Besides the blacks what other nations suffer from WE WUZ syndrome? Post examples.

romanians pretending to be roman

Undoubtedly, whites are guilty of this to an unparalleled extent, hearkening back to the glory of long-gone civilizations with which they had nothing to do in order to escape the irreversibly bleak state of modern Western society.


>live in caves killing each other
>mediterranean culture and middle eastern religion finally civilizes them only 500 years ago
>sail the world using med technology and stealing wealth and tech from every other peoples on earth, enriching themselves
>claim to be the master race of anything

We wuz emu conquerors n sheit.

>Besides the blacks what other nations suffer from WE WUZ syndrome?
They were NOT the Hebrews of the bible. That was us, baby!

Nice try Zoltán

But you're like 150 years off.

This dont forget to add dacian

By "whites" do you mean Nordics? Because I can't understand these "colors" you Americans keep talking about. In Europe everyone is "white" from Portugal to Russia.


lol, get a load of this little retard.




retard we still speak same language with our wuzians unlike blacks.



The romans we wuz greeks for almost all their life.
To the point they created a mythological event about it and practically everything we know and have about the greeks are copies or opinions of the romans pretending to be their heir.

Imagine if, with time, Japanese culture slowly eroded to the jewish agenda and everything the newer generations could learn about them came from western weaboos.


All Indo Europeans desu senpai.
>be Neolithic farmer 4000 years ago
>Steppe nigger comes and rapes family, takes over entire society, imposes language and culture
4000 years later


Only applies to Mediterraneans. Especially Sardinians who shouldn't even be speaking Indo-European.

>lol Trianon xddd
Still no proof of you being latin or dacian you roach slav baby

Im sorry that you have autism but I cant help

ALl Euros are ancient mutts, therefore all Euros are LARPers

s*rbian we wuzz

Here's an interesting factoid: The Beatles' haircuts were inspired by the Mongolian style. Many years after the invasions, the Mongols have retained their profound impact on European fashion, art, culture, knowledge, and aesthetics. Every time you think of The Beatles, think of Genghis Khan, and the rich culture, and superiority of the Mongolian nation.



us and Serbs wuz kangz

The British

any white person acting like Ancient Romans or Greeks were white

this desu

The most disgusting 'we wuz' of all time is Ashkenazi Khazars LARPing as the Hebrews of the Bible

> be a turkic eurasian mongrel that could pass as 'white' in America
> call yourself the hebrew of the Bible
> the hebrews, which lived in north africa and the levant
> ashkenazi jews

we wuz da hebrews donate to roths--israel goy


Southern white in USA?





>We invented da phone n shit

nearly the entire paleolithic population of europe was replaced or absorbed during the neolithic. and the neolithic migrants came in large part from the middle east.

sardinians are the only ones who *avoided* that.

Greeks still are, I've met a few and they're secretely hiding all their new things from non-Greeks unless they know you.

Literally everyone in the US

lol, explain this pic

I got to be honest, that blob is just disgusting; I mean, why go so close to taking Constantinople and Greece but stop? At that point you should be proclaiming yourselves are nuRomans and taking the whole damn empire over.

Romans were shit scared of us mate.

How sad

You don't understand haplotyoes. Come back when you have learned a little. Nice try though. Lel.

Even when they were mere Britons the other celtic races raped them as the Anglos migrated in

And form what arlogical evidence shows, they didn't put up much of a fight against these Anglo-saxons either, it looks like they just let them settle in the thousands then started speaking their language.

Note that the first ruler of Wessex has a Briton name after all.

So it's understand able most brits would say their ancestry is mainly Anglo-Saxon, though I bet they memoryhole the whole Danelaw raping and getting subjugated by fucking Francophile vikings.

And don't even get me started on the fact they could only colonize like 1/8th of A FUCKING ISLAND after like 800 years of trying.


Argentinians harbor delusions of being human beings :(

Everyone on that shit island chain who thinks they are somehow "Celtic" Everyone on that shit island chain that thinks they are "Nordic" and not Crypto-Frogs

Apologies to the few who actually are.

