>superior race
>going extinct
Superior race
(laughs in the majority of US crime)
Could be worse, there could come a hybrid race genetically better than any other.
(laughs in 70 IQ)
>mfw the white birthrate is plummeting as you typed this up
sage this indefensible mthology
It's called pathological altruism.
Say that to my face you fucking nigger we'll see how hard you're laughing then.
have fun inventing your own stuff
>inb4 we wuz
Hore shet? Asian Super Homu.
>superior race
>not having the highest iq
Definitely. Look how ahead of the curve these babies are. A bright future for humanity indeed
Anybody have that black people STD chart? Kind of disgusting you all reproduce knowing half of the women in your race have herpes 2
But PC gaming is as strong as ever?
All IQ does is encourage cuckoldry and liberalism. A low IQ population is a redpilled population.
>superior race
>not having the highest iq
Nothing personal, goyim...
>they both sharted
>they laugh
good times OP you fucking faggot
Have fun when the world is undeveloped.
The nigger birthrate in the US is equal to the white one though. The black birth rate is actually in the toilet in america.
(laughs in abortions)
>t. has invented nothing
Abortion is not detrimental for us as it is for whites
Oh yes, the appeal to individualism. You truly are the brightest apple of them all.
Yeah, it's gonna suck when the future generations have bigger dicks than you could ever have with penile enlargement surgery, we're a bunch of tiny dicklet faggots obsessed with racial statistics rather than civility, have fun being a natsoc cuck. I'm done browsing this fucking board. I don't give a shit if you're white, I don't have any empathy for you, you deserve to be shot by a nigger for your faggotry, the artificially constructed kinship on this board is fucking atrocious.
>we wuz
Oh the irony.
It kind of is. Unless you consider anyone with dark color of the skin black.
We're not "going extinct" on a global scale, you are.
Clearly it is detrimental to you since you apes yell about how your lives matter but don't even want to see your own kids to see the light of day.
white genes a recessive
good thing they are getting bred away
all it takes is one big black cock to *fix* entire white bloodlines
Yes, we wuz. You can look around for evidence, even the screen of your own pc, and the keyboard you are using.
So fuck off nigga. We wuz kangz first.
wh*Te subhumans BTFO
Nobody is "going extinct". Not whites, nor blacks. But african americans will, or at least what you would consider african american.
See you tomorrow
You weren't any of that, though. You're a sore loser who's angry because he's being displaced from life.
The one who will be "fucking off" from irl are you, no matter how much you bitch about it here.
Gas the wh*tes now!!!
How about you go back to Africa and help out your fellow jungle niggers to get some fresh water? Fucking niggers can't even produce clean drinking water or get out your mud huts.
What Sup Forums doesn't want to admit is that there's no such thing as a definitively "superior" race, just a race that happens to be best suited to an environment
If whites are going extinct it means the global environment has changed to favor another race over us. That can be fixed by either changing ourselves to better suite the environment, or changing the environment to better suite us.
Sorry for hurting your feelings.
Define detrimental, then. And I'm not talking about African Americans, I'm talking about blacks.
>going extinct
cmon my white friend, it would still take centuries with current speed on global scale
No there's definitely a superior race and it's running all of this shit.
Chocolate man might think it's funny to see whitey get his comeuppance, but wait til they see what we, G_d's Chosen have in store for them.
Even the whore of Babylon will have no more tears to cry.
I did not claim i was an inventor. All i said was that whites invented most of the things in the modern world, and i am factually correct.
Chill out nigga. You sound like an angry monkey right about now.
I don't know why you laughing...
The moment white people are gone about 1 200 000 000 black people will starve to death. Not including those who will be born in the future...
And those who survive will be Chinease slave labour.
All it takes is a massive enough miscegenation wave in white countries for it to happen, were we to apply the one drop rule.
Whites are going extinct. All that's gonna be left is Slavs, and you're not white
Hey, blacks invented crushing peanuts into paste, pretty brilliant
I'll have you know I served 1337 successful missions in the Kekistani meme wars of 2016 with over 420 confirmed redpills. Black ops, psyops, intel, counter-intel -- you name it, I did it. At one point I was so far undercover as a (((blackpilled shill))), I forgot which side I was fighting for. You see, I have a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career as a dank meme operative. Skills that make me a #nightmare for people like you.
>1. used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.
Moving the goalposts because of all that superiority I see.
the best part is that white women are willingly choosing to end their race, to breed with the superior black stallion, while limpdick white "men" argue about video games and shit on the internet
this is pretty shit b8 thread tbqh famalam
you should post blacked pics at least, this is pretty lame and doesnt stand out from all the other b8 threads
More white people alive today than any time in history
Fasten your seatbelts and get your flu shot.
Its gonna be a bumpy ride.
Definition of detrimental
: obviously harmful : damaging the detrimental effects of pollution
Harmful, in a nutshell. You point is moot. Because abortions will not affect neither blacks nor whites. The only ones most affected are African Americans.
>White percentage of the population is getting smaller because birthrates meme.
The white population continues to grow, just not at the same rate as all of the parasite populations.
White conservatives have a higher birth rate than Mestizos and Blacks in the US. Probably also true in Europe btw.
Monkey man makes excellent forced laborer. This is known.
the sabertooth tiger is superior to any modern feline yet they are extinct
the nogs got it luckily for now but once we are gone they are fucked
asians/slavs/arabs have no guilt or empathy for vermin
they will castrate you and work you in the fields till the last one of you perishes
I don't see how abortions are detrimental if it's not about the complete erradication of a human group then.
In fact one could easily argue it's the opposite, as it ensures only dedicated, loving and willing parents will carry on with their progeny.
We'll be a ruling minority and watch as your parasitic people eat themselves and revert to savages again within a generation's time
>The whole world knows, black man. Your people only entered the 21st century hanging on to the coat tails of white people
I was making fun of we wuz. White people wuz. I as an individual am not. I am yet too see black "be".
"""""White""""" people.
(((American))) really did ruin everything
Birth rates changed last year, try again.
Of course it isn't Jamal. Abort some more shitbabies.
"going exinct" is not the same as being the target of genocidal propaganda.
It's not going to work, though. We're waking up to it. We're gonna make it brahs
>uses image of black folks
>who are still going to be a super minority for the foreseeable future
I'm sure the hispanics are going to treat y'all real good once they're in charge
>be niggers
Have 10 kids in poverty and all of them get education in basketball
But then your assertions are meaningless, as you share nothing with said group of geniouses and inventors, especially not their claim to exceptionality, save for race.
Now you are contradicting yourself. But yes, one could argue this.
actually white birthrate is a majority again since trump won, plus he is gonna deport a ton of you people once he gets rid of DACA
They are not meaningless, when they are grounded in facts. Whites have created most inventions, laws and best civilizations in the modern world. As a group they are pearless.
On the other hand blacks have yet to impress me on the same scale as a group. Especially since they will probably be the root cause for world collapse in the future.
>muh dick
Right on schedule
>Especially since they will probably be the root cause for world collapse in the future
Maybe that'll be "our" first achievement, who knows. Romans probably thought it was impressive to see their empire crumble under waves after waves of (alien, mind you) barbarian invaders.
Life is only valuable or not when checked under the light of its own purposes, a classical composer is not less worthy than a brute even if the latter can effortlessly muder the former. Based Spenger.