Anti-Trumper John Legend Has Mom's Prostitution Arrest Posted All Over Facebook.
Which one of you madmen did this?!
Anti-Trumper John Legend Has Mom's Prostitution Arrest Posted All Over Facebook.
Which one of you madmen did this?!
Other urls found in this thread:
What's this? Why do you tease me?
Run down, nigger
Looks like McDonald's has clued in how cucked Canada is. Don't forget to thumb this fucking thing down!
Great job, which one of you did it?
gay nigger
fake news site. got another source?
she just tryina put food ona table. dindu nuffin ana po-leece be hasslin her fo nuffin ynowhutmsayin
It's things like this that make me realize /pol makes the world go round
Das funny. Someone should do Snoop Dogg next. Or better yet Wu Tang.
>We Wuz Hoez
I don't understand what this accomplishes, a boy raised by a deviant turns out a decent contributing member of society. Theres a million ways to spin this, and none of them discredit him, it just drags his mothers name through the mud.
Do people even think anymore before they start bullshit? More often than not you do more damage than good.
this smells like a shill thread
Some shucking a jiving nigger that wanted to hire a bunch of fatbodies to play Trump supporters in his Jew propaganda.
>Decent Member of Society?? LOL
This dude is one of the biggest prick there is. He's put out an ad looking for fat, white, old, blonde actors to portray Trump supporters as violent
Kill yourself
They all are at this point ya fucking dummy. We've become Sup Forums and, the most hated place on the internet.
I never even heard of the guy before this article, all it said was that he was a singer/songwriter turned philanthropist, which in the eyes of the public, makes him a decent member of society. My point stands that the only thing posting shit about his mother will just rally people behind him more.
George Soreooze is a philanthropist too.
if he supports antiwhite anti decent upright American causes to which society is he contributing?
Why downvote? Did i miss something other than the terrorists?
You miss the fucking point again. What does posting about his mother accomplish? It doesn't discredit him in any way, it actually makes him look better that he came up from that far down.
If you want to play the villain by attacking his mother, you'll only make him look to be a hero.
>Black Racist Antiwhite Terroist
>We Wuz Philanthropist
depends on your audience..
>Black Racist Antiwhite Terrorist
>Giving people a reason to rally behind him
I don't fucking know the guy, I don't fucking like that hes looking for actors to make propaganda, but I also don't like retards like you who seem to not understand that throwing gasoline on a fire only helps the fire.
I used to live there, fuck
Wrong. These people are degenerates and cowards. The only reason they attack Trump is because they believe they'll be unscathed
Hollywood portrays him as a gentleman. Expose him as the degenerate globalist shill he is
>/pol never forgives or forgets
You may have even known her...
You aren't attacking him, you're attacking his mother. It wasn't his fault his parent was a degenerate junkie and whore.
Attacking her only makes him look better by pointing out his upbringing and challenges he had to overcome.
>These people are degenerates and cowards. The only reason they attack Trump is because they believe they'll be unscathed
These stupid attacks on his mother not only doesn't hurt him at all, it helps his cause. It gives evidence that theres some kind of boogeyman out to get him and people like him.
Oy Vey! Thanks for confirming we struck a cord with legends (((people)))
Pretty much dis
You're a total fucking moron that has no forward planning abilities. You have no sense of consequence of actions and that, my friend, is nigger tier.
Honestly don't get what is happening. Somebody mind to explain?
Everyone’s jacking off on an article he is in and said Trump must be impeached. Because he said so, well now it just has to happen. I wouldn’t put it past him and his publicist to have cooked this whole thing up. Publicist are one ring below the scourge of celebrities that think their opinion is the be all end all
>replying with 'this'
Go back to red dit where you can upvote to lazily show your approval and add nothing to the discussion, faggot
>John Legend was caught hiring actors to portray violent Pro Trump Protestors.
