Why the fuck is this allowed in first world secular countries?
Why the fuck is this allowed in first world secular countries?
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>implying laws represent morality, what is good and bad
>implying laws don't just exist as a net to catch everyone
they do it because if they don't cut their child's dick their child will ask difficult questions. call it trauma-induced mind control if you want.
>20% - 80%
could you be more misleading
You know why...
what the fuck is happening in worst korea
I don't have a prob iwth it but since when do the western balkans have cutting of dicks as >20% of the male population?
And Christians
And Muslims
Christcucks and Mudslimes too
You need both Jews and their useful idiot spinoff religions for something like male circumcision to take hold, thats why secular Europe doesnt have that problem as much.
>Secular Europe
I wish that was still a thing
name 5 uncircumsized north americans
heavily christian south america doesnt chop their foreskins off
Why are the gooks doing it too ?
Yeah me too
Expect more circumcision now that the subhuman Abrahamists are moving back in!
A load of muslims
civil gender war. I wish I was kidding. the "8 goddesses" or some shit
Me and my 3 brothers. That's 4. That's all I can give you because I don't go looking at other people's dicks for fun.
hmm good point!
I guess for the Christians it's just the American evangelicals (and the Australians for some fucking reason) that do it.
that's not a name it's a pronoun
that's not a name either!
up your game man
Still annoyed I had to be circumcised. Although girls find it interesting.
australians don't do it. foreigners do. and 50% of australians are actually foreigners with passports. I'm surprised the number isn't higher. Imagine the horror to learn that in other countries they cut your foreskin off and pretend like it's supposed to be gone, and at the same time in your life as you are taught you have to respect and love the differences between cultures. It's like, do you fucking want nazis? cause that's how you get nazis.
Fine, you want names? Finn, Conor, Riley Grady.
>Wanting to be uncircumcised
>Wanting an unaesthetic ant-eater dick
>Wanting dick cheese and mold growing in your head
>Wanting increased risk of urinary tract infections, STDs, and other penile problems including cancer
>Wanting an uncut dick when 99% of women find it gross and prefer cut
It's the one thing the jews got right. Thanks, jews
>Wanting increased risk of urinary tract infections, STDs, and other penile problems including cancer
Source? Links, man.
Nobody has to. Not a single person on this earth. You are lying to yourself to save face.
no it's not. if the foreskin was unnecessary it wouldn't have evolved in the first place, also, 99% of women don't live in the US.
jewish meme that went too far
>much less feeling in dick
>dry n stuff
>sponge head
>actually doesn't decrease change of STDS
>only wanted in america and by women watching too much porn
Yeah fuck that
>women want
your meme doesn't work on me. if women told you to cut your dick...
>Wanting stitches on your dick
explain wisdom teeth and the appendix
king me
canadians have pretty gay names
Internal organs shouldn't be external organs.
The glans is an internal organ, much like your tongue.
The usual procedure in other countries is just to amputate the whole area. Would you prefer that? You'll still have stitches but they wont hurt as much. In fact, not much at all is going to happen from now on except chafing.
your appendix would contain cellulose digesting bacteria if you had a life-long healthy diet, which nobody does, so we just repeat the lie it's worthless. wisdom teeth are replacements for worn molars, assumed you actually ate aforementioned healthy diet. As your body adapted to sugar based nourishment instead of animal and plant based, you lose the need of function in those organs. it doesn't mean they have no function, it just means from an evolutionary point of view you are a less robust model, more designed for urban living than real survivalism.
im glad I don't have a cheese dick
better map
>America and Australia are the only white countries
I highly doubt jews care about Africa, so this must mean Americans are just as stupid as the African shit tier IQ.
I wonder why...
>born in Canada
>parents from Yugoslavia
>haven't had my dick chopped off
Out of my close friend group of five only one of us is circumsized.
Those are Irish names bud
Thank you sir
Why are american women so afraid of foreskin?
So that you can be marked as jew's propriety you dumb goyim
>Getting their dick cut
>dick cheese
>amerimutts don't even know how to take care of personal hygiene
Do you 3rd world subhumans even shower? Top kek.
Circumcision prevents sand getting stuck, a foreskin is very unpleasent in the dessert. Still doesn't justify them doing it in not Dessert countries.
Wew lad, you really are that brainwashed, my condolences
no, if you're mutilated, you should be thrown into the gas chamber no ifs ands or buts
only people who get mutilated are
a) sub saharan africans
b) Muslims
c) Kikes
d) the slaves of kikes
e) the slaves of the slaves of kikes
Yeah dude, I would be furious if I was served dessert with foreskins in it
>explain wisdom teeth
They're the extra teeth you get when you hit your late teens/early twenties. Still have all mine. Wait....you didn't fall for all that dentistry shite as well did you?
