Violence at Dragoncon. Pictures deleted online

>chairs and bottles thrown from ten stories up, last night, injuring people
>public drunkenness
>fistfights in elevators and on the general floor
>broken windows and other property damage

This is the only pic I have of one of the injuries. I am working to get more sauce on this one, but I have a friend there who can confirm these things are happening. Attendance had swelled to 80,000 for this thing, and apparently security cannot keep things under control.

Here is a story about it

And this

Other urls found in this thread:

Typical lefties resorting to violence

Furries being retarded. Next

Give me a quick rundown on Dragoncon.

The only con I've been to is A-Kon.

Probably one of the worst cons you can attend. Too big. History of degeneracy. (Guy who used to run it is a convicted pedo.) They have many, err, "adult activies" there (literal sex slave auctions). Typically the degeneracy takes place after hours, but the drinking and lewd behavior has spilled over into the day, where kids are around. Now they're just brawling, in costume - this isn't people from "outside of the convention."

>dress up in a full suit of plate mail and wave around a battle axe
>still manage to get fucked up and halfway killed by some pimply kid with a root beer bottle
good job cucko the magnificent

That is a picture of a woman who got hit on the head by a chair dropped ten stories, and her costume had a helmet, so...

Where my nigga internet historian at

>TFW you're missing out on furry thunderdome

Why did we allow furries, of all stripes, to get as prominent as they have?



Sounds fun.

>Why did we allow furries
I have no idea, this infection needs to be burned out immediately

I'm trying to find pictures/film of people fighting in costume. It has to be hilarious.

so what is this Dragoncon is hosting furry fight clubs now?

I heard they were bringing that one furfag convention back where they completely trashed a Hilton years back. Did I miss it?

Dragon con looks so freaking dumb, like Halloween for adults. Just go to a bar or Vegas. Heck I would prefer burning man over dragon con, at least it has some real talent and better drugs.

can we sam hyde this please

Sign me right the fuck up.

its in atlanta what do you fucking expect that place is a crime ridden shit hole

Idk man one time I went to one of these things and I ran into two deer twinks who whipped outa gallon bag full of acid sugar cubes. Best acid and sex I e had in a while. Apparently they are deep in the rainbow family.

D: even if shes ugly shes hot because of costumes? wtf im a furryfag now

Prob a dude

>Furries being degenerated
Video related

Wtf i love america now.

Why havent you told me about this before Sup Forums.

Pic related. Dragon con confirmed for /myplace/


Degenerate. Why would you save that pic?

um wtf. bout to play warhammer fantasy using her body as the tabletop JEEEZ

flag checks out

>of all stripes
You sneaky goon.

>Guy who used to run it is a convicted pedo
>Who USED to run it
So it's cleaner than the DNC?

What is this webm from?

Its probably you, faggot

Holy Fucking Shit Sup Forums. Look at this place. Im going to next Dragon con.

Forgott pic

Nah, she defies reality and is actually attractive beneath the suit.

Plus /k/

the movie Knowing, I think.


>Nicholas Cage
>6.2 IMDB
I think ill pass though

Yeah I'd just watch the ending scenes of the flare hitting and killing everything, the rest is garbage.

A cute due.


>beta english teacher calling anyone cuck

Because I'm not afraid of dicks and I like have sex with submissive femboys and skin heads. There's nothing wrong with cuddling with a cute guy and feeling his bulge ride up against your cock and enjoying the feeling of his girth on your belly. Dicks are just inside out vaginas, so don't let the Hetero Jew steal your chance at love. You kee straight only because your mom wants you to have nigger babies.

Sorry I'm on mobile

m-m-moar dragoncon pic p-plz

Because in the early days the vanguard was just ~1000 goons on SA, 90% of whom were furry infiltrators anyway

Twink-fucker user is a good example of mental illness, other anons should check his posts and learn the signs of extreme mind-fuckery.

>look mom, im telling them they're degenerate!

who are you trying to impress?

Only the mentally ill feel the need to announce their fetishes everywhere they go. Now fuck off.

I'm reading this thread while masturbating on F-list.


>caring this much about furries
>autist the jpg

Traps arnt gay. Why are you afraid of some cock? You have one right?

traps are pretty gay

>implying I made the image

>DragonCon thread
>Devolves into traps and furries thread

checks out.

