Reminder that if you eat or drink food that originates outside of Europe you are a RACE TRAITOR. Like chilis, tomato, coffee, potatoes, rice, corn etc.
Reminder that if you eat or drink food that originates outside of Europe you are a RACE TRAITOR. Like chilis, tomato...
>not German
>flying a German nationalist flag
>calling anyone a traitor
Kill yourself, M'Furhrer LARPer faggot.
Oxygen certainly doesn't originate in europe so unless you're breathing zyklon b all the thanks goes to brazil.
>swastika is old European symbol
>Germany is European country
kys Amerifaggot
>muh ancient Indian err Indo-European symbol
*tips Stahlhelm*
Why don't you have pride in your own country, fucking LARPer? Even if you want a pan-European identity movement, there's plenty of modern ones without the baggage of the swastika. Unless you don't care about convincing anyone and just want to play edgetarian on the internet?
>Eating Corn
>Literally the GMO jew of all GMO jews
shits literally cancer
>swastika is baggage
um no. it works on vampires and taxmen.
Lmao a lot of herbs and vegetables in Europe are coming from outside like Asia or North America and are healthy as fuck . If that has anything to do with race you can go fuck right off
how is this not the fucking right-wing equivalent of the SJW nonsense
>calling maize "corn"
The race traitor is you.
I like to honor my ancestors and enjoy brown people's slave labour.
the thought of little brown children working the day on sugar, coffee and chocolate plantations gives me joy
when I order my expresso, I open the small sugar packet, but I don't put in my coffee. I just leave it there.
fuck you.
Indo-europeans were in India too
I said it's NON-EUROPEAN food
So the food of the fatherland isn't good enough for you?
Europe needs to be free from EVERYTHING that is non-European
>not growing your own GMO free corn
Disgrace! I bet you couldn't even plow the fields by dawn!
i really cant
ill fuck your ass up
>toast sandwich intensifies
I believe in you user. Take this horse, plow, and young Amish woman. It is your destiny.
Summer threaddit
fuck you, my ancestors left their homeland all because the potatoes went bad
i will never give them up you cunt fuck
You are a race traitor, embracing the food culture of SUBHUMAN BROWN SCUM
>i get a young Amish woman
So what's European food? Kebabs and other halal shit?
you arent german faggot stop using it
Like salmon and moose meat
You might be hopelessly retarded. Please see a doctor.
it is, OP's retarded
>just ate some vine ripened tomatoes from my own garden
"Nice, alright, good, okay"
>degenerate justifying his non-European lifestyle
Enjoy your gruel!
Need had moose meat but salmon is delicious. Wouldn't call it european since it's found pretty much all over the world though, same as moose.
Most of the good shit you eat was introduced from elsewhere, wether it be the new world or asia.
Guess I do need to eat moose meat someday.
Cool slide thread Chaim saged and reported for not politics
I think it's ok when you eat nonwhites and hold them as cattle
At least it's European like the food of my ancestors, not the food of chinks or some spics
>Not reaping the benefits of colonialism and imperialism.
The history of a cup of tea alone is the tale of countless shitskins suffering and dying to appease the white man's frivolous desires.
why can't britain have kept their senses :((
Don't forget avocados
Reminder, that if you eat at a kebob shop you are probably eating your disappeared neighbor.
Pic, is Opal apple developed in Czechoslovakia in 1996. The BEST tasting apple ever grown (so far). Now it's grown all over the world including the American Northwest, and Chile. Is that Euro enough?