post some reasons why drumpf should be impeached
Post some reasons why drumpf should be impeached
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1) so Pence can commence electrocuting gays.
He is white.
So conservatives will finally rise up and kill all leftists.
he fucked your mom
Pence would increase the nigger population by banning abortion.
It was HER turn... nuff said
He says really mean things.
Because I got triggered
Ouch, forgot about that. Deciding between vaccuming niglets and electrocuting gays is a tough one.
He hurt my feefees and gets too much ice cream. Plus, CNN told me nobody likes him.
Fuck drumpf and fuck white people
you put stuff small stuff in the cab to keep niggers from stealing it
what a faggot
Hillary is on a book tour instead of dead or in prison
That's actually wrong though, it would make complete sense to put that container in the cab because if you put it in the back it's going to roll around, possibly damaging or ruining up whatever is inside. Has this guy never rode in the back of a truck or what?
Too Many Sore Losers Temper Tantrums
cuz hes a racist hypocrite mysogonist big meanie!
Oh, no, not the CAB.
Whatever will we do!
Do they have to be equally as dumb as OP? I can't think of any equally stupid examples.
two scoops
I bet that guy never had a real job in his entire life. Lemme check
>Californian musician
>Wrote an essay about being a slacker
Good job Mikel.
what an absolute C L O W N.
the only problem we have with trump is that he hasn't nuked merkel
At least faggots can't reproduce.
Many sources cite Trump received 2 scoops of Icecream. This is when others only received 1 scoop. This is surely an impeachable offense. Plus he doesn't want all of our cheap electronic shit to be built by gooks.
uh, no it's not. Do you want this country to become Africa?
What's the white prostitute suppose to represent in this picture?
He's not literally Hitler.
Waiting for Pence to dethrone Trump.
>implying niggers won't simply execute their bastard child irregardless
They are ruthless.
That bucket would get launched around the truck bed and get broken open. What does this fag expect? Trump to provide tie-downs and secure the load for them?
That no matter what race you are, you'll always be inferior to someone else. Even of the same race, someone is looking down on you.
OK, so that's 1 vote for unrequited love.
Got it.
Is that supposed to be Reality Winner?
Oh yeah because a fucking WOMAN, especially one like Hillary Clinton, would definitely be familiar with manual labour right?
I'll give you two reasons.
2 scoops!
The best part is when he calls the bucket a box because he's never done a day of real work in his life
Kek this is pretty dumb honestly, but Trump is a born and bred New Yorker who grew up with a silver spoon, I guarantee hes never done something like this, let alone yard work
But REALLY? Just throw it in the flatbed
Isn't that truck going somewhere that's been BTFO by Harvey? Ain't no smooth roads there right now. That bucket will get all kinds of jounced around on the flatbed.
Its a fucking bucket it can survive sitting in the flatbed
Look at that truck as well it isn't going anywhere complicated
t. slaved away as a construction worker for 5 years
>He doesn't even do REAL WORK aka hard physical labor, you know, the kind of labor a REAL MAN like myself does
says the guy whose job consists of tweeting bullshit for 8 hours a day
that whores that want to do porn willingly for money are a victim of their own actions?
Still not one fucking logical reason. America is filled with morons and imbeciles. They all deserve to be slaves. The stupid Jews aren't smart, just smarter than the niggers they oversee. You are all pathetic. HA HA HA MAGA!
He made a mean tweet which upset my wife's son and at the age of three he asked me "When will I be deported to the camps?"
Maybe he put it in the cab of the truck because he knows it's going to slide around in the flatbed?
he married a degenerate whore
Awww, sweetheart, I know losing isn't fun, and y'all thought Hillary had the whole thing in the bag so y'all were arrogant cunts about the whole thing thinking she was the sure thing... the glass ceiling was about to break... history was about to be made.
But you lost, Hillary did not win. Trump is your president. It's a holiday weekend. Go outside and get some fresh air. Go swimming, go fishing, go for a drive, go hang with some friends or family. Let go of your obsession with Trump for a couple days and go visit the real world outside of these electronics vibrating light screens and go get some fresh sunlight and Vitamin D.
It'll be ok, it always is, plus remember when Obama was in charge and everyone said the president doesn't really have control over much anything anyway. Find solace. Let the obsession go, everything is going to be ok, go take a nap, it's getting late.
His dick is bigger than most men in the world, and it hurts their feelings.
Apparently when he was teen his dad would take him to construction sites and force him to work with the crews to let him understand how privileged he is and what goes into the smaller operations of a project.
I'm sure it's been a long time since he has done any real labor, but I don't think he doesn't have at least some idea of what an average joe goes through with his life.
>post some reasons why drumpf should be impeached
he's a straight white male, what else do you need?
checked and kek'd on those trips of truth
His wife is too hot, it makes fat ugly bitches feel bad having a hot first lady.
haha do u lefticucks really want pence??? so be it
Kek he probably surveyed job sites no doubt and even worked on them, but he did it from a management side and still went home to his pent house
He has never lived like an average joe, he is a New York 1%er dude these people are like the apex of humanity in terms of wealth and privilege
He does seem charming in the sense that he has some real old school "American" tastes in food like the well done steaks + ketchup kek
>literally to smart too win
Eat a bag of dicks, OP.
Why not simply do eugenics the politically correct way. Ban abortion for whites but not non-whites.
Maybe you should read his book. When he started he lived in a pretty shitty little studio apartment. No penthouse in the beginning.
when he tweeted this yesterday
he has 'no empathy' :^)