He's being humiliated on the world stage
>You will never see Trump reply to that post with "Sweden."
Lol what a meme country your people are being raped by hoards of mudshits and niggers but all you can do is complain about Trump.
He typed that as he sat down to piss.
>cuck leader btfo trump
nice banter tbqhwy
His fucking country would disappear to nowhere if we just started to throw nukes around, and deals to end their nuclear program ended pretty well last time. I'm not a huge fan of Trump, but the dude could literally end the world with a phonecall and a little box. That's a lot of pressure to be under
Leader? Isn't that just a CIA asset?
Anyway, that tweet describes the fate of Sweden.
This is the dude who did not see an issue in handing over national secrets to different countries because we live in 2017 now so theres no harm.
How CAN Drumpy EVER recover?
>trumps tweets have caused massive company's to lose money on the stock market
>disappearing into nowhere
Trump should just reply
To legitimize in the mainstream the fact Sweden is an irrelevent meme country.
What the fuck is he trying to say?
This guy is literally a CIA shill, responsible for a lot of shit in the balkans as Clinton's little puppet.
Actually the US is much more of a violent shithole than Sweden is and has exponentially more rape than Sweden.
Funny, in America people get mad over the "Regret is not rape" fiasco, but in Sweden slapping a girl's ass makes you a rapist without even any sexual intercourse.
He's saying that Trump's tweets are like Kim's nuclear tests, except much less effective.
>implying carl bildt has any moral, ethical or political power.
Swenigger plox go fuckkish a kebab.
It is physically impossible for a Swedish person to humiliate anyone
This is irrelevant
>a legit CIA asset
No idea why he wasn't jailed.
Who really cares anymore what sweden thinks. If anything we should be doing the opposite of what they're doing, considering their track record
Now do the math minus niggers......
>calls out Trump for tweeting
>with a tweet
What does that change? America is still a violent shithole compared to Sweden with nearly 4x the homicide rate. Sweden is much more safer than America is.
sometimes i feel like vikings were just a meme. theres no way these swedish "men" could possibly be descended to a mythical tribe of looters and rapists. now they are the ones beiing looted and raped
Borka borka borka bork
I'm off, I'm off, I'm off to work
Hurka durka dolly dee
My wife gets plowed by a nice Somali
My eyes go wide and so I halt
I realize that it's all my fault
Thoughts swirl around my head
As my wife lies with Mohammed
What to do, oh just my luck
I go and help the big black buck
I prep the bull and watch them fuck
I truly am a Swedish cuck
Your an idiot, and probably think Toronto is cool.
Strong men go down in a blaze of glory only to see the next generation raised by women and the betas. Very sad.
>swedish leader
that's like saying mexican intellectual.
I have to ask some proper burgers.
Before you saw Sup Forums's "SWEDEN YES" threads, were you even aware of such a country?
Why on earth sweden thinks that anyone even bothers thinking about them? It's a meme dicksucking country
How the hell do people still fall for this?
Based Sweden! Merkel is too dumb to use twitter
Wow, I am wondering if he wrote that while sucking brown cock or sitting on it, because it seems like this is a Swedish thing nowadays
Its like the left really wants ww3. I mean youll get it if you try hard enough. good thing im too old for a draft, im just gonna fuck your little sisters while youre dead in a hole somewhere.
Sweden Sweden Sweden, what can i say
When you think about it, it makes sense.
All the strong men go off and die in battle, who is left to raise the children correctly?
Why is Sweden provoking him when NK gets nuked they will be condemning him.
Is it still a crime for Americans to expose the identity of a CIA spy when that CIA spy has gone rogue and is insulting the president?
Mr Bildt better watch his language.
For now.
I visited Sweden before The Fall. I won't return.
But all I know about Sweden is that the government ignored the citizens and lets them get raped.
Thats a norweigen..
>complains about Trump tweeting
>tweets himself
Pity "diplomatic insult" isn't a valid casus belli anymore.
i mean, he's right, but what the fuck would sweden do to denuclearize NK? do i even want to know?
How much black-on-black crime does Sweden have again? What have you been importing? Enjoy.
Swedish and leader on the same sentence lol
Also a tweet like that is expected by an islamic country.
Also go on amazon
Not an argument.
how can pol recover from this one?
lmao sweden don't even try man, your pathetic cuck country just keeps embarassing itself
nice earring. is he a pirate/.
Sweden has been pretty big on the internet for a while now, mainly because of all the illegal immigrants in Europe and cucked politicians. I think the speach of our previous prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, "We have to open our hearts and let these people in", was spreading around the internet about 6 years ago.
This is a funny guy. After his term as the Swedish minister of economics he landed some pretty serious job at a big firm, don't remember which firm, don't care. A month ago or so he ended up at a party, shit face drunk, wipped out his dick and groped some bitches while using very bad language. The days after there was a complete shit storm in media and he had to resign.
Did he died?
That's an old screenshot, Amazon hasn't looked like that in ages my friend. Funny though if true, cba looking it up for myself.
It was during the 2014 election Svinfeldt made his famous "open your hearts"-speech.
OnT: For some very strange reason (read: incompetent and uneducated swedes) the patience with bildt never cease to exist.
He was an informer for CIA, drove Sweden in to an economic crisis, is a lobbyist for war etc.
Stupid Swedes love him because of his "witty sarcasm".
But that's retarded
Carl Bildt is a jewish nato shill, he lead the same party that flooded sweden with record-level of shitskins
>"I remember when in the prime ministers I had to receive a large group of Bosnians after their war. It was not easy and we experienced both gang crime, smuggling and shooting in Sweden. Now, on the other hand, we see that this group of immigrants is almost more well-integrated a normal Swede, says Bildt.
not really. i knew more about denmark than sweden because legos and a school report in 8th grade
Kikes ate his brain. He will be a Jewzombie now.
might be a dumb american but honestly I can't tell the difference anymore
If he's Swedish why is he tweeting in English?
>Refuses to look at facts
>refuses to visit
>refuses to acknowledge others interpretations
fucking hell its like a woman
He has not been in a leading position since 1999. He was foreign minister between 2006 and 2014 and now he's just a member of the party.
bork bork bork
>humiliating anyone but themselves
Oh no, the meme country thinks it's relevant.
I don't know why but I wouldn't bet against this happening.
Did he send this tweet whilst watching the black bull fuck his wife?
>Muslims, negroes and negro muslims
>More integrated than a normal swede
How can one man be so cucked? Is he even allowed to call his wife by her first name?
the meme is increasing...
If you subtract all the violence for non-whites and leave them pout of the equation, the US have about the same rate of violence as Switzerland
Oh look, another politician who ignores their own country to follow Trumps tweets...
If only he paid attention to his own country, maybe sweden wouldn't be the shithole it's becoming...
because obviously he wants a reaction from america. Not Sweden
What the fuck? It's more comfortable that way!
>disappear into nowhere
no it won't. each tweet gets hundreds of hours of news coverage
the brain was removed and put into a robot body, it survived for 5 days before using its enhanced intellect to determine that suicide was the best option
>Every single white person left in Sweden liked this tweet
it's almost like being a violent nigger IS genetic
quoting a tweet from an batshit crazy alt lefter lol
This is our platform to destroy his faggot cuck countrys reputation
Sweden is cucked
soon you need google translate to read their shit being in Arabic and all
Theres nothing to fall for. What do you really think any of that bullshit will work? Fuckoff nigger
Sweden has lots more rape per capita, especially rape by a stranger.
>disappear into nowhere
nice english swede shits