oh, the loses of those who were uninsured? Yeah, that is why it is called a "tragedy" for that there is REAL charity not some virtue signaled donation that gets strip mined by fraudulent "charities".

>5 dollars
>1 goes to google
>1 goes to internet streamer tranny drugs
>1 goes to shipping
>1.90 goes to charity to advertise more
>.10 cents goes to buy water on site that is price gouged to 500 dollars a bottle


If they don't have homeowner's insurance, then they're either renting or own their homes outright.

>House gets flooded because lake Houston got fucked
>have flood insurance
Feels good man.

yfw the flood company suddenly goes bankrupt and don't pay out because SO many people have flood insurance to be paid out

>Helping idiots who built their houses under sea level to rebuild their houses under sea level
And the cycle continues
I wish I had facebook so I could add a filter to my picture.

Americans donate more to every crisis than anyone else on the planet you massive fucking faglord.

Get bent.

Every cent matters

>be safe part of houston
>mom tells me she is going to donate
>"those poor people lost everything! they dont even have underwear!"
>i put together about 20 shirts, including old work shirts from my old jobs
>she gets some of my brothers' clothes
>we total 2 bags worth of clothes
>this was 2 days ago
>she went to the mall and denny's yesterday, girls night out
>2 big bag of clothes still in the living room
what is wrong with women. i am a neet in my 20s so i cant drive. is it too late to donate?

>Get bent

I don't know who is a faggot now.

And this thread isn't about how much money donated.

Bless your stupid little heart

I saw Trump hand people a box labeled Red Cross so I donated to them

team rubicon

I can relate to them since I live in SF and have no insurance. And honestly I rather do this than live in the middle of the U.S

I hope it helps them out. I didn't do Red Cross, because I have heard about misused funds from them before.

No it's Houston, Spics and Niggers.

>i am a neet in my 20s so i cant drive

Wow user, I am really proud of you. Thank you.

Conservatives and republicans do donate more and more money then and volunteer more and pay more in taxes. I think instead of complaining about other people's prayers or if they choose to give some of their money to their church, leftys should take a long walk off of a short pier

What exactly are you whining about?

Until they round up and murder the looters, I'm not giving a cent.

that's actually so sweet, you're a good person user

>what is wrong with women

They raise neets.

Donating shit is always a scam where they pay themselves nice and hefty even when it's a "non-profit". The federal government is already sending tons of resources in.

Natural disasters are a part of life when we make these concrete/asphalt jungles rather than be nomadic. Get insurance. Get out of there with your life. If you want to help, go there and help. Blindly sending money is for c.u.c.k.s.

I have to do nice stuff to try to get into heaven..... but I look at a lot of Shota porn so they probably won't let me in.... :.(

Meanwhile liberals do nothing but whine about prayer as they sit behind conputer monitors not helping the victims themselves.

Most of them will rebuild with government aid. A couple years back a major snowstorm caused billions in property damage and the US government gave us the middle finger. So fuck em.

People are donating you assface.

>when cuckboy doesn't realize those on the right of the political spectrum are the largest givers to charity

Yep, that's why right-wingers and Donald Trump are the largest donors of charity percentage-wise...

Or maybe I forgot that thoughts and prayers are considered "currency" when giving to charity.

If you tell God traps are gay when you die, you'll be fine.

Except that he's right

> The charity scam. Another way the wealthy avoid paying taxes on their billions is to make charitable donations. If you donate property, you never have to pay income tax on that donation, whatever it costs you and how much it’s worth right now. Well you might say, at least someone benefits from the charity. Whether or not the charitable donation is a scam in whole or in part depends on the answer to that old question: qui bono? Aka, who benefits? That’s where the real scam takes place.

Mr rich right-wing white guy is scared to death of paying any taxes that might go to help families in need, but he's going to donate tens of millions to charity for free? Grow up kid.

