Does anyone else get depressed whenever they come on this board and see how shitty the world is or is it just me?
Sup Forums makes me depressed
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I come here as a time-sink. I can't wait to be old enough to be allowed to die.
Why not just die now?
no its the inability to do anything to the things that you see in this board that makes you deppressed
Sup Forums cheers me up, because its the only place thats able to laugh at the absurdity of it all
You don't need to come to this board to see how shitty the world is. Here you just get honest uncensored assessments.
that's what news is. it ironically makes you want to hear what crazy shit happens thats why you keep coming back.
Why do humans love chaos?
depressed people are weak
Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general can both have extremely negative effects on both your mind and your body.
It's also been proven that Sup Forums can keep you in a perpetually agitated state, which can leave your body open to terrible things like cancer. I'm not joking here. Being irritated and agitated all the time destroys your nervous and immune system, leaving you vulnerable to major disease. It also leads to depression, which is why you see posts about people being depressed on this site every single day.
This will cheer you up
Your a faggot do drugs and shit post
Wrong. Some people who are invulnerable to depression are merely psychopaths. Being psychopathic is an illness that makes you inferior and a detriment to society
fine. go read wapo or huffpo and bask in the positivity.
Depressed people see the reality of life for what it is... a lie
>depressed people aren't weak
>people who don't get depressed are
see how ridiculous that sounds?
>depressed people are nihilists
geez you're making depressed people look worse and worse
don't take it so seriously fampai
>Relying on reason and logic and being unemotional makes you inferior
Maybe if in addition to psychopathy if you also had a low IQ (not all psychopaths are intelligent contrary to the popular myth) and weren't properly socialized. And most people wouldn't be able to tell that you are a psychopath anyway.
I come here to troll people who take shit too seriously. Every newly baked bread is a harbinger of euphoria
>Implying anyone should take Sup Forums seriously
you should have expected this shit when you read "politically incorrect", meaning most people here are just shitposting.
truth hurts
you're wrong. nihilists are like the pic on the left but they also can be the absolute scum of the earth who just spread AIDS and degeneracy. nothing like your pic on the right. i know its a meme but still nihilists are the biggest degenerates
>being a psychopath is a good thing
Another psychopath
>armchair psychologist
fuck you faggot
t. a psychotherapist here diagnosing strangers online
I was always convinced that all this psychobabblebullshit is just another racket for Jews anyway. They will label anyone who dares to think instead of feeling "a psychopath".
i want to know what golf rumours [caution adviced] is. surface web doesnt give me results.
>or is it just me
Just you. This place cheers me up and makes me laugh. There are still lots of people who oppose evil and can't stand the damage kikes and their minions are doing.
Good one, Satan
Rumors related to golf.
be the change you want to see in the world
I come to laugh at retards here desu. boards like this exist for pathetic men to whine about the world thats why everything here is so "depressing". Reality is that non-whiny, actual men are making money, scoring babes and having happy and fulfilling lives and have no need to resort to ideological cancer.
How can chaos be real, when humans aint real?
If you're so above the whiny people on this website why are you here. Oh yeah because you're one of them. Kill yourself.
If you are young and impressionable i wouldnt advice you to browse Sup Forums because it will fuel your anger making it only harder to deal with your irl problems that keep you in isolation
If you browse from emotion and reply to all the bait just stop. Get yourself banned and lurk untill your interest fades
If you are an oldfag its easier to look and analyze things from a distance
Another phase oldfags get here is that they become counter shills
By this time these people have fully embraced the hivemind and post like shills. Only spreading the hivemind propaganda w/o being open to any other pov on w/e discussion is held
Again a ban will do wonders because it negates the dopamine effect in your brain. If you cant post then whats the point you wont get as much or any satisfaction at all
My life is so depressing that Sup Forums is a high point of my day