Making America White Again

Can the US ever become a 90% white nation again? If so, how will you do this? What will happen to the non-white minorities? Realistic answers only please.

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At this point we can only delay.

It is impossible to tell right now

When the fuck have you ever been a 90% white nation you fat pieces of shit.

>When the fuck have you ever been a 90% white nation

The most you where is 83% by your own source, and those numbers are still probably self reported. Nice try brown burger.

>The most you where is 83% by your own source
Did you notice the list only goes back to 1970?

Did you notice that both graphs that you posts have very drastically different rates?

stop hiding behind your euroflag
everyone hiding behind a flag should not debate

>different rates
That would probably be due to the variable rate of demographic change. The first chart show 1970 to 2050, and the second shows 1940 to 2010. The Hart-Cellar Act was passed in 1965. Obviously, non-white immigration isn't the only factor behind demographic changes in the same period.

Eliminate welfare. Take all the money and pay it as a lump sum to niggers so they move to africa, and spics so they move to mexico. niggers could also move to mexico if they chose, who cares. help them sell their houses if they have any. set up a huge state in africa for them in one of those poverty stricken areas with the starving children.. no matter how much we pay it will be worth it in the end

That still doesn't explain why both rates are different, and why you err toward the 90% figure.

Wait a minute...are you trying to sound clever?

Wasn't America originally not white?
I mean don't the native Americans need to have a say in this?

One easy, moral step and a lot of waiting will do the trick.

> Cut down welfare
> Feminism slowly crashes
> Traditionalism / Moms-at-home becomes a thing again
> No more subsidies to black families
> Less taxes means competition and innovation
> Find even more ways to sustain more population
> White people still have a leg up
> White population soars
> Given enough time, North America becomes mostly white again
> Nothing done here even comes close to breaking the NAP

Make invirtro fertilisation mandatory on shitskins using Scandinavian eggs and husband's sperm, wife as incubator. After 5 Generations genetic pool will be fixed

>Cut down welfare
That doesn't make a lot of sense, since the Left gained power prior to instituting the welfare state with the "great society" legislation, etc. You can't get rid of feminism by eliminating welfare, since feminism was part of the New Left that created the welfare. You need to do something more radical.

Nope, are you trying to be clever?

Why would you ask?

It's pretty easy to extermination a couple million people.

yeah but it is haram

Not if we do it in night, then Allah wont see this.