>TMZ released the ads looking for overweight white males in MAGA outfits and young skinny blacks as BLM
Sup Forums found out and in retaliation they started pulling up info on John Legends Mother
>Turns out John Legend was a crackbaby and his mother is a prostitute
>Sup Forums is now trolling him on social media
The only reason he became successful in the first place is because of the kikes in the entertainment industry because all they see is a fucking poor lowly black person that could be some (((aspiring artist))) to make them shekels and push this useless and worthless identity politics. The term artist and philanthropist are being loosely used nowadays as some excuse by libshits and kikes to fool stupid idiots like you. Who even gives two fucks about celebrities anyway? I and most people in this thread have accomplished more than this shit stain nigger ever will.
Lesbo kiss, we don't take kindly to reprobate queermosexuals round here.
>Who even gives two fucks about celebrities anyway?
Normies do, and normies will rally behind this asshole because of this raid. You aren't helping shit, you're actually hurting any credibility we have. All this campaign is doing is basically saying "Your mother is a junkie slut, haha".
Tomorrow there will be fake news articles talking about a "disgusting act perpetrarted against an artists family" and even more normies will stand behind them. You're basically doing PR for him.
Until his crazy anti-Trump tweet storms the only thing I knew about this guy was his wife was a hot half white, half Thai chick. Now I feel sorry for her stupid half niglet kid even more.
she is the definition of a stupid, entitled, vapid, whore that is only good for her looks
Fucking degenerate. That's what he is
If real, then this spins into hero John Legend who overcame such hardship story in 3, 2, 1...
with salon etc doing 'what's so bad about prostitution?' articles one day, and the 'racism that fed the crack boom among the black american population' the next. cap this.
I never understood this guy's "success". Who buys his records or goes to his shows? Nobody. Never on the radio. Never had a hit song. Won an oscar for a boring song. Why are they proping this guy up all the time? Rigged
They don't think that far ahead. It's either that or they're double agents planning an attack because they know the outcome. I prefer to give them the benefit of the doubt and believe they're just that stupid.
Newsflash asshat, (((artists))) are associated with the left and even normies are seeing how stupid they are. You don't seem to realize the dynamics going on today. Revealing his mom was some degenerate drug addict shows normies how these leftists become what they are today. He also degraded Trump and guess what happens to everyone who did? Bad luck for miles.
It doesn't help him REGARDLESS of what you think.
And his career isn't that spectacular anyway. Just a few albums and one hit song, big fuckin' deal. Who cares? He is not getting good PR. He is getting bad PR because he is a moron promoting some degenerate DA from the ACLU, another shithole worthless organization.
It sounds like he got a deal at an early age that would help him escape this life but only if he sold himself to (((them))).
This is why I try to stop my leftist friends and other co-workers saying something they might regret.
If you want to attack someone by citing flaws in their arguments, or hypocrisy of their actions, fine. Do that.
This? This isn't that, this is attacking a man because of what his mother was/is. It will only garner him support in the long run.
>I don't understand what this accomplishes, a boy raised by a deviant turns out a decent contributing member of society.
Contributing how? By singing degeneracy for the Jew? Get the fuck out of here.
>Lowest SAT scores
>Lowest GPA
>Lowest median income
>Lowest IQ
>Highest high school drop out rate
>Highest college drop out rate
>Highest unemployment rate
>Highest welfare useage
>Highest crime rate
>Highest homicide rate
>Highest incarceration rate
>Highest amount of sexually transmitted diseases
>Highest erectile dysfunction rate
>72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock
You got it. Some messed up extreme leftists might call foul but most normies will see that this man and his family are degenerates.
When compared to a strong moral man like Trump, John Roger Stephens(John Legend) will be exposed as the garage he is.
>Ever wonder why he changed his name from John Roger Stephens to John Legend?
>He's trying to hide his degeneracy and by us bringing it into the light exposes him for the shill he really is
>John Legend was caught hiring actors to portray violent Pro Trump Protestors.
for movie making or (((journalism report))) on site?
The entertainment industry is rigged and if you go that route, you are just throwing your life away to be some slave to a bunch of kikes who think they own this country. They are propping this guy up because he is their (((model black man))) for social justice and all that bullshit.
