How many of you on here have or are actually doing anything to improve your social skills, get a white woman, and raise a family?
How many of you on here have or are actually doing anything to improve your social skills, get a white woman...
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I'm not since I'm not white. Well, I'm probably about as white as the US is, genetically, but that's not enough to inflict the less desirable parts of my genetic content on the genepool.
That said my social skills are actually pretty good, although you're really laboring under an intense delusion if you think it's social skills that'll land you a good woman.
I don't know how to do any of that. I'm trying to stop being a skelly and get /fit/ so I can at least fight for the white race when it comes to armed conflict.
> implying only the culturally Jewish get to breed
Fuck you and your anti-civilizational premise. Sage. This is now a redpill general.
I'm a 30 year old White single male. A Homeowner with two vehicles. I'm a CNC milling machinist an a programmer. I work with 15 men. I work 10 hour days, 6 days a week. It's fucking intense and my mind races. After work I come home an read Sup Forums happenings/shitposts which brings me down off of my natural high. I'm in shape but I don't go out anymore. What should I do?
Work less, look for a woman. Invest in rental property and other self employment opportunities to make money and not work so much so you can court wife and raise children.
Don't fall for (((their))) tricks and marry an old hag your own age. Get a woman 10 years younger.
> > implying only the culturally Jewish get to breed
> Fuck you and your anti-civilizational premise.
WTF are you talking about or implying? What did I even say to make you think this shit?
> I don't know how to do any of that.
Practice, go talk to and interact with more people, getting /fit/ will help a little and possibly boost your confidence but you don't need to be an Adonis to get woman or anything. Read up on books like Improve Your Social Skills and other books based on improving and manipulating your own and others' psychology to become more socially adept, and then put that stuff into practice by going and socializing with people.
> so I can at least fight for the white race when it comes to armed conflict.
The only reason this shit is even becoming a problem is because white people aren't having enough kids. Find a white woman, do your part, have 3+ of them and you'll be doing more than any autistic violent LARPer egging on for armed conflict.
Possibly get a new job or negotiate for less hours, that's ridiculous.
Also, read above:
> Read up on books like Improve Your Social Skills and other books based on improving and manipulating your own and others' psychology to become more socially adept, and then put that stuff into practice by going and socializing with people.
Go to places where people gather and are social and start socializing to get some practice.
I'm already married to a white woman. But I'm muslim.
I haven't given up on trying to find a mate, but I'm going to focus primarily on getting big and preparing for killing.
Redpilled lens:
>make money to give it away to some talentless white bitch with a cunt looser than a garbage bag
Last year I quit my dead end job and started a new career which has been working well.
I have been saving money this year and will be purchasing my first home in a few months.
I have spent about 1000 dollars on classic literature and phillosphy that I began to read and study last year.
Ive been drinking less and working out more.
I have begun seeing a white blue eyed quality girl, she is a counselor at a local school and 24 years old.
>improve your social skills, get a white woman, and raise a family?
>How many of you on here have or are actually doing anything to improve your social skills, get a white woman, and raise a family?
"social skills" LOL!
You just need money you fucking beta. Show me how to make a lot of money and I'll show you 30 children ready for battle in 20 years.
You will pay for this!
I can't work less. I'm the youngest and the only single man there. It's called being a company man. I live in a small Pennsylvania town. I'm in a position where I take my work home.
>It's called being a company man
It's called being a good goy wageslave and not raising a white family.
>I have spent about 1000 dollars on classic literature and phillosphy that I began to read and study last year.
You really only needed like a few PDFs of Nietzsche and Aurelius, user.
I prefer hard copy books.
I started on a part time job, and have spent 54 € on some weights to start training at home.
Don´t want to marry as things are legally today in my country or the west.
I do it to gain power.
Social, economic and phisical power is my motivation.
Did you know that Brigitte is literary /ourgirl/? She is an ethno nationalist, said she will never touch a non white man, has been in court several times for hatespeech. Also she is the most beautiful woman to ever have existed.
If more whites focused on having kids and healthy families there literally would be no need to do that.
You'd be contributing more good to the cause you proclaim to care about by having children with a white woman and caring for them than you would by just getting big.
Learn about finance, start reading into how to manage money which matures over time. Live with extremely low expenses and consumption, about the lowest that you can possibly get by with, and put your surplus money or savings into financial products, stocks, index funds, etc. which will generate a net positive return vs. the market/inflation over time, and other capital goods like houses or housing units you can rent out to people to generate further passive income.
