The belly of the dragon will drip water
Zachary Torres
Ethan Martinez
>Any country doing business with North Korea
>Trade war against China
>The Chinese yuan will be rendered worthless
Elijah Perry
>no trade with China
Well there goes 90% of products sold in the US out the window.
Thomas Bennett
India must be laughing. If USA and China destroy each other economically or militarily the poo-in-loos will inherit the Earth
Isaac Baker
>a 7-11 on every corner
>a designated shitting street on every block
Kevin Ramirez
and there goes over 80% of China's income. who will break first?
Lucas Long
Isaiah Reyes
Fuck Korea
Jaxon Peterson
He can't really be that stupid. Can he?
Jackson Cooper
Last week it meant the USS McCain, which carries a dragon symbol.
Whoever came up with the prophecy is a genius. It fits for almost anything.