Let's archive that

>donating to "charities" rather than directly giving help/money to people in need
There's no quicker way to lose your money.

thank you norbot

Just a theory I can up with attending a church service for the first time.
"Prayers" are the original gofundme campaign
I learned they have a thing called a "prayer list"
People would say stuff like "I have an aunt on the other side of the country in *whereever* dying of cancer because she came afford radiation. please put her on the list*
Some other churchfag says "I have family in *wherever* and will make sure they pray for her"
The church in *wherever* that chirchfag's relatives attend adds cancer aunt to church prayer list.
*Wherever*ChuchfagOncologist hears and contacts original Churchfag for details on Aunt.
CancerAunt's relative is networked with *Wherever*ChurchfagOncologist and starts providing CancerAunt free treatments.
Shit like that happens everyday.

what is this, why they kill?

You have people like Oprah who made her own charity organization which she closed "angels network". You know she donated the max amount to get the max deductions. On top of that, she paid herself as the CEO or whatever and her best friend gale as VP or something. So a good portion goes back into her pockets. Three folds in that she not only gets to gloat about her work and other peoples contribution on her own tv show.

Not only that, lefties won't even dare to criticize her the same as other wealthy business people who do the same with charity, taking deductions but rarely will they make themselves heads of the organization and pay themselves 100-300k as well as having her bestfriend take in similar amounts. Who knows how many of her other friends she employed in that charity just to take money and hardly do anything. Meanwhile there are lower people doing all the work and her and her friends are just figureheads collecting her money back. Those lower people wouldn't dare criticize her for doing all the work either cause they'd be up against a billionaire mogul.

Show me a liberal billionaire that didn't take a cent in deductions and didn't pay themselves in their "non-profit".

Yeah I know. But giving prayers isn't helping.

Wtf???!!!! Where's mine!!??? I sent those ungrateful Texans TWO TRUCKLOADS of thoughts and prayers!!!

Some of anons' logic in this thread

>Don't worry the government got this. No need to donate

Meanwhile at the same time


>haha le magicskyfairy
>churches only give thoughts and prayers
>checkmate funDIES
>*tips fedora*

Churches donate to relief efforts. I can't believe atheists are as stupid as they are sometimes.

There's a reason it's seen as a religion for 15 year olds

Male chicks are useless for egg production. They get grind into feed

What a garbage thread

It usually took us a couple of months to reconstruct the country after every earthquake.

Every person helps with something and volunteer flood the towns with more clothes food and people that they can handle.

You guys are incredible shitty human beings.

Directly giving aid is better than donating to charity.

Fuck you. I donated over $60,000 from liquidating one of my bitcoin assets and shifted a few stocks around, causing me to take 2 years to recuperate the loss. This was direct to those rescuing people too. Fuck charities that take even 1%. My nephew went out there with some boats to help out, was rescuing people. He's out there now helping pull in bodies.

>you guys are horrible human beings
>being there are 300 million of us
>300 million rushing to 1 fucking city to help
>tens of millions die in the first wave just to get there from accients, starvation and thirst
>rest have to try to climb across a mountain of corpses, feeding on some to survive to arrive to Houston
KYS you fucking moron. people work to take care of their own families, and THEY are helping through their fucking taxes. anything directly out of pocket is nice but unnecessary.

Stop LARPing as some kind of fucking saint, when its a choice between staying at your job to get food to feed your family, or going halfway across the country to help some cowboys who are drowning for nothing more than "im better than everyone else points" all of the sane people are gonna keep themselves alive.

I never said anything about churches. I am just telling you if you are just saying "All my thoughts and prayers will go to the Harvey " without donating anything It would be better off not saying anything.

Churches donate a lot to these types of events and I support them for that. But I hate when someone says "All my thoughts and prayers goes to Houston". Why? Becauce they act like they care about the event. When in fact nothing happens.

Also stop using fake flags. Show us your real flag then we can talk.

>tips waitress 10$ just for doing her job

So why are you mad at me? Good for you and your cousin.

>tfw you were hoping all the niggers would drown and they didn't and people are actually giving them money

It's called a macerator. It's humane because it kills almost instantly. Typically they're thrown into the machine while it's running, tho. It's used in the raising of egg-laying chickens. The breed they use for making eggs don't have much meat, so the males are economically useless beyond maintaining a breeding population, so the majority of them are thrown in. It gets used in making feed and other animal byproducts.

