Trump is not Hitle-
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hitler was a lefty, what a fucking moron
Falling for the history book Jew
What would his proposed alternative be?
> a fascist who brutalizes minorities is leftist
"Wew lad", as you say.
''In 2011, Sherman married Jennifer Stahl in a Jewish ceremony.''
those violent leftists also happened to consist almost entirely of jews, 98% of them to be exact
Hitler also had an infrastructure development plan and protectionist economic policies. The plot thickens
>-r. He is Donald John Trump, a real estate billionaire born in New York.
Hitler liked animals too, should we fucking purge the world of animals while we're at it? he drank water, too. should we begin the removal of all hydration on earth? CHRIST the left are as fucking retarded as they are bitter.
Nazi - National Socialists. Socialism is the second furthest left political view behind communism.
Trump is a national conservatist.
Antifa is new. They are global socialists/communist.
Calling a socialist a fascist doesn't magically make him less of a commie than you, chaim.
You should let Marxists mass murder people by the trends of millions otherwise you might be a bad guy
So you oppose Hitler because he's a socialist, not because he exterminated Jewish people?
idiot, it's a ceremony in America. of course it's a fucking Jewish ceremony.
It's almost like the violent leftists are a problem...
What t he fuck do you think fascism is? Right wing?
And he did.
yeah and he was fucking correct
that's literally the best argument he had, because communism was that much of a threat
>exterminated Jewish people?
good meme you fucking retard.
>Jewish "People"
Go back to plebbit
>lefties become violent
>nazis see chance and call them out as that
>nazis scream to shut down the violent left
>population sees violent left and not violent nazis
>population agrees to shut down left
>nazis gain power
wew who would have expected that the violent left is what helps the nazis gain power
Why would I give a fuck if some socialist exterminated a species that is genetically predisposed to socialism?
right left dichotomy isnt useful here
Gee, I wonder who those violent lefties could've been.
>read history
but history is written by the victors
>"violent leftists"
why the quotation marks?
He was right, so if you don't want nazis to rise up don't start a fight you can't win.
so Hitler was the good guy after all. Thanks (((Gabe)))
It's settled then, we deport the Jews back to Mexico.
If we're gonna keep calling him hitler then when do we get to see invasions of our neighbors and genocide?
so hes not the zillionth kike that spouts this bs?
dont these fucking people know that the left is in fact voilent and in Hitlers time in the Weimar Republic the 'lefties' were in fact terrorist tier voilent? shootings, political assasinations, massive streetfights.