It reduces humanity as being an evolved ape and states we are nothing more than complex chemical reactions and it reduces earth as a speck of dust in a potentially ever expanding universe. It's so hard to swallow so people flat out reject it.
Is science the ultimate redpill
Other urls found in this thread:
>evolved ape
we weren't apes in the way people normally believe
In the sense that we didn't look like any of the living monkeys/apes
It's just a name for us. But it's the equivelent of calling a shark a fish
Physics is god. calculus' it's prophet
""science"" is not one distinct thing, and plenty of scientists grapple with the profound existential implications of discoveries made about nature. we're evolved apes who were able to discover that electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force were once united, as well as to struggle with the gargantuan problems of transcendence and meaning.
Science is what stupid people perceive as smart.
Pleb-tier woke.
Um, no sweetie. Scientific racism is the ultimate redpill.
Also, why this thread? I hope you're not one those subhumans who think science and religion are polar opposites.
modern science is a fucking joke. Seriously, go to any physics website and take off your blinders and you will see it reads more like the screeds of 7th century witchdoctors than it does mechanical, physical science. Seriously, I have to wonder whether anyone is even awake anymore that people can take modern physics seriously. Quantum entanglement? Teleportation? Black holes? Really? This is the best physics has to offer? And to think, Stephen Hawking had the balls to proclaim that we are a decade away from understanding everything in the physical realm, and he said this 15 years ago! What the fuck, people. Wake up.
yeah actually let's listen to this guy
Science gives me the method to find God if it's there.
Who took the picture, OP?
Science is only a tool to understand the material universe, the one in which we can normally perceive and measure. However, questions that address a more immaterial issue - "What is my purpose?" "Why do I exist?" "What is the origin of life and the universe?" "What do I want to eat for dinner?" - can only be addressed through the mythological imagination. Science is useless in this regard.
because muh god created this all in 6 days and didn't do shit with the rest of eternity.
Science says humans came from apes, read a fucking book,
>implying Physics explains Metaphysics
Humans ARE apes you fucking sperg. Read a fucking book.
Humans are part of the primate family. Read a book idiot.
Its not a red pill it is the black pill of existential nihilism, the final realization that nothing truly matters at all. That everything we are, we think, we do is utterly pointless and meaningless, every single achievement we as humans have done is completely insignificant, that in a million years no one would even realize we existed, every value or morality we have is no more than a value of what an ant would have in its life, that we as whole mean far far less to the universe than a single bacteria means to us.
Looking at galaxies it's quite clear we are a holographic projection from within central galactic black holes.
>it reduces humanity to an evolved ape
>what are humans with o neg blood
>what are humans that are rhesus neg
Ya blew it OP
no matter how many idiotic theories I encounter on this website I can always be sure there will be something more asinine than I ever could have imagined
You hold no power here, wizard
Google the word Ape holy shit.
This is why Sup Forums hates science, cause you retards think "ape" is a type of fucking monkey or some shit.
Humans. Are. Inarguably. Apes.
jesus christ is lord
24 vs 23 pairs of chromosomes
The reason for this is that we have a good understanding of most of the observable factors of the universe, and have rules to explain things. The issue is that these rules break down at the extremes of the scale, meaning that we are currently trying to rectify this breakdown with how our rules usually work. As for wierd advanced shit, China literally just managed to teleport a photo from the Gobi Desert into space, so it isn't as if this shit is confirmed to be impossible. My point is that it sounds like we're taking shots in the dark because we are. We have to explore this new facet of the universe without clearly understanding why anything does anything, just like early scientists did.
Science continues to claim that we live on a sphere, so science is completely subverted by the globalists
Mayor Who Called Michelle Obama "Ape In Heels" Resigns
Michelle Obama is not an ape
Michelle is a man.
>a good understanding
lol what? Implying cosmologists aren't just making shit up at this point.
humans are classified as apes tho.
23 vs 24
Building a better microscope doesn't mean you've seen everything.
>Acknowledges we are basically chimps.
>Thinks we understand the universe/creation.
Quantum mechanics can be demonstrated though. You just don't understand what you're reading.
Explain how quantum computers work if quantum physics is bullshit.
what kind of logic is this? down syndrome potatos have 47 chromosomes
Whatever they guess about is usually backed up by our current understanding of physics. Black holes could actually be secret Illuminati wizard cultists using the power of hentai and calculus to project invisibility fields, but it's just more likely to be incredibly dense matter. The point is that we do the best we can with the information available to us
>implying quantum computers work
But you don't know beyond atoms what is consciousness hydrogen doesn't follow quantization and NASA uses chi for half of it.
