took the test and scored 121. am I brainlet or not
What level IQ do you need to have to be respected by Sup Forums?
you need at least a 122.. sorry, user
I scored 145+ but life was shit so I tried to commit suicide. The brain damage reduced it to 136, then further drug abuse for it down to 106.
I used to think I was going to die one day. Now my goal is to be as stupid as a rock, because we all live forever and the pain is intolerable.
You are completely retarded.
Anything above 100 is human, 130+ is brainlet
>mfw my intellect cause an overflow error
There's smart people, then there's happy people.
>60-80: avg Abo iq
>80-90: avg Hispanic/Black Iq
>100+: avg white iq
>110+: avg: Asian iq
>115+: avg Jewish iq
You're smarter than the average Jew
>not smart enough to be a prodigy
>smart enough to get-by while being lazy
>manlet to boot
Life is pain Sup Forums
121 is fine, imho brainlets are under 110
Life is suffering.
> not finishing this test in 8 seconds
Hey brainlets, the test cannot even measure my intelligence, i'm literally off the fucking charts, how does that make you feel?
IQ is meaningless if you do nothing with it.
Having a high IQ also doesn't mean you are right or good.
>blacked porn videos
>average panis size
>my girlfriend queefs
Just claim you have an IQ of 160 like everyone else. By the power of anonymity, you can also be granted a 7 inch long penis and an arbitrary sexual history.
>unironically scoring bellow 130 on an internet iq test
a good rule of thumb is that your real iq is whatever you got on an internet test minues 30. Make of this what you want
I....I just want to go home.
>caring about being respected by /pol
I think you failed the test right there, bro
Any IQ will do. Be a hardworking respectful member of society and I don't care if you're a fucking garbage truck driver or a rocket scientist.
IQ is just one component of what make a person; and it is important but not the only thing that matters.
"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."
-E. Hemingway
normie, my IQ is over 9000!
I took the ravens progressive matrices test online and scored a 148. I don't believe it so can anyone confirm this website is legit
Takes an inthernet iq test and thinks its actually legit and means anything.....kek.I am sorry user but you are below 90 at best.
Here's mine. 37 y/o in software engineering field.
subtract 5 points for asking this question
>not scoring infinite IQ
lol the graph looks like a boner
> not scoring infinity + 1 IQ
>muh online iq test score
you may as well be braindead
Anything less is margin of error
I scored 112...
...but I'm 75% black.
What a twist!
>inb4 muh internet test.
I know they are fallible. I've taken two IQ tests IRL, scored 137 & 141.
Feynman had an IQ of 120
he was told in school he'd achieve nothing
so he told them to fuck off
> leaving your bookmarks toolbar on for a screenshot
> uses hotmail
> "comfiness extremis"
> not expecting us to mock you
Similar. My IQ was about 149 averaged over 3 tests about 6 or 7 years ago.It's 119 now. I always thought being smart made people more depressed so I actively gave myself brain damage. I'm still depressed just stupider.
> not scoring infinity + 1^2 IQ
Ha ha, I'm even smarterer!
>110+: avg: Asian iq
>115+: avg Jewish iq
hahaha, no
Don't prostrate yourself like this user, you have superior intelligence so use it.
Fuck you, you're life is easy as shit. Being genius just go to Harvard or something.
College dropout factory worker.
It's my life to squander.
IQ = Mental age / chronological age
Broken metric, doesn't make sense as you get older
>inb4 triggered brainlets dispute authenticity of these results
Looking back...I might've preferred something closer to that. I never had to learn discipline and work ethic in school. I breezed through a major I don't even like bc it was seemed like a safe option and it came easy to me like everything else.
Now i'm left with a degree I might never use, and a nice stack of debt to go along with it.
r u a wizard?
I understand. Such is life though, there has to be a balance I suppose.
You are a bless.
Wish more people was 120 IQ at least.
131 here, and it is noticeable when somebody surpass 115.
I love people 1 standar deviation up (145) and down ( 115) for different reasons.
Happiness by proxy.
Just remember to focus on things and be disciplined about not losing your memory. I have learned that wisdom, intelligence, and memory are all very different from my drug abuse and the latter is a very key one for any sane person.
Anything below 100 is retarded-tier
everyone on Sup Forums thinks they have a 120+ iq.
haha fuck you, I might have to drop out because i cant go to class without feeling sick i hate it so much
lucky, just do what ever you want when you arent working. sounds like a good deal to me
Hi, Kenneth
hey bb
>tfw everyone on Sup Forums thinks they're smart but i'm actually a super smart genius, the world just hasn't recognised me yet
Who cares. What will you do with your IQ? That is all that matters. A person with IQ 120 can out-achieve an IQ 180 person, if the former has a better work habit (for educating yourself, being persistent, working efficiently, etc). I score high on these tests but I've studied at second-rate universities and never done anything ground-breaking due to laziness and lack of taking initiative (though I'm getting better over years).
