Fish hook theory

Here's the real political compass

So the left is where the jews tie the knots, and the right is where all the OH WHO CARES WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY TWELVE FUCKING CAPTCHAS FUCK OFF

not pictured: niggers

god bless captchas, they guard us from the depravity of the australian shitposter

Call me a faggot but I think it unironically describes the trajectory of political affinities over a lifetime for most sensible people out there.

shitpost sHitp౦st thats a shitpost rightthere rightthere if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷM HO0OଠOOOOOOଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ Shitpost

surprisingly accurate

>Not using legacy captcha
New fags belong on reddit

Nope. Its the truth.

Alternative: pic related

>reposting memes from communist subleddit
actually kill yourself

Or the gavin alternative

This makes no sense. The political compass is already good enough. Every major thought can be described there. Ethno nationalism is an offshoot of conservative nationalism, it's meaningless to describe anything but level of state control on social and markets. The differences between authoritarian movements are minor except for economic policy

The only exception to this is fascism which is an actual full fledged movement which is ethno nationalist as well as having its own economic policy

>left wing

Whatever happened to horseshoe theory. Was that not pc.

It is half left and half right
Nobody places it correctly

>the real political compass is bait incarnate
Why am I not surprised

This is the most retarded thing I have seen all day

Check ur flag then


I see facism being called out a lot, but I've never met someone whose ideology is all about faces.



>muh centrists are just like extremists
Nice meme.

I dunno what they changed but normal captcha basically became unusable at some point, minimum 5 in a row and would often throw up an error message and force me to start again. Legacy captcha is so much better, only problem is you have to change the settings every time you clear cookies.

This one makes no sense senpai

Authoritarians are not exclusive to either side, user.


It's been replaced

no way Norwegians are there. they are far-right fascists given the way the autistic cunt pumps up to ensure everyone knows to archive every fucking link

It makes perfect sense. It's basically "everyone who doesn't agree with me is the same" on three different points on the political spectrum.

I know it's a joke since the virgin side is supposed to be relatable, but I really am in the middle of these two now after seeing the neolib alt ctrl left.


And the w?


Why would you insult this man? I bet he goes so hard he voted for Hillary twice before hitting his asthma vaporizer like a boss.

facism is like racism, only against ugly people instead of niggers

>use legacy captcha for posts
>use normal captcha for threads

It replaces the horseshoe.

We're reaching levels of fence sitting never thought possible.



How do I use legacy captcha


I think if you shit post a lot then mods can make it so it's harder for you to post


>virgin side is suppose to be relatable
What the fuck? So you're a classic liberal Sargon viewer who thinks that dems are racists?
Seek help.

that's how the meme goes. It's pathetic, but just accurate enough to get reactions. see original

I don't shitpost a lot. I know that may sound weird because of my flag but it's true.

now I just want to go fishing


The higher they are, the more critical they are of other points of view. That's why there's three peaks, hence the W shape.

Move aside fish hook, horse shoe strikes again

There are no such things as rights, faggot. There is simply what can be enforced.

Why is ancap next to ancom?

And fish hook evolves to double fish hook

How far down are primitivists and accelerationists?

That's anchor theory.

If you have to ask, it's not for you.

tfw I've been using legacy captcha and you've just reminded me that the "click 18 boxes 8 times WHOOPS TRY AGAIN" captcha exists

Triangle of truth

benis XD

>not a 3 dimensional matrix

At least once a day you Aussies put a smile on my face. God bless you shitposting motherfuckers.

Also I had to click no less than 37 boxes of street signs and store fronts to post this.

This is bait


at last I truly see

someone post the virgin vs chad theory

Better, but nationalist - transnationalist should instead be tribalist vs universalist.

So many people continue to argue for things from a universalist perspective. The political compass doesn't accurately reflect this concept.

That's fucking hilarious... Idk y but it's so true if you go to far you get into an echo chamber and fuck yourself up.

