Reveler who lept into the flames of blazing effigy in front of 70,000 stunned Burning Man festival-goers has DIED

>Reveler who lept into the flames of blazing effigy in front of 70,000 stunned Burning Man festival-goers has DIED
>The man who evaded several rangers and security guards to leap into the Burning Man effigy has died
>He was pulled from the burning structure and treated him on scene before he was airlifted to a burn center
>Pershing County Sheriff Jerry Allen confirmed the death but said the man has not been identified publicly
>Approximately 70,000 people from all over the world gathered for the festival in Nevada's Black Rock Dese

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He didn't burn so good.

Burning Man is now unironic human sacrifice festival. Shit got real

That is why you don't do drugs.

>Burning Man has burning man
Why even bother with pulling him out if he wanted to jump in? It's his damn right to off himself.

I had hoped it was an idiot neighbor that keeps lighting his fields on fire, but his hair isn't that long

And nothing of value was lost.

too much lsd

Don't forget about the orgy dome.

This happens literally every year there.
There are compilations on YouTube.

>> only time cops are really present at the festival is to make sure hippies don't kill themselves

Wasteland Weekend > Turding man

Are you sure it wasn't the Larkhill Detention Center?

>Recreate a Druid/Moloch devil-worshipping festival
>Satan tells the assembled druggie weridos to jump into the flames


> Attended by rothschilds and all sorts of Bilderberg attendees
> Private area with servants and whores
> Worshiping a Pagan structure
> Pretty young hippy girls seem to always disappear
> Human sacrifice on the fire

The moment the devil takes his soul

Good. The owners of the festival are going to get raped in court. They should have had a wall...

The husk falls to the ground

is there a vid/webm?

Looks well cooked for me

one less druggie sjw

i've been looking around and so far only turned up videos from the last time this dumb shit happened

This is an elitist degeneracy festival. No guns, no suicide, no dignity.

>>Reveler who lept into the flames of blazing effigy in front of 70,000 stunned Burning Man festival-goers has DIED


>>He was pulled from the burning structure and treated him on scene before he was airlifted to a burn center


>burning man
>burned man
>turd gay man
I don't know what they expected to happen.

This buy god almighty

I'm sure his LSD laced cadaver was putting the first responders at risk

>america has literal burning of Man symbolic festivals
fucking satanic nation

ah yes nothing says mad max like a scion xB

>no longer chained down by freedom of life