Wait, do Spaniards actually LARP and claim they wuz Visigoths?

dont even bother, these burgers will never understand Europe. They have some scale about how little nigger-blood they have in their gene-pool, thinking over 50% non-nigger makes them white.
meanwhile europe doesnt even understand the idea as it is such a foreign concept to us.
they even mutilate their baby dicks; they would be killed on the spot by their European ancestors

it's kc
polanball is cool

>these burgers will never understand Europe.
Perhaps, but at the same time you Euros will never understand America.

thank fuck

a lot of lefties here in southern Spain like to believe WE WUZ CALIPHS

im glad we could come to an agreement.
never have i seen a people claiming to care so much about their nation focus so much on what other nation they come from while literally the legacy of your own history is to destroy every other nation and their history/culture.
its astounding but fits the pattern of every population that adopts dick mutilation.



oh god this, the so called Silesian WE WUZ GERMANZ are perfect example

Australia is the best thing the brits ever made.
Liberation of the british isles when? Have you seen the state they.are in? I know it will be hard when they will rather side with the muslims than you, but its a sacrifice you have to make to restore her Honor

It's a joke about southern spaniards. You wouldn't understand.


Sorry hunbros, not in the mood for shitposting or srs debating tonight.

More s*rbs pls

That's the best one I've seen

Irredentist memes

I actually got it from Facebook and I think it's p funny


Anyone got more Finnish memes?


>I agree that I don't understand America
>Now let me tell you about America

Brazilians WEWAZ hard with their Empire. Many believe what they read in Bra blogs about
"the time when we conquered Buenos Aires"
"the fear everybody had of us"
"the USA feared us"
"Uruguay was released by us, Argentina paid us tribute"

I first thought it was trolling.

Mexico does the same with their "Empire".


>when the very existence of your state was to btfo mexico
>based big bro polk fucked over the mexicunts after they wouldn't give us our clay
pic related what mexicans will never acknowledge

Muhammad can be black, white, brown, doesn't really matter.
He was a pedophile, a war monger, and illiterate.

Fuck that dumb cunt, he wasn't the prophet of shit.

daily reminder if your texan polk is literally /yourguy/

>swiss usa
new york and pennsylvania area is dutch you dumbass



>American education

>Any country claiming that they were of roman descent
>Any american that they are 1/28th *insert european culture here*
>Any person that claims that their countries borders are based on the ones at the peak of the countries size

I will give them that they fought hard against the Frogs and Royalists.
Tho many Mexicans believe that a monarchy would have been much better to the country.


its hard to look at mexico today and see a government that could be worse than the cartels controlled shitfest they currently have
tho you could say the same about the u.s if you replace the cartels with jews but that atleast gave us this board

>doesnt understand the difference between observations and an explanation of society that create the observed phenomenon
>even when it was written "never have I SEEN"
yeah you are american alright. why is it always like talking to a 13 year old child when talking to one of you?

Yeh, I mean, their situation is beyond saving in my opinion. They need some great purge.

Also, WE WUZ GENOCIDE VICTIMS from Paraguayans.
Never mention the rape and sacking of th Brazilian Mato Grosso and our province of Corrientes before the war by Paraguayan Troops.
Nor the fact that Solano López sent CHILDREN to battle.

illo que aqui tor mundo eramo reyeh


You shut the FUCK UP RIGHT NOW

>Dat Andaluz accent
Is it true that people in the Islas Canarias speak like us?

Killed all the prussians and took over as prussians

Anyone here getting high on Turanism?

i will say i have trouble with a mestizo problem in the u.s where they claim that euro latin peoples (Spaniards, french, Italians etc) look like them and that mestizos WAS DA BIG EMPRUHS O ROME
while at the same time clinging to incans, aztec, and mayan civilizations when trying to disassociate from whites
basically any med civilization is mestizo to them aswell my girlfriend is from spain with blue eyes blond hair and paler skin than me and routinely gets told she isn't hispanic or latin which pisses her off to no end
they also claim to be spanish while hating whites for crimes against the natives committed by the spanish


Not exactly, but closer than any other spaniard. Their way of speak is actually more similar to venezuelans.

>they also claim to be spanish while hating whites for crimes against the natives committed by the spanish

Dude...none of my ancestors was descendant from creoles or conquerors. I am a mix of Italians and Belgians with some mestizo blood from my grandma (mother of my mother).
Still the local SJWs would accuse me of "profiting of stolen land".
There is no way with that people, they are sick in the head.

Once one libtard did not believe me when I showed him photos of one of my cousins who's brown skinned, he could just not believed it.
They assume that me being white/ish forces me to have guilt or behave in some determined way, "bourgeoisie" way.




Hungary's got it pretty bad.

Shut up you dumb Argie

So..hows the motherland dealing with the 2nd Moorish invasion?
Are lefties finally kinda waking up or doubling down?

Don't be mad Tommy.

>Are lefties finally kinda waking up or doubling down?

These people will convert to scientology or Islam rather than see the light.

Also, I saw your sailing ship in my town some time ago, pretty cool.

You're not white so quit pretending