Eventually you'll be generating enough income passively that you won't need solely that job for financial security and can either negotiate for something better or leave for a better job which doesn't expect such hours from you. You'll have more free time and be able to focus on having a family, building further capital, etc.
At this point it's not about the money. I love what I do, and want to keep challenging myself everyday with new projects. But i have figured out raising a family is more important.
>just getting big
I'm getting big so I can end the lives of non-whites. If I remove more non-whites than I can possibly create, which concurrently removes all their own potential offspring, isn't that a greater service than my own breeding?
>But i have figured out raising a family is more important.
Then quit like I suggested
I hate women, sorry.
I tried, but I'm still too far gone down the retard hole to be of any use. I'm just waiting to die.
Looks like McDoalds has clued in how cucked Canada is. Don't forget to thumb this fuxking thing down!
Mcdonalds sells aborted baby meat in their burgers.
>Court wife
Jesus Christ
You'll die a virgin
i listen to that race traitor bill burr, who is good at translating rightwing views into comedy which is a language that libtards and women find more acceptable.
>implying I want to be social and be around other people
Why would you waste your time doing this when you could be doing something more productive?
Such as?
Get out of your depressive state by taking small steps which just get you moving, go for a walk, brush your teeth, etc.
What would you define as more productive than becoming socially competent and getting a family?
>Get a woman 10 years younger
this tbqh
That's decent advice. But the benefits for me... 401k match $ for $ up to 10%. I'm devoted. It's like family.
I've been taking those small steps for years and I'm only marginally more attractive than when I started. I even tried to take a big step, only for it to confirm the suspicions I've had about myself for a while now. Some people just aren't meant to procreate bro.
Making money.
>inb4 well if you have money then you can't spend it in nice things cause that's childish and nihilistic, you HAVE to spend all your money towards having kids
It's just not that easy. A lot of it has to do with pride. Not only with telling family an friends what I do, but creating something out of nothing then scribing USA onto that work of art.
So in the end, you care more about being a good goy cog that can tell your parents about your work rather than give them grandchildren.
Making money is pretty cool I suppose. Seems like having kids to pass that wealth onto would be good though. You can't really take it with you otherwise.
>go to work
>sausage fest
>no other interactions with people because beta AF
anyways the ones that are there are basically tokens that just sit doing nothing.
its borderline impossible to find white, uncorrupted girl in this country
>implying there isn't going to be a shit ton of new expensive technology in the future to spend your money on
Not exactly. I can now support a family instead of being my parents at 18 years old having kids but sitting on plastic milk crates in the living room.
I didn't imply that. The shit you spend your fortune on is going to be just as useless as the unspent money when you're dead... But I guess it doesn't matter if you're only worrying about yourself.
Is making and spending money what you value most? If it is than I can't really fault you I guess, I just feel like a lot of people find fulfillment in their families.
Lots of people who aren't attractive can get chicks or have families.
Start reading some stuff on improving your social skills and start talking to/approaching women. It isn't as hard as you think it is, they don't bite.
So your parents are retarded and now you are too. Really makes me think.
Nah, like the rest of Sup Forums I plan to blame liberals and the government for all my problems.
>Lots of people who aren't attractive can get chicks or have families.
If I thought I could be one of those people, I wouldn't have said what I did about myself. I've gotten enough experience to determine that my genes shouldn't be passed on. If you're just going to post trite Pollyanna shit, you're wasting your time.
>get a white women
No thanks
Yeah, you got me.
>How many of you on here have or are actually doing anything to improve your social skills, get a white woman, and raise a family?
Not me.
>The shit you spend your fortune on is going to be just as useless as the unspent money when you're dead
So technology that extends life is useless?
>I just feel like a lot of people find fulfillment in their families.
That's because they're slaves to their animalistic desires.
>improve social skills
You can't change your personality. Psychologists say your core personality is impossible to change, you can temporarly act differently but after getting to know someone you will quickly forget the act and change back
>get a white women
Sorry im Mgtow
>raise a family
That costs too much money.
What the fuck do you care faggot
Social skills are the only factor in getting women, that's literally the only thing. You are clearly delusional.
> Lol but not me, unlike you pitiful intellectual plebs I have outgrown my primate evolution and characteristics and live in a perpetual state of self-enlightenment euphoria, must suck being one of the stupid that isn't me
Im 31 and had my first proper sexual experience with another person recently, a morbidly obese fat chick I met off tinder.
Too bad she couldn't make me cum with her hands or her mouth, horrible gummy slow blowjob.
People who have kids are childish and selfish.
