You have 5 scones to tell me why you're still sucking the google cock
What platform is that on the right?
What's the name of the chad video platform ? Legitimately interested.
bump for interest
I shall make it my startpage
This is amazing thank you user
>p2p video sharing
>copyright kikes will go after you directly just like with torrents if you don't pay for a VPN
no thanks
What show is at right?
Xavier Renegade Angel.
Thanks gonna look that up
Xavier: Renegade Angel. The show looks like it is rendered on the PS2
Because I use adnauseam.
This isn't how it's supposed to work you dumb fuck. You don't just describe something you disapprove of and something you approve of. The entire humour comes from the fact that the "virgin" is doing things that are relatively normal and the "Chad" is completely wildly exaggerated and absurd.
Read the knowyourmeme page if you're this fucking clueless
>Not using Protomail and Bing/DuckDuckgo in place of Google's products
Thank you for your service brave war hero
DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
what show is Chad?
This one
If you don't dab on the haters, who can you dab on?
I think it's safe to say this meme has been run into the ground.
How else would I watch Red Letter Media?
Blip closed last year.
Not quite
Are you referring toXavier Renegade Angel
>human race
Meant for
bitchute is great
this so much. people that shave they dicks know that out of knowhere thots are craving
Can someone make "virgin heterosexual / trap chad"?
nice one
>The entire humour comes from the fact that the "virgin" is doing things that are relatively normal
virgin detected
Into the trash
so true
>earbuds still in when praying
>tfw have not shaved for about 3 or 4 years
is this from reddit
it looks like trash
I like this one
hey look my oc
Hahahaha virgin and you fucked your post up
this one sucks, the reverse one is much more clever.
>Swedish flag
not even surprised.
Anyone got the chad tranny vs. the virgin crossdresser or whatever?
>playing Demon's Souls back in late 2009
>Making a Guts character and using th Dragon Bone Smasher
>Dicks using the scraping spear in the monk boss fight
That really takes me back
this one is good
SEVERELY underrated
step aside for the "chad" post in this thread,"virgin posters"
This is fantastic
Youtube is a cancer that needs to die. A few years ago a viral video earned approx. $1000 per million views, I know because I had one. Recently I watched a youtuber reveal that his 9 million view viral video had earned just $648. That is calculated theft, on a massive scale. Really truly disgusting.
>I know because I had one
Second Life.
>Shaving like a woman
Just fucking trim it
Ok so it was a bit less than 1000 per, but it's still shocking how quickly youtube went from reasonable occupation to basically nonviable.