I am a time traveller from the year 2117, ask me anything

I am a time traveller from the year 2117, ask me anything.

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dos your mom no u r gay?!?!

fuck you Teeter

>implying the world won't end in like 2 decades

I want to live in this world

Is Niagara like modern Canada, with cuckholdey, or actually good?

Whatever becomes of fidget spinners? Are they collectible? Should I buy a few thousand of them?

how's the cybersecks?

why is there no God and why is death like that moment between falling asleep and dreaming. why shouldn't I kill myself

Do we bomb the norks tonight?

fuck off time-jew were full

Is BLACKED porn still legal?


Canada is annexed by the United States in World War III, but the United States splits up shortly after. Canada's globalist government is defeated (along with globalist governments the world over), so in that sense, no it isn't "cuckholdey". Niagara is one of the new countries formed after the split.

Son, your choice of flag is lacking in taste. Since you want to be asked, let me ask you the following:

"Do you realize this world isn't the past of your timeline?"

I need a gun to shoot myself in the head

Is this accurate?

How did Ethiopia survive future user?

Are there sentient robots?

The legality of pornography and interracial relationships depends on the country, but blacks have become a world minority on the level of Native Americans.

>CSA owns Gabon
>Gabon owns Angola

How Brazil conquered venezuela ?

where does the nuke land?

does it hit a dam?

does saturn get lit up?

what will bitcoin do next?

And for good larp measurement - is buckminsterfullerene used to store data for sending messages in time, or a similar concept?

PROC are weak and couldn't hold onto all their colonies. Most went to ROC, Ethiopia was able to successfully win independence.

does trump ever build a wall

What's the hivemind's name?

Will OP ever not be a faggot?

Venezuela never recovers from its current collapse, and Brazil occupies it at first to give aid and rebuild, but Venezuela then becomes incoproated into Brazil itself.

Atleast make it believable larper.

>Anglo-Germanic Reich

But when it will happen ?

outline WW3

what about Antarctica? what discoveries of our past were made?


Is the Scandinavian Federation still cucked with refugees?

Why is literally everything a republic?

The Reich funds white South African rebels which quickly overtake your current South African government, and they proceed to storm north recapturing much of what England colonized during the English empire. All of Europe is racially aware today, and they storm through Africa with a Manifest Destiny mindset.

Is genetic engineering a thing? Also Are there bio-computers (Like DNA based computers and the like?)


also whats the price of bitcoin?

>white South Africans
Mate we're all busy packing our bags.

>South Brazil is not independent

Bullshit Roleplaying nigger.

I see "Persia" is huge. I also note that Israel is gone. Are the mohammedans finally at peace or did we have to nuke mecca?

You mean, those few that still exist, are genocided right at this moment while there is no new Reich anywhere near forming?


War will break out soon and you'll get much-needed aid.

The Reich will form when UK nationalists successfully overtake the current government and ally themselves with Austria and Hungary, at which point they invade Germany and overthrow Germany's globalist government, and with it, destroy the EU. Germany is the last European nation to join the Reich, ironically enough.

>uruguay not annexed by argentina

If everyone else is going about conquering everyone, why aren't the argentines?

how is our boy john titor?

So, how did you get here?

In a realistic future, the 3 South Brazilian states, Uruguay and Argentina will be either one country or very close allies.

Time machine you fucker

a century later and NZ still not an Australian state

uhhh what the fuck happened with alaska?

>War will break out soon
No doubt.

>and you'll get much-needed aid
>The Reich will form when UK nationalists successfully overtake the current government and ally themselves with Austria and Hungary, at which point they invade Germany and overthrow Germany's globalist government, and with it, destroy the EU. Germany is the last European nation to join the Reich, ironically enough.
This is bullshit but I believe it. Godspeed timeanon.

Persia is mostly formed due to Iran, with Russian aid. Islamist forces in the destabilized nations surrounding it are defeated, and Iran absorbs those nations. Jews the world over are persecuted and only allowed citizenship in communist California. Persia (again, backed by Russia) destroys Israel towards the end of the war.

what are viyda like in 2117?