I don't really want to pass on my autistic genes, unless it was guaranteed that I would only have girls. Any son of mine would probably also be socially awkward and have a shity life, whereas being shy or socially awkward is not a negative for girls/women.
If the 'future of the white race' depends on autists like me/us, then we already lost, lad. Gotta go convince the chads to make more chads with white girls, and to do that, you need to fix everything the sexual liberation of women has broken, as well as the divorce courts and no-fault divorces in general.
dumb post by a kekistani. color me surprised.
Nothing i am ugly
I got a full time job and I plan on moving out when I can. I spent a sizeable amount on new clothes so I don't look like a fedora lord with anime T shirts and cargo shorts. I'm also losing weight and working out to have some tone(but not full /fit/).
Still to come is...
>find gf
I'll probably kill myself
>Autistic as fuck in real life social situations
>Meet qt Texas girl online (Im from Ontario, Cuckistan)
>Hit it off extremely well
>She is 19, virgin and pale white
>Hope to meet her this winter break
Oh fuck you, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
If you are white you should date a darker skinned person. It's good for genetic diversity.
32m here, have a white fiance with a child on the way. She has a three year old white son from a previous relationship. Am I cuck? Should I kill myself?
>She has a three year old white son from a previous relationship. Am I cuck?
Already answered your own question.
Yes and yes.
>Cuckistani flag
>Civic nationalist
Checks out.
>be 38
>lived as total degenerate for 15 years
>wrote shitty unsuccessful novel on modern dating
>wondered why women are so slutty and how many of my sexual encounters revolved around cocaine and alcohol
>be depressed but work out and ride bike all the time so at least in ok shape
>meet girl 10 years younger than me who is dating manlet with zero interest in kids
>be watching trump debates at friends house who happens to be her brother so she is there
>make comment on how I don't believe in abortion and she agrees
>little less than 12 months later our daughter was born
>been together for 2 years now, life is challenging but I'm happy and love her and my daughter so much
>disgusted by meaningless degeneracy now
>CBC "reporting" has me go nearly 100% 1488 in only a few years
Not doing shit
>canadian flag
This doesn't fit.
Besides why the fuck would you want to bring a kid into this shit world filled with Jewry and niggers?
>being anti-abortion
SPLC classifies people like you as extremists.
Enjoy your mental breakdown
A few years ago I was 100% diversity is a strength
The CBC and CBC/arts page have red pilled me that Canada is fucking cucked to the max, celebrating everything but the straight white male
I've acquired the following:
White woman: 1/1
White Baby: 1/5
House: 1/1
Career: 1/1
Car: 1/1
Doggo: 1/1
Cat: 1/1
Normie social skills: 0/1
I'm working on it
> Why would you bring a kid into this world filled with Jewry and niggers
If you're having white children you're actively making the world less proportionately niggery and Jewey.
Fuck whities. Give me a latina slut that can cook and I'm good.
You obviously are a normie if you got a wife.
No, I don't. Would you care to explain what you're talking about?
You're essentially implying that you somehow aren't a slave to animalistic desires but others are, what makes you so special? Do you not believe that we're all basically determined to be slaves to certain biological, psychosocial, etc. factors?
> Goebbels was a normie
> Rudolf Hess was a normie
> Malcolm X was a normie
Honestly if having a wife is your criteria for being a normie than your idea of what a normie is is either useless or needs serious reworking.
That would be assuming that my wife is a normie.
>Do you not believe that we're all basically determined to be slaves to certain biological, psychosocial, etc. factors?
Yes, but we can reject these thoughts and feelings and ascend to a higher state. Once genetic editing comes around, and the ability to shut off certain parts of the brain without affecting other functions, people won't be slaves anymore.
I have embraced the hermit life and the thought of going back to being a normie is something that can't and won't happen, just like asking an independent successful woman to become a stay at home mother, I've come to far and have seen light, women have been liberated from the their home prisons and men have been liberated from obligations to care for anything but themselves, I like being free, it feels like I'm flying
They were all rich so they could easily get one
Impossible task for a future sociopath
>have 0 social skills
>have 10/10 face
i do pretty well for myself while also being a huge autist.
I've gotten an education and a job. Turns out that's not enough.
Well I stopped drinking soda, started eating better, and am trying to get /fit/, but there are no decent women in my area. everyone here is a fuckin socialist or a thot, its really bad
Goebbels and Hess were married long before they ever got powerful, let alone rich.
Malcolm X was probably never rich.
They were charismatic and socially capable, which is something that can realistically be worked/improved upon.