Have you been trying to come to terms with the possibility of your life ending abruptly because of this North Korea situation? This is the thread to share your thoughts.
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No test for me!
I have no fear for I will enter the Kingdom of God.
Have you always been religious? It's interesting how we as a species always seem to turn to it in times of peril as a way of comforting ourselves. I never have been personally, but I do believe there to be something greater than we could ever perceive
I had my atheist phase as a teenager but I have been religious for over a decade now.
Nice good on you bro. See you there then.
I just about shit myself when I finally saw it in that picture.
But to answer the original question, lol
The possibility of me dying because of North Korea is so small it isn't even worth considering.
I told you this before last time we talked:
I did it all for the nookie
youre a fuckin fag if you arent ready to die 24/7.
When I am, death has not come
When death has come, I am not
Do not worry about such trivial things
>Have you been trying to come to terms with the possibility of your life ending abruptly because of this North Korea situation?
By accepting the fact that North Korea will never pre-emptively launch a nuclear device at the USA.
They're not insane, despite what the media wants you to believe.
North Korea knows that if it preemptively attacked anyone, let alone dropped a nuke on the USA, their entire country would be turned into a crater.
Their nukes are for defensive purposes only.
Anyone who thinks or is worried that we're about to be nuked is a fucking moron.
I'm for rebirth so I fear not
but then ill never know really hwats after death
"The undiscovered country ,to whoose bourn no traveler returns."
But how would a shitty country like north korea bring forth the end?
Did I missed something?
Religion is for weak minded retards that can't accept death
If you depend on religion to not shit your pants thinking about death you're a beta
>People actually think something is going to happen.
Your life will go on, boring and uneventful as it ever was.
Yes I'm worried so now it's time to get right with God for me.
Already honorably discharged. Can't be recalled short of a declaration of war (or perhaps the queen ordering it). Besides, I'm too old and busted up to be of much use beyond office work. So I think I'm likely to sit this one out.
As for getting hit, though I live in what is perhaps the only city in Canada worth nuking, it's only worth nuking in a full US-Russia exchange, and I don't think Russia is going to side with the North Koreans.
So if SHTF I'll just watch streams and shitpost like everyone else. Well, everyone except people in Seoul, Okinawa, or Guam. Those poor bastards are fucked.
>fearing Death
It's the ultimate bluepill. Live your life user, death can suck my dick.
>>People actually think something is going to happen.
The USA knows that any attempt to militarily remove the Nork government from power will result in SK, Japan and possibly now the USA being nuked.
Any victory would taste like ashes in the USA's mouth.
Even the claim that Trump is going to stop doing business with China and Russia over this is nothing but words. TPTB would never allow China's connection to the amurrican economy to be severed.
At most there will just be more and tougher sanctions put on the norks over this.
...Which will cause the NK govt to tell its people that the hardships it faces over this is the fault of the USA (which would be the truth).
The best course of action would be for the USA to stop interfering in other country's shit and stop policing the world.
what? no. wtf? nothing is going to happen retard.
why bother worrying about death. If there's an afterlife you will deal with that. If there is no afterlife then you won't care to much since you will be dead. If you have regrets about your life and are worried about your afterlife or what people will think of you after your death then make changes now so you live a life you won't regret when it's over.
I honestly couldn't be bothered with this idea of death
>Your life will go on, boring and uneventful as it ever was.
Please not that!
Most Sup Forumsacks are looking forward to a nuclear war so they don't have to watch everybody around them thrive while they flounder in the mud that is their life.
i'm not worried because i dont live in north korea.