My nigga
Just /take it a step further/

I don't know what to say I've never even seen that image before in my life

how is left - right even a thing when there has never been a functional leftest society in the history of humanity?


I like it.


>not a 4 dimensional hyper cube

Fake news
It's ¡Jeb!

>never been a functional leftist society
>what is nazi Germany
>inb4 Hitler wasn't a leftist because he didn't hate white people
I'm conservative myself but I feel like people confuse "leftist" with "degeneracy pushed by Jews", which is what the modern left is, but still.

Dont talk about the human filing cabinet that way.

>muh democracy
>muh constitution

kek, top fucking bluepill

Look at this bait that I just found when I say go be ready to leave.



I've come to a realization that probably the best thing to do now and in the future is focus on career and sex.

The Nazis put monarchists and capitalist democrats in prison camps too.

NatSoc is Third Position.

>all of these nopass newfags

>I blindly believe on jooish conspiracies because I have stronk convictions!
Nice try, but you can't disguise your stupidity as "strong convictions".

I don't think people on Sup Forums do hold serious convictions or beliefs.

Not serious convictions, retarded ones

What if you just add the Up/Down axis to a political compass?
It's a voluntary variable that acts independently from your position on the compass, but its value is only defined within the range (1, 0), (0, -1) with 2 decimals digits

You idiots think of politics in 1 or 2 dimensions. Shows how tiny your brains are

"right" and "Left" and "center" in between.on a line. At most the Fishhook and Horseshoe theory are 2 dimensional as they add height to the line, and place the center on a ridge about to go up and down.It also accounts for the political tests which add a Vertical line to juxtapose the horizontal.

In truth:
Politics is probably 5 or 6 dimensional.

Adding a Z axis allows for a fully 3 dimensional political sphere. This leads into specific ethics within those "sides" Some Nazis will be authoritarian, others will be a bit more libertarian. Some faaaaar lefties take the pragmatic approach that punching Nazis is going to result in a lot of dead on their side... So now we have a fully 3 dimensional space

Great what's next? D4: Changes in Size. Much like how when you grow up. you were small, and now you're bigger. Each political affiliation can have people remain in that affiliation but have their perception and life experience remold it into different lengths - or they can go full retard and shift to a far radical spectrum that east itself alive. while still maintaining the general same opinions. The universe expands, as do we, our minds and our politics. and with the new space, allows for new ideas to flourish.

D5: Location. How the radical racists jumped from the democratic "side" to the republican "side" and how Nazism went from a leftist ideology to a far right one. Much like how people walk around life they are the same, but in different locations while changing mass constantly

D6: Time This ties into D4 and D5. Time allows for the ideas to maintain the same "spirit" while bouncing around all over the place. Remove it altogether to realize that much like everything we are, changes come and go. Its how the country goes from voting In Obama twice to saying "fuck everything he believes in" While holding the same ethics and morals.


how the fuck can he be so thin yet still have a fat ass face?


It is left wing though. He reason you think it is right wing is because the communists infiltrated the universities in the US and Europe and then rewrote the history to position communism as good and nazis as bad.

But Lenin wrote to Mussolini congratulating him on his ascension to the leadership in Italy.

Fascism was understood to be of the Left at the time. It was only after the war when the critical theorists rewrote your history textbooks that it became the great 'right wing evil'.

You still see it today. Conservatives think the left is wrong, the left thinks conservatives are 'evil'. That came from their re-writing of history.

are jokes not allowed now? how's your professional and sex life? because I noticed that mine sucked.

I just want to say that I'm not a nigger. I hope you guys don't mind.

>in [current year] political theories are mainly shapes and squiggly lines

The left is the political starting point, once you leave it there is no turning back. Same with centrism. Only retards or edgelords go from right to left.

I'll give you a hint.


Your pic is top tier boomer posting.

It's an intelligence test. You have to be smart enough to figure it out. That shouldn't be too hard for a member of the Master Race like you.