I heard about this guy before because my sister listens to his fuckin' music and that is how I looked into his life. And tell me this. What in the fuck was wrong with his real name anyway? You change your name to JOHN FUCKING LEGEND! What was wrong with JOHN ROGER STEPHENS?! That is some cuck shit right there. The ONLY TIMES a name should be changed is when a man marries a woman and she takes his last name or your stupid parents gave you a shitty name. You shouldn't be allowed to change your fuckin' name like this.
>decent contributing member of society.
How? He's a parasite.
Crisis actors will be one of the first during the day of the rope. Shoot a first traitor before your enemy.
the mother of the gilr that got Dodged in Charlottesville was a crisis actor btw
The fat bitch should've just stuck to HR. Also notice how the MSM hid her body by spamming pictures of her face. I guess they didn't want to fat shame her all over national news. You get what you deserve when you subscribe to this commie shit.
You focus on one thing I said without even reading further along the thread or even that entire first post.
What does this raid accomplish? You call his mother a junkie whore (which she is to be fair) and then what? Do you think this discredits him? Do you think this will have any negative effect on him whatsoever?
Attack is arguments, attack his actions, but attacking his mother, who he had no control over, is a shitty plan with a negative payoff. You will only grow his fanbase, causing him to be an even bigger pain in the ass down the line. Think Anita Sarkeesian. Don't be fucking fools.
McDonald's is still in business? I thought that shitty company was bankrupt already.
>Decent contributing member of society.
That comment made me left. It's scum like John Roger Stephens(John Legend kek) that are bringing this country down
You still don't get it do you? His degenerate mom reinforces his stupid actions and words since those are already out there for everyone to see. And why are you bringing up that literally who jewess? She is a nobody and she will never be some big shot in whatever the hell journalism is turning into nowadays. If you think she is getting big like some A-list celebrity, you are out of your fuckin' mind. She lost in the end and no one cares.
This globalist cult like propaganda isnt anything new
Can I get a rundown?
What do you personally think this raid will accomplish. Tell me how far along you've thought this attack out.
Do you think the ignorant masses will see his mothers police record and go "Man, this was important information that definitely changes my opinion of her son, who I didn't even really hear of before this incident."
I bring up the jewess because it was a period of time in internet history that we could have learned from. We created a boogeyman that is still blamed today for everything in the videogame industry. It gave her opinions validity in the eyes of the masses, and you're repeating the same mistakes now.
John Legend is making a music video and put out a casting call for old ugly retarded looking white men to play Trump supporters and young cool and /fit/ black dudes to play BLM supporters. Now everyone is spamming his facebook page with the fact that his mom is a piece of shit
>Whore junkie whose degenerate son changed his name to hide his background
>Degenerate son makes anti white videos and disparaging comments about Donald trump being assassinated
>You call him a philanthropist?
You aren't even a good shill
You gotta go back
Some brave autist should hire the whore for a night while wearing Trump apparel and spam the video on his page
If this creepy shit was considered heartwarming back in the days, no wonder boomers are so fucked in the head.
John Legend is white. Sage and barley.
You responded to me directly after that with a link to the other thread, I explained to you that the only information I knew about this guy at the time was the link you yourself posted in the second post of this thread which calls him a philanthropist. This thread was literally the only information I had about this person.
It doesn't change my point at all, and you completely disregard it.
so you guys think you're going to make him feel ashamed because of stuff his mom did
So why don't you post about his racism and anti white terrorism on his Facebook
That's because the cause of death was a heart attack.
>Attack is arguments, attack his actions
Hello principled loser cuckservative, we'll attack him because it's funny, because the yellow chimp deserves it, and because we play to win .
>we play to win
>by using a losing strategy
He is promoting a campaign sponsored by the ALCU. There, he lost credibility already because he's a fucking hypocrite. The whole fucking purpose of this stupid campaign is the hold DAs accountable for keeping people in the prison system. LIKE IT'S ALL THE FUCKIN' DA'S FAULT THESE KIDS ARE IN PRISON. DEY DINDU NUFFIN!!! Well guess what, faggot? Maybe they need to stop committing crimes and get their lives together. This is where is mom comes in. She is a fuckin' degenerate and has probably already had second chances and treatment but kept on going back because of her actions. By posting her shit on his page, it shows he is a hypocrite because he is watching out for her regardless of what you fuckin' think.