Do you ever get bored of LARPing?

as if things couldn't get worse

The United States invaded Russia, captured nearly all of Serbia, but broke up after the war, and Alaska claimed independence.

>cuba remains unconquered and indestructible
bet they're still poor though

Cuba is one of the places the Confederacy and Texas deported all their hispanics to.

i've noticed australia hasn't changed. did they manage to reclaim the worst shitposter title from the leafs when canada got btfo?

What are some prominent figures from ww3

delete this


How did Newfoundland manage to keep it's independence in the midst of a massive geopolitical shakeup?

Tell me about the fate of white South Brazilians future nigger.

So we are going to annex Central America? ok

Poland, Austria, and Hungary are forces to be reckoned with in the European part of the war, especially early on. The Norks manage to capture South Korea, but Japan and the US recapture the peninsula, along with Northeastern China. Japan's military surprises most people with how effective it is.

I'd also say to keep an eye on factions forming in America, since its second Civil War follows directly in the aftermath of the World War and most people consider it a part of it.

stop putting these false hopes into my mind you asshole.

I want to belive but I know that you're just a larper.

How's the world's clime is my country fucking hot ?

When the United States (which includes Canada at the end of the war) breaks apart, many states form new countries, but Newfoundland and Quebec choose to stay inedpendent states.

Why are there so few countries on this map?

>New Rome
Bullshit or pure WE HAZ SLAVES one?

When does all this fun begin?

The map shows who controls the territory. There are many states, provinces, and colonies in those regions.


Do people live longer? Are any of us possibly alive in 2117 due to medical advancements or technology?

did the person who came up with the name "Atlantea" get shot soon afterwards by people who voted for "Buckeyeland"?

No slavery, but its leaders aimed to restore as much of the former "glory" and culture of Ancient Rome as possible. It's one of the most stable countries around at the moment, and, along with the Reich and Cascadia is the strongest country militarily.

Did they use nukes in World War 3? What will happen to my country?

Then I can only hope to have died bringing glory to the Empire.

When ww3 start

If I go back in Time now will it affect the future or am I meant to ?


World War III is a complete clusterfuck. It starts with the Norks then quickly involve China and Russia, but what makes it so chaotic is that all hell breaks loose in Europe and most of Europe becomes engulfed in civil war. Nationalist parties end up winning across the entire continent but not without a massive amount of casualties. Nukes are only really used in East Asia.

Can you tell me what year is it going to start? If it offends you, I'm sorry.

I am a time traveler from the year 2118, this stupid asshole is so fucked he doesn't even know

What happens to Jews and Israel?

2019. Stay in souther Mexico and you'll mostly be fine, Mexico doesn't really see much action until the aftermath of the war when Texas claims independence and invades from the north.

Future user might be LARPing, but this is the most entertaining thread in a long time. With that being said, how and when will the Syrian Civil War end?

Fuck. I'm screwed.

Persia (what Iran ultimately becomes) completely wrecks its shit with the help of Russia. Outside of Israel, Jews are ousted from the Reich and Rome, and forbidden to hold certain authority positions in Scandinavia and the States. Most of them flock to California, which they mostly control. A lot end up in communist China and its colonies as well, and Ethiopia takes them as refugees.

What happeneds to Christian

Even if you are from the future I am going to change it you make me angry.

Israel will take out Assad, which will trigger Russia and Iran to intervene and ultimately take control of the country. Syria is one of the first countries incorporated into Persia, along with Afghanistan and the countries north of Iran.

If they didn't succeed in late 2016 in your memory, you're not in the timeline you believe you are in.

I will destroy Iran First.

To Christians? The United Slavic States are incredibly Christian since they are mostly led by Poland, and Christians are treated well throughout North America, minus California. The Reich and Rome have a much more pagan culture.

He is in the wrong time line.

What about supervolcano Yellowstone? Will it erupt?

What is the rise of transhumanism like?

What happened to LGBT movement