Why are south koreans cutting their dicks?
America is neither first world, nor secular
America and muslims
Absolutely disgusting
having your sexual organs mutilated = SUB HUMAN
>wtfw you are circumcised and live in a non-cirumcised country
>be me
>white european ancestry
>born in canada to white euro parents
>be born
>5 years in wonder why I'm missing the tip of my dick
>parents say "oh how weird, we never asked for that"
easy lawsuit, you could collect millions
Albanians and Turks make 25% of the population in my country that's why
Forgot the Bosnians who are mostly muslims also.
>my country
wow, slow down there my dude. You is one of us!
According to the last parliamentary elections in December, 2016 albanian parties got only 208k votes with 70% of the adult population voting.
Which makes you 18-19% of the population at best, LMAO.
Gotta pump up those numbers if you want to take this country.
And show your flag nigger
70% of the albanian adult population*
People hear that it's dirty, smelly, and prone to infection and disease-spreading. Most people haven't seen an intact penis, and in a lot of informational books nothing is mentioned about the function of foreskin, so nobody really knows anything about it. Even a lot of doctors don't know, since they are cut as well and weren't taught much about foreskin other than what was parrotted at the time.
Oy vey goyim. You seem to misunderstand what 'secular' means.
Female Genital Mutilation is a federal crime in the US, why isn't Male Genital Mutilation?
Just Americans donating their son's foreskins to their jewish overlords lmao
My religion was jewed.
There is no requirement for cirucmcision as a Muslim for anyone.
>something something but muh cleanliness, but muh religion, but muh Hadith.
Is that a rhetorical question?
Technically and legally speaking, there is actually no protection of all religious practices in the USA. That was ruled in a polygamy case in 1879. Circumcision, however, is a sacred cow that nobody dares question.
You're gonna get fucked later on, kid.
If your jaw isn't big enough to hold your wisdom teeth, you aren't white.
>much less feeling in dick
How would you know that, faggot?
Plenty of people go through life with their wisdom teeth. They're not an issue unless they get impacted.
Jewish doctors.
Circumcision became popular in Britain at the end of the 19th century. Tsarist pogroms had driven lots of Jewish doctors to England. The Immigration Act of 1903 (designed to cut back on Jewish immigration) redirected the flow to America.
Circumcision rates then fell in England and rose in America.
Fordi vi ikke vil gore perkerne kede af det. Havde det kun været smovserne havde vi gjort det allerede. Skyd skylden på Jelved og resten af de rode. Og du ved det allerede.
Not always, still have mine at 30 and have no issues.
So are you going to trust a random graph, or the words of people who are circumcised?
My dick is fine. That graph clearly doesn't mean anything.
>Wanting an uncut dick when 99% of women find it gross and prefer cut
Maybe Americunts but not in Europe
Also foreskin is attached to some nerves so you might have better orgasms than cutted.
Its just natural to have a foreskin man
My grandma got fucked by her wisdom teeth at 50-something
Just wait
I've spoken to dozen of men on forums and in person that had their circumcisions as adults and have experienced both and back up the data from "random graphs" and studies I've read.
lmao you cutlet have no idea what a foreskin feels like, it's not like you'd know the difference
Your grandmother isn't white.
This. Literally every Canadian is circumicsed.
>obsessed with cocks
Well my cock is fine, go back to your world-wide cock adventure.
And you do?
Not an argument, Schlomo. You cockroaches will be put to the sword soon enough and your barbaric child mutilation will be put to an end.
Looks like McDonald's has clued in how cucked Canada is. Don't forget to thumb this fucking thing down!
What the fuck is my argument?
My cock is fine and that's all I can say.
Why are you so concerned with how much pleasure a cock can feel?
at least I have the potential to do
you don't
>I'm fine with my mutilated penis and that's all I can say
ftfy, Ezekial.
Then do it, faggot.
Or stop talking shit.
My dick is fine and you're talking out your ass. We each know 1/2 of the full story.
all I know is your parents got rid of the most sensitive part of your dick and that's a fact. your dick is now keratinized and scarred. say thanks to mommy.
Do you want me to cry about it?
My dick is fine, it's never caused me any problems.
You're obsessed with cocks for some reason.
There's literally nothing you can achieve in this thread, go protest a hospital or something.
And you care about the sensitivity of other people's cocks why exactly?
>We each know 1/2 of the full story.
seeThere are studies and countless personal testimonies from those that have suffered from MGM., you dumb kike.
>Do you want me to cry about it?
I want you to stop acting like a baby having his penis mutilated is acceptable.
And why do you dismiss the pro-circumcision facts?