Also, Anita's opinions NEVER had validity and she was NEVER some boogeyman representing the commie infiltration. Where the fuck are you getting this bullshit from? She is just another dumb feminist kike nobody. That whore Valkenburg was more significant than Anita but still a nobody.
>We're just ordinary people
>Maybe my Mum was a Ho.
>We're just ordinary people
>I got violated by /pol
gee I wonder why anybody would be inclined to think Trump is a turd
rage harder, faggot
Are americans retarded? how can you be unable to read a single sentence correctly
Why don't you shut up and fix your country? We are trying to remove commies from power and you should do the same.
>Yellow Chimp Chrissy
>Yes it is funny
Well played sir, well played
>He is promoting a campaign sponsored by the ALCU. There, he lost credibility already because he's a fucking hypocrite.
Post this to his page, point out his hypocrisy. Attack him directly, don't hide like a coward while attacking his mother, to which he has no responsibility to her actions.
>Maybe they need to stop committing crimes and get their lives together.
I agree.
>Anita's opinions NEVER had validity and she was NEVER some boogeyman representing the commie infiltration
She spoke to the U.N., and influenced Twitter and Google. The boogeyman thing I believe you completely misunderstood.
where's the crab?
Bit harsh man works hard and you destroy his soul
>She spoke to the U.N., and influenced Twitter and Google. The boogeyman thing I believe you completely misunderstood.
Yes, and every time she did it was a complete clown show that redpilled the masses.
>name three games
>UN links a hard drive
The boogeyman created was Trump if anything.
I don't agree with doxing someone's mom but trying to hide behind Anita and co's lowbrow opportunism is sad.
Your country is a shithole. How about you man up and do something about it?
I have to agree with this. John Legend comes out of this looking like a good guy who is being trolled by autistic internet faggots. He comes out of this with his reputation enhanced.
pic unrelated
Despite their poor performance with the U.N., tech companies like Google and Twitter still took her seriously, and we're still suffering the ramifications of how we handled her back then. It is the entire point I've been making. The boogeyman I was referring to was Gamergate, it's still used today as some boogeyman thats used to shut down all opposition.
>I don't agree with doxing someone's mom but trying to hide behind Anita and co's lowbrow opportunism is sad
I'm not trying to hide behind her opportunism (whatever the fuck you mean by that). I'm simply stating that, like the Anita situation, this will only garner public support for opposition. Don't give them cause to play the victim, because thats what they want. Be precise, be logical, or be quiet.
Oh look a Neocuck. No one but you and degenerates think this enhances reputation.
Tell your wife to enjoy her session with Tyrone tonight
Why don't you tell me why he agreed to this fucking campaign in the first place Sherlock? He has money from the kikes to do something and is watching out for his mom plain and simple. Anyone would watch out for their mom, doesn't matter their ideology. The point here is leftists need to shut the fuck up for once in their lives and think instead of doing some stupid "feels good" campaign. They aren't superior than everyone else who isn't one. If he wanted to help his mom out, he should've done it quietly like normal people do. But no, like a stupid moronic typical leftist, you have to show off and make a fool out of yourself. Guess what? Showing off has consequences and to top it off he made it political, which is another mistake.
The U.N. is run by a bunch of scumbags and she only spoke there one time. Everything that has happened so far has undone what she accomplished back then so too bad. Google is now fucked because they fired that Jew who spoke his mind about something that should be common sense. And Twitter has always been a shitshow after they banned everything "hateful."
>pandering to people who support degeneracy
>caring about the reputation of a crack baby
>taking this all so serious
remember when we used to do things for teh lulz
Also, GamerGate is a boogeyman that was created by the commies in this country. It wasn't created by the masses. You ask any normal person out there, who isn't some cucked millennial, what that is and they will laugh at you.
>The point here is leftists need to shut the fuck up for once in their lives and think instead of doing some stupid "feels good" campaign.
Take your own fucking advice, because this sentence you fucking wrote can be applied to you and what I've been saying. Think before you act, understand the consequences of your actions.
This campaign you're doing is just making yourself feel good by pointing out that his mother is a whore, it's schadenfreude. You aren't thinking long term.