Do you think President Trump can deal with two hurricanes?
Hurricane Irma Could Hit the East Coast
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No. He cant deal with himself
$10 Irma glides up coast and smashes NY
Fuck America, God is already making you pay dearly for hating and treating your neighbor bad
Expect more
If Trump pulling out from the Paris climate agreement didn't already prove it was a terrible decision, then we're about to find out again twice in a row.
Kind of ironic Earth is getting blasted by hurricanes after he pulled out of the agreement. And by "ironic" I mean it's not ironic and science has proven once again that Drumpf is a moronic lunatic.
hit georgia pls
I hope it hits the Hamptons.
hey op squint your eyes the bottom storm track is goatse
Your people are the one's sponging off our tax dollars you backwards savage.
>your people are sponging off the tax dollars that whites could only attain after stealing the land from your people
And you have the audacity to call me a savage as you gloat about being able to make money on lands that you only obtained by being a savage
listen here mexibro, why don't you go full duerto on your drug dealers, would make your country a much better place
Well fuck me then I should start stockpiling some food
lol, somebody still butthurt about something that happened over 150 years ago? RIP Make do with what you have FIRST before you go complaining about the lands you're still trying annex through illegals.
I have friends in Miami, should i worry?
>Hit the East Coast
Why? The west coast could use some rain. It's too dry!
You should worry about the fact that your friends are in Miami in the first place.
hurricane spooky skull smug pepe literally did nothing and the news stations made it sound like katrina was about to happen. if ur friend has a large tree near their roof thats about the worst or if their near the beach it'll probably flood.
How about telling little gringo Johnny to stop smoking so much crack? You guys love to jwek off to self-responsibility after all.
I'm enjoying hearing news about this storm because with the way the models are now, no matter which way the hurricane goes it will pass through my area somewhat.
a happening for sure
Oh, forgot about matthew. I'm relieved.
dang that looks comfy, where at?
>The irony that you're still butthurt about the civil war
More likely to go back out to sea at this point.
>can't even get rid of disorganized drug peddlers and addicts with all of America's might
>thinks it's possible to get rid of cartels AND drug peddlers in mexico with le duterte meme
>about the lands you're still trying to annex
You mean the same lands that were stolen to begin with?
Lmao no
Its a hurricane SEASON.
I want off Trump's wild ride
I see what you did there.
What're the chances that this'll hit Iowa lads
Better strap in man. Its going to be a hell of a ride.
Two hurricanes
We didn't steal shit. It was your retarded leadership that led your capital to fall to our forces. Scott wanted to annex your whole country. Congress deemed that your people were deplorable and didn't represent the American ideals that we broadcast.
We let you off easy as fuck. We conquored that land. Shit wasn't stolen. Your leaders are just incompetent.
Do you think you can literally go fuck your own face for making a hurricane political?
No problem
You need to calm down and stop shitting yourself over insignificant things, bucko.
So...Trump caused the storms, gave North Korea those bombs, and is making the government waste trillions of dollars of stolen money. Go fuck yourself, retard.
>that gap over DC
>it's actively avoiding Trump
Under Obama, we had the first president to NEVER have a year with 3% economic growth. His average was 1.3%. Sounds like the shittiest ever nigger version of a recovery.
market will deal with it
>we didn't steal it, we just took it by force and you couldn't defend it
Did anyone make a scary image of OPs pic or any model out there of Irma like the yet? You goys need to know Kek is coming back later this month.
Didn't you guys do the same thing to your native Americans, but worse?
It's those anti-Trump witches behind these hurricanes.
What do you mean by "you guys"? Remember Mexicans are all "shitslins", not a drop of white in us.
Why is this hurricane saying white power?
Sounds like a redneck name to me.
That's an upside-down Snuffaluffagus.
God dammit Sup Forums has ruined me
You can't always get what you want ....
please no
we're already dealing with the shitty fucking humidity from Harvey
I don't need more hot and humid weather, it's killing me
How much trouble would nyc, ma, nj, pa and ri be if it actually hits?
>upside down star party
>record breaking 100 months of private sector growth; consecutively
>halved the deficit
You were "saying"?
Drain the swamp
It's hurricane season you fucking idiot. And we are experiencing less severe storms and hurricanes now compared to 75 or 100 years ago you God damn moron. Read something other than the Huffington post
>>not a drop of white in us.
>everybody remembers only two things not three
>katrina and obama
>not katrina and obama and 64 crappy ass hurricanes that hit NY?
one hurricane for each scoop
>7 straight years of uninterrupted job growth
Dumb nigger detected
plz don't hit maine.
>tfw no witch gf
>hurricanes are less prevalent now than 100 years ago
Only if you ignore facts.
>the other peak was when bankers fucked everybody's assholes
>two hurricanes
>two scoops
He's a big guy.
America would have no problem if we treated drug dealers like he does. Kill on sight orders really change the game son
If we are not white then we are shitskins, as per your own white supremacist logic and memes.
You can't complain about us being shitskins and also condem us for being white, therefore the claim that "we" did anything bad to natives is nonsensical, we are the natives.
Irma is taken from German Goddess of war.
2000 = 100 years ago to this faggot.
Starting to sound like the commies and their cries of 'muh specific version of communism has never been tried', not surprised at all considering the retard flag you're bearing
lmao you seriously pretend the global warming is magically creating this?
If you're gonna argue that land lost in a war is stolen, then every square inch of land in the world is stolen.
you didnt show the number for 2017 and this is "named hurricanes" next time you try to disprove someone use a source that means something nigger democrat
fuck you homo
You're still Messican
At Least your still not oppressed because of your inferior intellect you aberrant piece of human debris
I was quoting
and providing data that shatters his Exxon-funded worldview
Lol how could I possibly post 2017 numbers when the season isn't over, dumbass?
Also, if a storm is large enough, they will name it. The data I posted is the most relevant data available. If you have data suggesting otherwise, I suggest you post it instead of being an ad hom faggot
>fuck you homoooo!