Just got banned from kikebook for saying that the west shouldn't accept immigration...

Just got banned from kikebook for saying that the west shouldn't accept immigration. It started with the facebook group "the real concerned citizens of thunder bay"... I didn't realize how much censorship there is until now. I wasn't anti-simetic but trust me... I am now. I'm getting pretty angry right now. What should I do Sup Forums?


Gas as many Kikes as possible and hope for race war soon

What did you say exactly?

Stop giving time to Facebook, or accept the rules, turdburgler.

Great blog post, btw.

OP here. I said that it wasn't right to fucking flood our country with immigrants and I got banned from everything on facebook.

OP here, also this fire they are fueling they aren't going to like it.

>using facebook
that's your first mistake

I deleted kikebook when king nigger got elected. It's literally cancer of the mind.

Facebook requires you to adopt the grandmother's house or church persona. It is no longer a place for real discussion.

Don't use fagbook

You can drop massive redpills while being polite. It's good practice.

stop fucking going to facebook
its a hugbox echo chamber for pussy SJWs and old boomers that are angry that their businesses are failing because they cant relate to younger gens

yeah, dont be so aggressive, its too scary for them

OP here. I was using it as a means to redpill people- it's literally the fucking street. You let these liberal shit heads control the street than we lost. To say not to use facebook is bullshit and self defeating. Wake up. I just fucking hate immigrants.

really cool story bro thank for sharing

Been said already but worth repeating at every opportunity: get off of Facebook. It serves no purpose but to depress you.

Twitter and Facebook are sjw echo chambers. The only value in Twitter is the epic trolling POTUS does. For that reason alone I maintain an account - just to be a number for him and others worth amplifying. I go in once a week or so to retweet a few things, "like" a few things - enough to keep the account "active." Five minutes total. Just a number for Trump's SM. Other than that, its totally worthless to me.

24 hours lel. Bitch I got zucc'd for 30 days because I called some gypsy "crow". On a Romanian page. I wasn't even aware we have SJWs in Romania. It could have been a rare gypsy who uses the internet, but still -- 30 fucking days for saying "go away crow" to a gypsy...

I have to say that it sounds like you deserved it, user. You were spreading hatred and jeopardizing the well-being of a whole community. I hope you take this time to reflect and learn your lesson. Maybe think about how you can fit in better without offending or hurting others.


1.5 years ago (+/-) i got the same temporary ban for commenting unPC things on facebook but after the ban was over i got no ban despite commenting things that were worst than what got me the temporary banning in the first place. I only got banned when i sent a pro-immigration White woman a message that i hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers.

So maybe that is a kind of psychological technique, to scare people into not saying unPC things...i don't know i don't use Jewbook for a long time, perhaps things have gotten worst.

>What should I do Sup Forums?
Keep getting banned. Get banned as much as possible as politely as possible. Your opinion isn't extreme at all so normies will take notice and wonder why the cordial opinion warrants a ban.

>What should I do Sup Forums?
Thank Gandhi you don't live in communist Europe were you would be jailed and would probably face prison time.

oh my god people think creatively and play 12D chess, just say youre a gay Muslim against immigration, they cant turn you down

How can normies take any notice if they cant see that he's banned?

If anything, he should be out there trying to bait people into saying bannable stuff to wake them up.

You only get banned if you're reported, and it's ultimately up to the mod who reviews the report. That's the fucking problem. If it's some normal guy he'll probably decide not to zucc you, but it it's a special sjw snowflake you get your account blocked for up to a month even if what you posted is only a joke. Also I don't think you can get zucc'd for sending private messages. Only for your public activity.

How does Facebook ban people anyway? Are messages with certain keywords flagged to be reviewed? Maybe posting your stuff as images might help t here.

It takes time to ban somebody and in that time you can start a conversation up which people will notice. And you don't want to just start screaming "gas the war kike race nao" you gotta start boiling that frog slowly with some soft unbannable redpills.

Baiting people to saying bannable stuff is also a good idea as long as you're not being obnoxioious or something. The idea is to be banned while being a voice of reason and fairness.

It's a program that blocks.If they think they are trying to prevent "hate speech" by doing this.. it literally is only going to create more fucking hate. Like right now- I'm pissed off, not only at foreigners but facebook also. As you can see- the logic is flawed.

I hear you. If you catch a Jewbook NKVD guy you go to Jew Gulag.

Nah, it's for PMs aswell, and might be some sort of flagging system/algorithm. I got banned for 24 hours a long while back for sharing some gorey image to a friend in a private chat.

No. You can post and say whatever the hell you want. They don't actively review any content. It needs to be reported by users in order to be reviewed. You can report p much any post for whatever reason. These reports are reviewed by mods, and it's p much entirely up to them whether or not they ban you. The guidelines of Facebook are very ambiguous with a lot of room for interpretation. So it all boils down to the reviewing mod's mood and whether or not he considers the reported post banworthy or not.

seeing how POLANDBALL on facebook has managed to last quite a while, either it was REALLY bad or the staff had not got their lunch yet.

Someone must have reported you. I also posted shit like that (from a morgue) and it's never been taken down in years. I also remember stumbling upon some lunatic who posted very disturbing content (necrophilia) and the posts were from 2009. And they were still up. I reported it and he got zucc'd. But not until then.

What country do you live in?

I am almost sure that it was because of the personal message. Woman was major feminist also so she probably got triggered by me saying that i want her to be raped by gang of nigger.

You should create a home-made EMP out of salvaged microwave magnetron's and fry their server buildings.