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For all things Christian
Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants alike are welcome to discuss theology. Try to be polite.
Atheists also welcome, but try to be constructive.
Pastebin for believers and curious folk.
Read the bible online
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I want to fuck Christ-chan anally. No lube. No marriage. Just hardcore anal sex.
Fuck off Christcuck.
Shia Islam is the true redpill. Assad and Iran are proof of this.
you will go to hell without accepting that jesus died for everyone's salvation.
>Shia Islam
I fucking knew it.
I always imagine people like you look like actual fucking goblins.
Hope everyone's having a wonderful Sunday. user you need to stop drinking so much. We care about you.
>TFW You have to go back
Is there a reason christ chan literally looks so fucking exhausted? That combined with the smile reminds me of when you're so freaking sleep deprived that you're smiling simply out of habit as your ability to understand what's happening around collapses.