The pee pee tape is REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bs until I see it myself
>how is THIS for a bombshell
>still no US news reporting the shadow cabal that controlled South Korea, one of our most important allies right now
>says angry antifa member for the 20th time this year
If it is real and now being released that means Trump wouldn't allow himself to be blackmailed by it.
Still a more honorable man than all the Bush's and Clinton's combined.
trump needs to learn how to agree and amplify
>It's real!
>but we still have no proof at all
>rumors of things no one has evidence of
i'm seriously regretting voting for trump now!
reminds me of those rumors that hillary was going to win by 90+%
MFW when it is computer generated.
fake news
Is this the same one where they alleged that Trump had secret stashes of hentai tapes?
Fucking liberals have jumped off the cliff this year.
I'll let you in on a secret
Nothing ever fucking happens
(((Emphasis added)))
Piss or GTFO!!!
reports of witnesses
>(((anonymous sources)))
every fucking time
the dossier is 90% accurate
As "real" as diversity making Deutschland a virtual utopia, OP!
But there are reports that their might be a person who maybe saw something!
Didn't some user write this up and print, scan, and email it to some RNC never Trump retard who is friends with McCain?
The Trump bros look like lesbians on their honeymoon in that pic.
Supposedly. We never heard from him again.
>reports of witnesses
Sure it is.
Anything remotely damaging to Trump gets leaked immediately. Today it was King Nigger's letter. Yet somehow pissgate is always tomorrow.
Who really cares? Trump pisses on a woman that does any sexual act for money but Obama married a God damn tranny and got his dick sucked while smoking crack. I'm sure Obama has literally sucked a dick and if you think pissing on a hooked is worse than sucking a cock then you're the problem faggot.
>Russian Hotel.
>Russian security.
>Hookers are bad.
That's how you know this is a bs story. Either produce the tapes or stfu already.
>Trump did nothing wrong
says this man
>liberals defend homos and trannies for their degenerate lifestyle
>want to impeach a guy over alleged piss sex
Yep, Kurt Eichenwald was the guy he sent it to.
We need to do a Kickstarter to raise money to bribe Putin to release the tape!
Well if the Russians hold it in, they'd rather let it trickle out as it's their Trump card.
>sources say
>reports of
Yeah okay, chief.
If only it were true Trump would be even more based to me.
>the peepee tape is real says increasingly nervous faggots for the 1000th time this year
if it existed, it would have been leaked already.
In other words, the faggots ain't got shit.
If they did, it would have been released.
>whether hookers are allowed up to Big T
And I suppose people SWAT themselves too?
Nothingburger right here.
>sources say
drump if finished, its over for him
It was Rick Wilson
We're the gnus now!
>Yes, but they were expensive hookers. The best! Really top notch hookers they have in Russia. Everyone should try them sometime.
Where's the proof? How is BBC allowed to write such pieces without ever providing any proof?
Real talk, even if this shit actually was real, what would they hope to accomplish with it?
My opinion of Trump would grow stronger if this allegation were proven to be true.
The tape of Trump being a racist has people who claim to have seen it, but there has been no appearance. Yet we're supposed to believe "some guy" and "Russian sources." Right. The K can also publish any gossip it wants about the POTUS.
Why haven't any American news agencies published this? Because there is zero evidence.
Since when is it a crime to have someone pee on a bed? Hope I dont get impeached for when i got drunk a few months ago and did a little tinkle in me sheets
The UK media*
Can someone explain to me what is pee tape?
>pee tape thread
>1 post by this ID
sure guys, let's totally run this to the bump limit
>trickle out
>Trump card
You think this is a laughing matter?
> if it existed, it would have been leaked already.
that is how we know it doesn't exist.
it's all urine, pee pee
Ahahaha fucking true
So some guy might have saw something take place at a hotel one time, when Trump was hanging out with hookers and pissing on a bed in a room that doesn't actually exist in the hotel where the incident supposedly took place. Interesting. Hard-hitting journalism at its finest.
oh fug its orge!
>more tapes showing even more extreme behavior
Scat? Kids? Necro?
There's not much that is considerably more 'extreme' than watersports
More reports of upcoming audio/video.
Guaranteed this would have leaked earlier if this was a thing. Guaranteed.