After almost full decade of NEETing around, I finally decided to get my shit together and I went to adult high school. Two weeks in, so far so good.
Same here, only difference is that I chose to leave because I thought I can live of by making memes
>took the test and scored 121
Sorry. If you don't score at least 250, you should probably just go ahead and kill yourself. Anything below 375 is frankly shameful, but ritual suicide is not necessary.
>everyone on Sup Forums thinks they have a 120+ iq.
Everyone on the INTERNET thinks they have a 120+ IQ.
is this what low iq pol posters do in these threads
You bastard. Mine was 117. But I half assed it.
Could probably catch you if I cared enough
I took a test on the internet too. I scored 138, afterwards i got some ofeers for a mensa like club which is only 450€ a year. They also offered me some clases where they teach me how to use my full potential, those are quite expensive but i already singed to take them
Anyone has experience with such things
You are a special snowflake
He was high-IQ though
everyone on the internet knows their IQ is sub-100
No because I score in the early 90s on most IQ tests.
Everyone in this thread is a low IQ poster.
Other than me, I'm a genius.
Most peep are between 90 and low 100. Tho that only applies for white people.
take an official test by a doctor, could be just a site trying to fuck you over with.
IQ is overrated. Doesn't paint the full picture of intelligence.
my IQ has been steadily going down over the years but I assume this is from ageing and a longer period of time away from 'using' my brain via academics
Is this an IQ test? What the fuck happened, I blacked out. I am going to be ok?
think i had like 103 when i did that test. So let's say i have 100, considering i dont know how liable they are
t. low iq
>Unironically using Firefox the Soros owned browser.
Wow just wow! I can't even!
>inb4 everybody claim to be 100+
You are way above average. Darwin had a 116 iq.
t. nigger
I scored 132 on one
160 IQ
what test?
>people say Sup Forums posters have a low iq
>average iq 100
>own iq 128
A blessing and a curse altogether. I find it difficult to have any meaningful conversation with average or lower intelligence people if I must converse at all. INTP personality, severe lack of empathy, and an apathetic outlook make socializing hell on Earth.
As a 10 year old I was a literal genius, IQ 150+. 99.9 percentile in all subjects.
Took a mensa test and now it's 142.
Fucking sucks. Seems a lot of my friends noticed feeling dumber as they got older too, could it be fluoride or just natural aging?
>tfw just tested and got 119
142 is incredibly high. My IQ is 92 and im as happy as can be. Am struggling to hold a job at Burger King and can't get a drivers lisence but am still happy that i am making progress.
Why don't you just to to Harvard or Yale?
>online "IQ test"
Anything under 140 means you are retarded.
Those tests are designed to give everyone at least a 130 so they might buy a certificate.
Your IQ lowers as you age, it's normal.
Link to test?
This the Swedish one?
TFW too smart for Sup Forums
P.S. I'm hispanic, have a free ride at an ivy league and fuck white women every day
Problem Sup Forums ?
Can confirm, chose all the wrong answers on purpose and got like 90 or something.
well feel free to take it and get 140+ user.
make sure to post results with proof it's you
Your IQ reaches it's prime between 20 and 25 years old
After 25 it declines. To avoid a substantial decline (up to 10 points i think), exercise and live a healthy livestyle
I was tested by the IQ people and I scored higher than everyone on Sup Forums put together. My advice is, don't sweat it.
Heritability increases with age. It's not so uncommon to get a slightly more normal result at adult age.
People who get above 110 on those tests are mentally ill. If you try to get them all right you still get like 80s. My real IQ is in the 90s.
>Internet IQ tests
>respected by Sup Forums
The only thing that will get you respected by Sup Forums is actually putting forth quality ideas (Which you'll still get people who disagree with you, calling you out) or top tier bants (Which as an American, you have no hope of achieving.)
Btw for future reference I'll help all you brainlets out, to shitpost IQ tests on Sup Forums just skip to the end of the test where it gives you the graph.
Then right click, inspect element the graph, it will say something like:
just change the iq=141 to whatever your chosen IQ is.
Now you can shitpost in Sup Forums IQ threads
164 IQ here. I've taken a multitude of tests. I don't know what my IQ really is because I've scored 154, in the 160+ several times, and once it was 173 on a test. I stick with 164 because I scored that once and it seems in the middle and realistic to me.
Life is very.......very hard. They say it's hard when you're stupid. No it's not. Ignorance is bliss. No...this is hard. Very. And that's all I'm going to say about it.