Do this when you go to sleep (AdNauseum Script)

>Operation Make CNN unmonetizeable
This if used by enough people will render CNN's clickthrough and other ad stats completely unmonetizeable. Guaranteed.

1. Install Autoit:
2. Utilize this Code:

Summary of Code:
> 1. Wait 10s for you to maximize your window
> 2. Detect Desktop Resolution - this is set for 1900x1080 currently
> 3. Set page to
> 4. Click a fuckton of links
> 5. Wait random intervals between clicking back
> 6. While on each Page AdNauseum will click almost every ad

If you want to tinker around with this - and create scripts for WaPo, NYT, etc, download mousemachine to figure out XY coordinates on your screen for it to click.

>MouseMachine Download:

Other urls found in this thread:

This Script works with all resolutions except 800x600 and is fully dynamic (will never need updating). Just open up CNN, maximize it and run the script. It will load pages over and over and over again randomly. Ad Nauseum will then click on all links and screw up their traffic.

To Utilize, get Autoit:

Create a new Script once it is installed, and then copy/paste the pastebin and hit save.

Pastebin code:

Again, all it does it go to CNN, click links and let AdNauseum do it's thing. Nothing more.

Hot Ivanka Pic for the thread right here

Let's do this

Hope u get banned


It will find you first.

If I was Google, I would actually invest in AdNauseam. Not publicly, of course. This is an excellent way to dominate the market even harder and stomp out the competition. All you need is to fill the internet with more white noise which others will have trouble filtering. Google, with its machine learning, won't.

The only people who can really fuck over Google are so called blackhat marketers. They are real pros. To generate fake clicks, they have an arsenal of sophisticated botnets and they often use malware on normies' computers. They're not volunteers, they have a strong financial incentive for click fraud. AdNauseam is baby-tier. Google has seen it all before. It has fought click wars for more than a decade.

Those refunds you keep talking about do not even come from AdNauseam traffic. They come from professional blackhat botnets that imitate user behavior and are only detected post factum. AdNauseam doesn't even load the page. AdNauseam follows primitive, easily recognizable patterns. AdNauseam traffic is filtered immediately.

Do you think that amateur AdNauseam fanboys are smarter than blackhat gurus? I don't think so.

Here is some insight on how Google battles them. This is from 2015, before AdNauseam took off.

So, what do we have in the end? Google's competitors who use outsourced pajeet coders make heavy losses, advertisers just flock to Google because it's the one who can combat click fraud best. Google strengthens its monopoly. Wow, what a victory.

The only thing AdNauseam really does is playing into Google's hands. I am pretty sure the thread is full of Google shills who promote AdNauseam to kill competition and advance their "anti-hate speech" agenda. Every AdNauseam shill can be declared a Google shill at this point.

Oh yeah, have fun passing your real IP address, location and ISP each time an ad is clicked. You are truly doing a good goy's job.

Eat shit

as soon as the adnaus icon has a number under it you can close the tab, the ads are stores and placed into a queue to be clicked. check your vault / refresh