This is nothing, and you are a retard if you believe that this is any different than the last 12,0000 times there was incriminating audio/video/doxxs.
No-Not at all C-c-comrade
My cock twitched just thinking about it.
This doesn't even make any fucking sense.
Ofc knowing leftist logic it make """sense""" for them
>comes from the BBC, a lefty propaganda institution funded solely by extortion and the violation of individual rights
>pee pee
DACA's end has really got you working a double at Shareblue. Remember, asking for overtime pay is racist.
Awww, sweetheart, I know losing isn't fun, and y'all thought Hillary had the whole thing in the bag so y'all were arrogant cunts about the whole thing thinking she was the sure thing... the glass ceiling was about to break... history was about to be made.
But you lost, Hillary did not win. Trump is your president. It's a holiday weekend. Go outside and get some fresh air. Go swimming, go fishing, go for a drive, go hang with some friends or family. Let go of your obsession with Trump for a couple days and go visit the real world outside of these electronics vibrating light screens and go get some fresh sunlight and Vitamin D.
It'll be ok, it always is, plus remember when Obama was in charge and everyone said the president doesn't really have control over much anything anyway. Find solace. Let the obsession go, everything is going to be ok, go take a nap, it's getting late.
Blueys think the media that torpedoed Bernie Sanders and created Trump for Hillary to beat and marched with her is outrageously biased and right-wing because they dutifully muttered some facts about Hillary's public crime spree from time to time.
In fairness, they emulate Mao, Castro, and the Soviets and by those media standards they have a point.
depends on what you mean by 'it'.
best theory afair is that the document as a whole was written up by some hired oppo research guy,
and the piss part was indeed concocted and pitched to journalist rick wilson by some user.
wilson was also photographed having lunch with the oppo research fag, was even on his vanity book page
WTF I'm going to become gay and take the fag flag now so I can do this.
This will surely lose him the election right?
Didn't Sup Forums make this up, or was it memed into reality?
LMAO we wrote the piss dossier on here, how can there be proof?
Meme magic isn't that fucking strong
Even newfags know pissgate is fantasy fan fiction by the "I'm with her" types
If proof existed it would have been released before the election.
>b-b-but only Russia has broof
Then Russia would literally have released it already since Trump isn't playing ball
An inside source?
According to a person close to the matter?
That kinda thing?
>tfw tape comes out but nobody says anything because trump is yelling DONT KINKSHAME
>verified "journalist"
>on twitter
>Sodomite president
How old were they?
The piss dossier was literally created by Sup Forumsacks... It's probably still archived somewhere... how the fuck can they have proof?
>published by a foreign entity
why the fuck should I believe a foreigner anymore than I would the American press?
Yeah, the other two sources were McCain and the other NeoCon, forgot his name, who heard from user on Sup Forums.
...patiently waiting for evidence...
it was a fanfiction that someone on Sup Forums who had connections was able to convince a journalist it was a real documentation, which then spiraled out of control. topkek worthy
A person familiar with the thinking of current and former officials who were read the statement of a high level insider familiar with the matter over the phone
>how the fuck can they have proof?
An anonymous source who is familiar with the way he thinks.
>the other NeoCon,
rick wilson?
>Russian security having a row with hookers
that is so not believable.
I checked and you were right, got the two confused.
the entire thing was written by someone here who then forwarded it to rick wilson
the user posted telling us to keep an eye out for it long before any rumors started, then the rumors came, then the """leak""", and then damage control
>(((Seth Abramson)))
Fuck, he is a blue check twitter account, this must be real. It's over for Drumpf/ WTF? I love hillary now 3millirion votes
This dick to be specific
Bad shoop, Look at the triangle of light under Putin's foot. His foot is in the path but does not stop the light being cast.
no, again, not the entire thing
the piss part seems to have been made up by some anons, pitched to wilson who gave it to oppo research fag who then integrated it into a larger dossier
Well, actually pissing on someone is out there user. Come back to us bud...
Nice effect, how do please!
Twitter Hill Shill "journalist"
that's what they mean by (((multiple sources)))
>anonymous sources
>vague allegations with no evidence
>story gradually gets more ridiculous over time to keep people talking about it
It's the same shit every time.
(((nobody Twit attention whore)))
holy moly reports of an alleged guy who might know a guy who is a witness to a related event
sounds like nigger dicks