Opinions on Antifa
Opinions on Antifa
Unemployed privileged fucktards that don't even know what communism or fascism is.I have a commie friend and he hates them.Many of them feel like this.Communism is retarded tho.
The biggest embarassment of mankind
>I have a commie friend and he hates them.
So your friend wants a state occupied by a permenent dictatorship of the proletariat? Sounds like a shitty communist if he thinks thats the goal
Faggots. Mostly into sucking cock in mommy's basement.
good chaps being memed on
they're /ourguys/ in the fight to end class inequality and fight racism!
Better than Alt-Right.
Would better better if they didn't attack anyone that disagreed with them. If they went after the actual nazis they'd be heroes.
He is.I drop so many redpills on him daily that he will eventually snap.
What nazis?
Leaderless organizations need better praxis.
>the actual nazis
who's that?
>le Sup Forums is satire maymay xD
No better than the opposite which they fight
Koji je tebi kurac?
>if they went after the actual nazis they'd be heroes.
This isn't the Weimar Republic. The neo- nazis and white nationalists aren't a threat to our democracy. They have no legislative or political power and most people hate them. As it is, the Alt- Right and Antifa are just 2 autistic kids fighting in the school playground and there's no conceivable way antifa could become 'heroes' through political violence.
>As it is, the Alt- Right and Antifa are just 2 autistic kids fighting in the school playground and there's no conceivable way antifa could become 'heroes' through political violence.
I hope your right. Maybe Charlottesville killed whatever identitarian cancer that was growing here in the states.
pathetic cultural marxist cucks who want "free" shit. Brainwashed scum who can't handle opinions that differ from their own who like to play the oppression olympics.
nah, i feel like charlottesville just made both sides even angrier at eachother and the MSM isn't exactly helping
I wouldn't confuse this insignia with worthless antifa cunts. Old world communists would smash these colossal faggots in 2 seconds.
I respect old school commies, they make good gear/ammo/guns,weapons and made the best out of life style that would make bear grills shit himself and die.
So please show some respect to a people who however misguided is fuck tons better than these worthless pieces of shit.
wud iz andifa?????
andifa iz a bolidigal bowel mobemend widge promodes homoseggs, benis in anus :DDD, gommunizm, aids, and no burgers :DDD in diregd agdion to ur anus :DDD. Dhe original group Andifashy Agdion wuz founded in 30s krautland and wuz dhestroyed by Adolf Bidler :DDD.
why dhe fug :DD are we on Sup Forums ????
Sup Forums iz an inderned hod pogged for eberyding we obbose dherefor id iz only nadural for us homos to gome here to bring u aidz and benis in anus :DDD.
geep bashing dhe benis :DDDDDDD