Trudeau declares "war" on White Nationalism & Islamaphobia

>SASKATOON — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says now, more than ever, Canadians must stand together against racism and Islamophobia.

>“Whether we are in a big city or a small town, we must continue to stand together, united against racism, hatred and Islamophobia,” Trudeau told the crowd.

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Are we winning?

What a cuck.

Did Trudeau kill you?


pic related

interesting image


Fuck the government of Canada, please scalp them Tonto

>>SASKATOON — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says now, more than ever, Canadians must stand together against racism and Islamophobia.
>>“Whether we are in a big city or a small town, we must continue to stand together, united against racism, hatred and Islamophobia,” Trudeau told the crowd.

Where does he declare war against white nationalism? Why did you use such a click bait thread title? I would have been more annoyed if he did declare war against white nationalism. All he said was the same boring shit he has said before.

>Weedman kills white nationalism

>White nationalists win by default

If you kill your enemy, they win.

Oh fuk this cuck. He can go fuk off

>canada declares war on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums will probably win
best timeline

Fuck that bitch. He's white. Get him out of government! He is literally using white privilege as a stepping stone to get above other whites and all minorities.

If he's such a feminist why doesn't he step down and get out of the way let a woman run the cuntry

Everyone has skeletons in their closet, doesn't anyone have dirt on this fucker??

>*QQAAPP* "oh yes, very good my dear"

Canadians are so fucking cucked that their native americans could retake the country.

His mother at club 54 not wearing underwear. Just a start to his bs lagacy

>Canadians must stand together against racism and Islamophobia.
why tho?

Virtual signal cuck his entire time as pm

Hey Canada, here's a tip:

If you let your country become more Islamic and more racially diverse, you are going to lose the only friend you've ever had on this planet: the USA.

We like you because you' us.

Become something else and we have no reason not to annex you - other than the fact that we don't really want you.

It's time for Canada to stop acting all independent and start acting like what they really are - a fully-dependent U.S. satellite country.

A good start would be not fucking over the First nations, who mr trudeau JUUUUUST happened to screw over the moment he took office.

Holy fuck, I hope we get nuked first

Fuk that we need our on trump

canada should just remove the leave to honour the natives (Peruvians=Natives).


How long until this cuck converts to Islam?

Let them continue their adolescent virtue signaling. They are fucking irrelevant. They exist because no one else wants to spend 9 months a year freezing their ass off and 3 months a year feeding mosquitos on our northern border. It's sort of like the climate version of the DMZ.


Is Matthew Perry still in rehab? Need someone to smack some sense into him desu

why not address the more serious problem - christianaphobia?

Holy shit is that real?

Saskatchatoon clash of culture will be between Islam and native pop.

Is Canada overtaking Sweden as the most faggot country?

Canada - The Pic

thats how politics works, you lick each and eveery ass so you can get votes. dont you understand it ? he praises muslims and queers at the same time, it doesnt work that way.

Fuck me I was raised there.

And sjw will not sure what side to join


Trudeau declares holy war

Jihad Justin


All sure signs of a pathetic nu-male.

they are not supposed to blow their cover

woman and gay rights are now illegal
>why do we hate canada again?

>woman and gay rights are now illegal

No they aren't

fuck off faggot, you've been cucked since the early 90s, our multicultural centers are in a couple of cities, the rest is white, unlike your Mexican filled cities and countrysides.

Make Canada the great white north again. We just elected this cuck cause he had nice hair, just turns out he wasn't like trump and more like Merkel

Nothing triggers the white supremacist more than seeing his fellow white man paint their skin the color of subhuman blacks. #paintfacestofightracists

And sjw

Who else besides me believes in the theory of Trudeau being Fidel Castro's son?

Justin looks like young Fidel a lot and his mother was a promiscuous woman who had couple of meetings with Castro.

Has anything islamophobic even been happening in the news or does Trudeau use this as some sort of rallying cry when he wants legislation passed? Can a leaf give me some insight on what the weedman is planning?

Some1 pls nuke Ottawa

i literally became more conservative because of people like him. honest to god. i used to think of myself as a leftie. not anymore. im voting for more and more right wing policies/parties because the modern left have gone insane and continue to look out for everyone but their own people to a ridiculous degree. i understand it is good to look out for minorities and vulnerable people but not to the extent that you piss everybody off. creating a society based on tolerance and equality is a fine art that the left have got horribly wrong

I'm surprised you've even heard of him.

Never liked this cunt and his smug face