>Feminists goes out to make documentary to discredit MRAs
>Feminists actually sees their point and paints them in a fair light.
>Other feminists REEEEEE b/c muh narrative
I guess the tides are turning...
>Feminists goes out to make documentary to discredit MRAs
>Feminists actually sees their point and paints them in a fair light.
>Other feminists REEEEEE b/c muh narrative
I guess the tides are turning...
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This is already old
strategic retreat. do not lose momentum. attack their ideological base. eventually they become a right wing pest.
>media turns coat
>keeps power
>returns to being an adversary with the next generation
whoa, deja vu
not really, attention whore found a wider, more open pasture and market.
yes but an article on BBC is actually good considering they just made a nigger speak page.
And Hitler died in 1945, but you can't get anyone here to stfu about him, can you?
>Immediately swayed to the position of whoever she spends the most time with
Sounds about right.
It's happening slowly, but it is happening.
Men's right activisists are just as autistic as feminists
>durr men get raped too
Yeah in prison who cares, just hang the homo who raped the guy problem solved
>did but we have to fight in war
Yeah so? Do you want women to fight? They can't do anything right
I agree but they are useful for countering feminism.
Men and women have their roles that God gave us, we cannot argue against it! It's like arguing against the fact that he made us walk instead of flying, he did it for a good reason
I was raised by a single mother, I would never wish for such a cruel faith for my worst enemy.
My dad was extremely racist and I remember my mom always saying she hopes I marry a nigger to get back at him, or became gay my dad really hated gays too
She was always drunk and never worked, we never had food in the house, the house was always messy and full of bugs it made me sick I hated living there I got mad once and told her she needs to act her age and stop with this partying and drinking and do some work and she started crying and threatened to kill herself.
Thank you, sending this everywhere
Single moms are bad for society but women want to be them
except women now get the best of both worlds
they get none of the expectations that were god-given to men, yet are now permitted all the rights that were once only god-given to men
I'm of the traditional opinion that they should have diminished rights and diminished responsibilities. But if they're getting equal rights it's certainly only fair and right they also have equal responsibility.
Plus a good war would be a great chance to throw a few thousand wannabe stronk womyn into the front lines as some fodder. I guarantee it'll only take a few days of that before the entire female species is begging to be confined to the kitchen again.
shame, i was raised a single mom who is a doctor. One of toughest females i ever met, firmly in the outlier class.
>this is what drove me to being a gay nigger lover
not very interesting, actually. it's pretty much how it happened.
Never forget the BBC has many bASED programmes /pol ignores
Leafs and Trans BTFO
Bonus: Contains a tranny who hated being a tranny but was threatened with death by Trannies
I'm not gay or a nigger lover
Firstly God says being a faggot is an abomination, he says any man who lays with mankind as with womankind should be put to death
Secondly, Leviticus warns that the beast of the field is the nigger and if we walk contrary to God he warns the nigger population will grow in number and that laying with the beast is a sin if you do the human and nigger in this case have to be killed!
>God says being a faggot is an abomination
I read the Bible and God never says anything near this.
Source: Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.
Although the Bible does Proclaim being a Homosexual is a Sin. It does not describe homosexuality as a greater sin than any other sin committed by man.
>Raised by Devout believers
Leviticus 20:13
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
>I guess the tides are turning...
Really wouldn't say so, women don't care about identity politics or race. But when they see strong white man defending their lands, pussy get wet. Women don't know what they want, just security.
women are very sensitive to nature, and they can sense the turning of the tide in the gestalt. the valkyries are arriving.
men are animals. we do all the raping, killing, torturing, war, everything is on us.
We men richly deserve all the criticism we get.
>they can't do anything right
That's the fucking problem. Society is being forcefully rebuilt on the false idea that they CAN do anything right and it's fucking EVERYONE over.