Would Sup Forums be for or against a local or state government enacting a law requiring all children to take a shotgun course and kill/field dress a deer before they reach 18? Hunting teaches patience, responsibility, hard work, appreciation for the great outdoors and so much more. I cant see the downside.
Mandatory Hunting exam?
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>there's enough deers for every kid to kill
why the fuck does government need to make that shit into laws, it's literally basic education:
>1) how to obtain food
>2) how to obtain shelter
>3) how to avoid paying tax
If you can't teach these three simple skills, you're not a parent. you're a donor. The child is raising itself.
30 million deer is enough for all the ethnic american children. aliens and anchor babies can hunt the deer back in the motherland.
eh, to kill and dress an animal is enough. Doesn't have to be a hunt. They need to know where food comes from.
No. Why the fuck should the government ever be involved with that kind of shit?
ugh so we kill all the deers?
then what's the point of learning that kind of stuff?
I would be for this. Kids need to see that the meat they eat, isnt fetched cost and morality free from the supermarket.
They also need to learn to respect their food and actually cook something nice with what they have, instead of mindlessly throwing something cheap on the pan.
>government enacting a law requiring all children to take a shotgun course
>government enacting a law requiring all children
>enacting a law requiring all
>law requiring all
Yeah, fuck off.
Missed the part about local or state level? Not so sure the federal government should mandate something so intense. There would be major backlash from the libtards in NYC and LA/SF
No, you're retarded and you should kill yourself.
Fine faggot, how about goverment incentivizing shotgun training, and hunting?
Amen brother
Let me taks a wild guess
You are also required to purchase a hunt-certified deer from the (((certified))) sellers
>that jews for the normies out there
>Kids need to see that the meat they eat, isnt fetched cost and morality free from the supermarket.
Who fucking cares? Everybody already knows where it comes from.
>They also need to learn to respect their food and actually cook something nice with what they have, instead of mindlessly throwing something cheap on the pan.
Do you need to worship food as well? It literally doesn't fucking matter if someone decides to make ramen instead of going out, killing a deer, and make a Gordon Ramsey tier entree. I honestly hope you hang yourself.
You are no better than an SJW that tells us their kid is whatever gender they want. You just want to tell people how you think a kid should be raised. People like you are the problem and I can only hope we find a more permanent solution to your type of thinking.
why the fuck are you killing deer with a SHOTGUN and not a RIFLE, and why hadn't anyone in this thread asked you that?
It doesn't have to be a deer, although I get your point
I taught my son with a pellet rifle, hunting squirrels and rabbits, because we are inside the city limits and discharging Firearms is illegal. Hell, even discharging the pellet rifle is illegal but it is quiet enough that no one noticed.
>shill makes third thread of the day
We teach on a 12 gauge shotgun because it is arguably the most versitule firearm. Able to take almost any type of game.
Good job user. Even with a pellet rifle it's still the same valuable lessons.
Your generation is pussy-whipped because children are forced to sit in a classroom for 8 hours a day. Idiot. Why don't you raise your OWN KIDS and teach THEM the virtue of hunting? Oh yes, you are involuntarily celibate.
t. Literal faggots who don't hunt
>TFW never heard of deer slugs or 00 buckshot
Because delivering 8-10 .33 caliber pellets in one round is AWESOME!
you're an idiot.
You've never heard of buckshot, have you? Go on. Look it up. Then look up what a "buck" is.
Eh, I agree with getting more kids out into the wilderness but it doesn't have to be hunting. I do upland game simply because deer is too much work for the average meat you get off the animal. Also, opening day is dangerous as fuck because every retard in the state is crashing through the woods shooting at anything moving in the brush.
I don't care to add to that problem by making it mandatory. Knowing how to field dress is a valuable skill, but if it became necessary I'd rather have fewer people knowing how to survive.
It's mandatory to use a shotgun in some states and areas. It's to prevent overshots. Slugs and shot drop out was faster than a 30cal SP or HP.
Wouldn't it make more sense to teach urban kids to trap pigeons and squirrels if we are talking about an apocalypse? Maybe learn to grow some food too?
Ohio here. Deer are so numerous we actually started culling them from helicopters.
Already a thing
Against. It's wrong to force people to do stuff like that although I would like to see schools have extra corricular things like shooting and pheasant hunting. It'd be great to teach children while keeping parents out of brain washing kids to not touch a gun and hurting themselves later when they buy one cause they aren't retarded.