Rhesus monkeys have 21 pairs, capuchin monkeys have 27, that doesn't mean they aren't fucking apes holy shit.
we really should draw the line between (((naturalism))) and science tho, most (((scientists))) have become zealots and it is seriously hindering our progress
lol this, quantum mechanics is mostly memes with just a few things that actually work
Humans are apes the same way that computers are just made of melted sand.
I can argue with someone who doesn't understand the fundamental differences between two things that are supposedly the same.
Untestable theory is untestable. Try to keep up.
Reality is the exact sum of probability determined by external unknowns.
itt a bunch of bluepilled jesus cucks.
(((Science))) is a tool to spread mass disinfo and to easily brainwash people.
So many Brainlets ITT
do some trumps
That's the Andromeda Galaxy pictured.
Holy shit now monkeys aren't apes either?
There's no way this isn't b8.. Right?
you are free to argue the misclassification of humans (i.e evolution/common ancestry)
>22:27:27 No.140137474
Now is all there is.
monkeys, apes, and humans are primates
Just because we're primates doesn't mean we aren't apes. We're mammals too, by the way. Guess that means we can't be primates?
Abo education everyone
Tell me about that species jump from 24 to 23 pairs of chromosome, the first human mated with what?
It's the ultimate bluepill, you newfag reddit cuck.
Read Guenon and Evola before you say any more dumb shit.
Wat. That's literally the current scientific consensus.
based on the history and the scientific model used to explain the origins of the universe and the theory of evolution. All of which are being challenged now because many people are realizing the truth, we will approach the technological singularity when people like your self no longer exist...
A new reality will emerge as a fork from this one, only the versions of people that are compatible with it will emerge on it, this place will go out in a blue light...
all apes are monkeys, but not all monkeys are apes. Just as all humans are apes, but not all apes are human.
oy vey goy we (((evolved)))
Primate is the order we belong to, there are two subfamilies of apes within that order, Gibbons (lesser apes) and Hominids (great apes)
We fit under Hominids, which makes us inarguably apes, despite being primates.
Fuck yanks are dumb.
While I'm glad your Abo brain finally pieced together that humans are hominids,but humans are not great apes. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes which is clear distinction from the definition and group.
Aight well played. There's now no chance this is a serious conversation on your part. 7/10 took me too long to notice I took the b8.
Are you saying that I am wrong? If so I 'd interesting in why you think that?
I've shifted many times...
I'm merely stating that we assume less by holding to this theory than any other
Isnt it odd that this Abo has yet to address the 23 vs 24 chromosome pair "problem' - while trying to group humans with Apes? It's like he skips that part every time.
No, as more scientists begin to understand the complexities and perfection of the natural world, physics etc the more they believe there was a design. The idea of all it happening by chance or accident is incredibly slim really. It would be more probable that it was not an accident would it not?
Science is difficult for people to grasp because it's been reduced to "Did you know" factoids in msm.
Also, science exists outside of culture and worldview, so it's difficult to see physical truths without the hindrance of social implications and context. It's then another challenge to relay those truths using language, which is a tool of cultural shorthand.
The scientific method and Popperian Hypothetico Deductivism is also not something that just came about naturally, it had to be thought about to solve philosophical problems of truth and trustworthiness. The method itself is difficult to comprehensively explain.
We then face the further challenge of not knowing whether the cognitive upper limits of humans are adequate for understanding the mechanisms of reality. We can't explain phones to apes, so why assume the universe can be explained to homo sapiens?
Science is just a method. Butthurt nihilists have hijacked it as a vehicle for their barely concealed despair, and now write the things you do, i.e "humans are le aminals with chamikals in brain and we is just spaiz doost". It has nothing to do with science, it's not technically incorrect, but it is an obviously biased way of describing things, you can go the opposite route and come up with a fantastical description of human beings that is still entirely accurate. In my opinion, the fact that life's constituent matter is forged in the core of a star and then subsequently during one of the most violent processes in the entire universe, supernovae, is incredible and makes me feel elated, not brought down because I am "just a le irrelevant spaiz doost", especially since "relevance" and "meaning" are entirely human concepts. Also science is a means of discovering red pills, and can be ignored by faggots when it is not convenient, as we see in the case of anything to do with racial study or trans study that isn't politically correct but is in fact scientifically rigorous.
I'm not against theories, but these published articles with pure speculation, where every other word is maybe/we think/it could be etc, is paraded out as some empirically derived or directly observed discovery, and its not. Its another untestable theory some "Black Science Man" wannabe vomitted up after ODing on federally funded (((grants))).
Is that true? I read a rundown of Tool's Forty Six and 2 that referred to Aboriginal people having fewer chromosomes (and how that relates to worldview) but never followed it up.