It's either you help in the event or do nothing. That's my point. I am not trying to tell everyone to donate. Just donate or not. There is no between and don't act like there is one.

why would they rebuild there? im not paying shit for people to rebuild a flooded home right back where it flodded.

Fox interviewed a guy who said
>this is the second time in 9 years we've been flooded
another homeowner interviewed
>we just got done refurbishing from the last flood.


Yeah, I saw the Koch brothers rushing to Houston in their yachts to help out.

Are you denying we're paying tons in taxes? Taxed the minute you wake up on everything from utilities, water, food, income..EVERYTHING. Think about how many times a car changes hands. Every single time, they are taxed. First time buying new car? Tax. Use it for a few years and decide to sell it? Buy pays tax again. Tax tax tax every time and why? We already pay dmv fees. We pay property tax for schools and roads. Oh wait they took money from the roads fund to fund shitty "speed rails" that never amount to anything. Buy something at the store? Tax. Go to a restaurant? Tax. Buy something online? Tax. The only time we don't get taxed is when we do private transactions thru craigslist or something that they cannot track. I'm sure they would if they could.

All the taxes businesses have to pay along with payroll taxes, it's incredible and they always want more and more. So if you agree that we are taxed quite decent, why shouldn't we expect the federal government to fund aid to disasters? Defense and natural disaster aid should be their main jobs as a federal entity.

How about liberal logic? Liberals push and advocate for BIG GOVERNMENT. Yet they refuse to pay uncle sam and decide to "donate" to charities so they can get tax write offs as well as paying themselves as Director/VP of their own charity. Then gloat as a philanthropist helping the people when they just helped themselves keep as much money as they could and not pay UNCLE SAM when they're the ones push for bigger government. Where's the logic in that?

and really, thirty or so people have died. It isn't like god damn Japan where thousands are dead/missing. I feel like the media is really blowing this out of proportion. But why?

It would be more expensive for them to move. But if I were them I would of done the same thing. Also btw I am not telling you to donate.

There is hyprocricy in both sides but just because I pointed out one of them in one side doesn't mean I am in the other. Go

>Donating money to the gulf
Should I donate money to abused wives who stay? Make good decisions

>be 4chin shutin
>poor as fuck
>flood comes in and takes my pentium 3 pc and tendies
>help relief comes
>too beta to ask for gibs
>nigers receive all the gibs they can get
>they even get a new 40" tv screen
>mmm...ammm can I ... oh forget it
>bitch and moan about it on my favorite image board
>get pc shutdown by jamal who's early to fuck my wife
I can see it happening

American people have forgotten their history

I never claimed you were on one side or the other and now you want to claim that both are hypocritical but I just explained to you how we aren't if we are paying very much in taxation and we should expect the federal government to handle defense and natural disaster aid. Is that too hard for you to comprehend? I also asked if you thought were are taxed too much or not.

Point out the hypocrisy because the one you mentioned doesn't exist. We should lower taxes. Millions of dollars go missing and we shrug it off. Police and military lose millions in guns and money, we shrug it off as nothing. As if it's not a scandal that should be on the news for months. That's how you know the government already has too much money and are wasting it all over the place.

This is how McNuggets are made

>thinking charities aren't scams
Stupid stupid op

Here let me back this up with facts






Yes, tell me more about how we don't pay enough taxes but billions go missing every once in a while and it doesn't even make legit headlines.

Cheap excuses.

It's not being a fucking saint to fix things that are broken, the first wave of volunteers are treated like heroes, and the rest get paid to do a decent work.

>mfw corporations like Wal-Mart brag that their CUSTOMERS raised a few million dollars.
>mfw Wal-Mart could easily give 1 billion and barely even feel it.
for those that don't know, on any given day Wal-Mart fluctuates between the richest corporation in the world and the 2nd richest corporation. But instead they beg their customers to donate, and then take credit for it lel.

What incentive do they have to just give billions away? Do they not have stock and share holders that they are beholden to turn a profit for?

Same idiotic logic of selling the vatican to feed the WHOLE world for a year or two.