Female Humor

For years people have been telling me Bridesmaids was a funny movie. I finally watched it last night and it wasn't an awful movie but it wasn't especially funny. The humor seemed extremely 1 dimensional. It was mostly sillyness like acting inappropriate in social settings (on an airplaine, at a party, while having sex etc).

Is this really the best they got? I'm not especially hateful of broads or anything, I kind of root for them desu but this was just disappointing.

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Women are funny, get over it.

I read somewhere that female humor is mainly about acting silly and goofy/inappropriate and male humor is more geared towards well-constructed jokes with punchlines and timing. It makes sense if you think about how "funny girls" you've known act

>female humor

>Women are funny


See now that is how you do humor.

Women are funneh. Deal with it.


This was the response to The Hangover, just geared toward a different audience/market. The studios wanted a raunchy R-rated comedy, just like The Hangover, but this time we are going to market it to young women, as opposed to young men.

Why would you market to women? They have 25% less money to spend than men do

dude, women think running across the street is 'funny'

And make up roughly 50% of the population. That's still a shit ass ton of money.

Women can say funny things but not on purpose

And musicians make less money than doctors yet some companies still sell guitars. Mind blowing!

Women don't save money. They spend every cent in a vile attempt to snag an upper-class sugar daddy.

They drag men to these movies. It's not just 100% women in the theater.

he was referring to "muh wage gap" dumbass

Doctors probably buy more guitars (and more expensive ones for sure) than musicians do. I'm pretty sure PRS sell exclusively to doctors and lawyers.

>female humor
>movie directed by a male director

what did the male retard mean by this?

women are actually funny, when they dont grow up with other women, when you meat women who grew up with super cool dads that are not loosers. they tend to be really funny, or brothers who are lawyers and shit

my wifes bridesmaid diddnt show up, she turned out to be a jealous bitch. Thats my impression of a typical bridesmaid

It was funny. Stop being so MGTOW.

Most aren't funny though. I like Sisters too even though I hate the modern Saturday Night Live theatre kid Glee hipsters, Tina Fey is shit at improv, ruined SNL forever, but a good screenwriter.

>women are actually funny

Good question

True, my ex-wife was the only girl out of five kids and occasionally said something funny

who do you think pays to take them there?

lol fucking Jews

yeah ive seen it before, thats why a lot of latina women have different humor because they grow up with so many males around them in their family

the government?

Because they spend it at least 50% more freely on useless banal bullshit than men.

Im a pleb and i have a prs