Exactly hence reality is the sum of all
It's not even up for debate. Literally 100% of biologists agree we're apes you literal retard. Chromosomes are not a fucking indicator of what family a species is a part of.
Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species.
How have you never been taught how that system works? Mammal is the Class, Primate is the Order, Hominid is a subfamily of apes. We are all of those things. Fuck me, cunt, not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you?
These guys have 23 pairs of chromosomes just like humans. I guess we aren't apes after all, we're crustacean..
Forgot link
These guys
>Kingdom > Phylum > Class > Order > Family > Genus > Species.
thank you for proving this a simulation and that its creator is know as GOD.
It doesn't reduce humanity to anything. You do, by rigidly labeling yourself as nothing more than a complex chemical reaction living on a speck of dust. You can live your whole life without really paying attention to science's big ideas. But if those big ideas are all you can really think about, you aren't thinking about your life. On a metaphorical level you might as well be dead if you're so impeded by your cosmic terror.
Listen here m8, i'll help you.
Apes are hominids
Humans are hominids
Apes are not human
Humans are not Apes
You must be King of your Abo tribe or something. Unequalled among your kinsman, but damn if you under stand basic concepts.
your brain is made to run more than one operating system.
Lemme break it to you, burgermongrel : humans are not only ''apes'', but monkeys, you fucking mongrel.
If you don't know anything about taxonomy, and more specifically, our family's phylogenetic nomenclature, just don't try to classify humans. It takes 30 mins to learn it so yeah.
Humans shall never stop being cercopithecidae nor catarrhines.
one of those things is not like the other, i see one with 23 pairs of chromosomes, while the others have 24. Care to guess which?
I was never born a monkey, how could I have evolved from something that I am not?
I find it strange that so few people are interested in the special theory of relativity and how things actually works in the wider scope of the universe.
>implying anybody really has definitive proof
itt people larping as non-monkeys even though they are catarrhinis and simiiformes
And imblying imbgligations that we don't have definite proof of relativity even though we factor it in many consumer products and have detected gravitational waves, lensing and black holes
the level of scientific retardation on pol is unacceptable. the collective zeitgeist has modern politics mostly right, but is utterly disinterested and ignorant of the natural world
The problem with 3-dimensional space is, no matter how FAR you go out, you'll never really 'get' anywhere.
In order to go 'out', we need to move dimensionaly.
You must be a brainley Aussie because monkeys aren't apea, they are a different family pf primates. Apes are gibbons, chimps, gorillas, humans, etc.
It seems we are very confused about the classification of primates in this thread.
See, the milky way is flat. That picture taken by a camera from outside the galaxy proves it. Earth is also flat as are all the planets. The sun would also be flat if it wasn't burning
>he fell for the gravitonal wave meme
HAHAHAHA, holy shit. Brainlets abound in this thread.
Looks like McDonald's has clued in how cucked Canada is. Don't forget to thumb this fucking thing down!
Idiot, science is simply a tool to understand and manipulate the universe around us.
Special Relativity is actually pretty simple. It's merely a transform for data in a different set of coordinates, it's nothing about time-travel or the fucking garbage that most modern physicists claim it to be. It has nothing to do with black hole wells or warp-speed travel, it's just a transform between two coordinate systems for things traveling near c. You can see the current state of physics by seeing how few scientists even understand special relativity. Special relativity does not mean time travel, it does not mean paradoxical twins, it doesn't mean dead cats are alive and multiverse garbage. It's just a way to calculate the difference between local time and non-local time.
What are you talking about?
Are you just fishing for (you)s? Or do you have anything to say about the discovery of gravitational waves?
oh and there's no proof for gravity waves, faggots. the fact that you buy into that means you're so lacking in your fundamental understanding of physics that you should quit trying.
Read this, dumbass.
Miles Mathis inextricably proves that the gravity wave theory is nothing but a mathematical fudge.
MONKEYS ARE APES you retarded fuck
two separates sets of monkeys could not have come from an ancestor that WASNT A MONKEY itself, and we found many of those ancestors, and they were all basal anthropoidae (clearly monkeys), ancestors to BOTH catarrhini (us) and platyrrhini (new world monkeys).
It's only in the reteraded Merriam Webster/Oxford dictionary that monkeys and apes are separate. Not in French, not in Russian, not in my language. In Spanish only recently.
It's only a non-scientific, non-taxonomic semantic manipulation by dictionary editors and the media that has nothing to do with the proper, empirically supported classification of anthropoidae. Which are all monkeys.
Furthermore, saying ''all of them are the same except for us'' is a Freudian admission that we already know we are one of them.
>it does not mean paradoxical twins, it doesn't mean dead cats are alive
No, because that's quantum mechanics