Do you guys remember the Trump / Nikola Tesla thread last year?
The supposed time traveler made a "prediction" telling us that in September 11, 2017 would be declared by Trump the "Peace and Prosperity Day" as a national holyday.
Do you guys remember the Trump / Nikola Tesla thread last year?
The supposed time traveler made a "prediction" telling us that in September 11, 2017 would be declared by Trump the "Peace and Prosperity Day" as a national holyday.
Other urls found in this thread:
Full print btw
>Sat, September 9, 2017
It's happening
Its unreadable. Is there a higher res version?
It is readable, resolution 867x6091
You have to either open the image on a new tab and left click it to zoom or download the image.
phones have problems displaying huge images for some reason, kid
Oh I forgot about the phone plebs, since i'm a nice guy here is the full thread archive:
So what does this mean exactly?
SHTF on 9/11 this year.
>trump is a time traveler XDDDD
Please go back pedes
What do you mean?
In his thread in 2016 people asked for some kind of proof from this guy who had the Trump time traveler theory. This was his final "proof", if this turns out to be right it would confirm everything he said on his thread.
Do you remember when the media made fun of Trump on the "Last night in Sweden" phrase this year and then a few weeks later something actually happened in Sweden?
Some people believe he actually knew what would happen but he forgot it didn't happen yet in our "timeline".
Archive time
>nytimes com/2017/02/19/world/europe/last-night-in-sweden-trumps-remark-baffles-a-nation.html?mcubz=0
>independent co uk/news/world/europe/donald-trump-stockholm-attack-sweden-supporters-claim-president-was-right-rape-capital-rinkeby-riot-a7673421.html
Because thinking that a time traveler came to a message board to talk about the future is more believable then some random kid lying on the internet.
>American reading comprehension
Yeah by next monday Nor korea will be basically vanished from face of the earth and that will be the impetus for his declaration (unless something major changes in the timeline, unlikely...)
Somehow, this is the only picture of Hillary that makes me want to fuck her brains out.
More realistic than you thin ;)
Someone thank this guy
you leave out the part where the leaf says hillary is initially reported as winning and then the truth comes out on december 21st that trump actually won. Whichever leaf wrote this is probably laughing his ass off at your retards expense
>Peace and prosperity
>9:00 AM TO 2:30 PM
>9 AM
>2:30 PM
the bear will leave its cave forever
assanage accused as russian hacker
russia = bear
assange = russia
assange leaves the embassy for good
Thanks guy
It happened the next night
What is this from? The Turkish assassination from early this year?
Yes "the madman actually does it" episode
This, and after opening in mew tab, delete the "m" at the end of the web address. M is for mobile.
Or just use your desktop like you should.
Oops forgot to clear the name field from last thread.
Might as well add, Trump has 3 to 8 more years to declare the holiday