If this thread doesn't get back on topic, pics and info on related happenings, Mods please prune

Absolute fucking degeneracy.

Wow this was the very first .gif I ever saved from the internet, I believe it is from the 90's.

Nice implants.

Typical swede

>Hating on trap threads
Okay Goldberg.


niggers right?

>fragile masculinity

Get dicked (((nazi))) (hopefully by me if you're cute enough ;^) )

>having sex with mentally ill men
>not gay

pick one.

>beta weeb english teacher calling people cucks

Stay gold ponyboy

my masculinity is fine, youre just a faggot




traps are only less gay than transgenders. burn it with fire, sheckleberhg.

I'm here for the liberal nerd violence, not their degenerate fag shit. faggot

>Give me a quick rundown on Dragoncon.

It's a multi genre-con (comics, movies, games, tv shows, anime, etc).

It takes place every memorial day weekend in downtown Atlanta, within several large luxury hotels.

It is a fan-run convention. Unlike San Diego Comic Con and many others, which are industry-run. This means the agendas, guests, panelsabd events are planned and organized by fans, not suits. the effect is that it feels less like a commercial marketing event.

It's big. Officially, the con runs from Friday through Monday, but people show up and start party at the hotels Wednesday or earlier.

It is an adult convention. While attendees of all ages are represented, the average age probably falls between 30-40. There are many, many parties, enormous amounts of alcohol, and the typical debauchery that happens when those two mix.

Yeah, kinda' sucks. I'm not finding any other pictures, currently. A lot has been pruned because DragonCon is in damage-control mode. I was hoping somebody would turn up here with photos of overweight cosplayers brawling, but it doesn't look like it. A mod might as well prune this thread at this point. I'll come back and post later if I find anything else.

Says the fag who's afraid of cock

Go get your lil nazi's punched.

Sounds like a white family reunion


What the fuck is this post

sorry user, i went to DragonCon once in like '07. Was kinda fun and interesting, didn't do the debauchery tour though, which was still pretty bad even back then (Probably since its inception). Once was definitely enough to get the experience.
Gwar used to play there every year for years till DCon people pissed them off. Thanks for trying, i'm surprised violence hasn't broke out in previous cons, considering the amounts of drugs and alcohol and insecurity present.

We can all agree, furries will hang first

Get fucked in the ass.

Not like most you Nazis are that attractive though.

user no posting Onta art on dis board pls not time or place :3c

Dragoncon has nothing to do with fucking furries

We furries have our own fucking cons

The sex and drugs are far better at the furry conventions; fuck Dragoncon, that's normalfag shit

If you niggers weren't so god damn gay I'de ask which cons had the highest ratio of attractive women to men in the pacific northwest area.

Also furries don't have good drugs, I'm calling bullshit.

I thought dragoncon was for RPG and wargame geeks?

These guys simply go to hot and heavy into a LARP session.

>The sex and drugs are better at furry cons

Tell your friends that trashed Rainfurrest and had boxes fulled of used nitrous whips that they're ruining it for the rest of us, I bet you're a fox they're usually the most egotistical cunts

You are still fucking GAY and degenerate

Damn, I hate your fandom, even though I'm probably a furry myself

I have a feeling furries have really good MDMA.

Traps aren't mentally ill, trannies are. Traps are feminine men who pass (in good cases) as women, hence the term trap.
And yes, it's gay to fuck a trap.

They don't, we have shitty Vapes, Hookah, maybe some weed, and on the rare occasion you might get ecstasy but you need to be in the right circles for that shit.

ain't no party like an nsa party

Furries are gay and leftist. I hate furries.

I am also a furry.

Fuck off nerd

Sorry, I ran out of traps to post...

>Pictures deleted online

Can you tell me more abouth this so called sex slave auctions? For a friend, I would never condider it haha

Furries, comicon fans, weabus and all their likes should be gazed.
There I said it.
It's heavely degenerate and you guys are pushing your shit just like the homosexuals have done.
Another step further in degeneracy.
At least keep it for yourself and try to pretend you're normal when you don't attend these.

the furry I know of was a complete nazi, but he was european

I saw what you did there.

All hatred towards furries is 100% justified

I hate this fandom so much, I just like the fursuits

thanks for the laugh

You're a bigger faggot than I am and I literally sucked a furries dick.

What is it with furries fucking up conventions?