Not doubting you, I just hate what this country has become.
reminder that this progress came with trump and not obongo heuhuheueheuheu redditors btfod
this will be overturned as it oversteps the whole fucking idea of EEoE.
I just don't care anymore, hopefully the white guys quit and just let the chips fall where they may. Let the niggers suffer for their incompetence.
>city appeals
>goes to conservative supreme court
Please please please.
>no women quota
Huh... seems like this was in 2013 and the cuck realized the shit he was doing, so lets blame obongo
The hispanic thing is very easy to overcome because they will hire white hispanics or even portuguese/italians who bullshit they are argentina or brazil.
Please archive or screenshot
If you get a black hispanic does it count for both quotas ?
big mistake. and so begin sthe pareto decline
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Reminds me of scene pic related
hope this be bate
So....40% black in a country where blacks are 10% or so of the population and only 20% hispanic even though there are more hispanics than blacks....and that leaves the remaining 40% to be white despite being 60% white along with asians in the .....what
also, these same kinds of retards believe in being transracial so how does this racist shit even apply?
What the fuck?
Was thinking the same thing
This is how you redpill an entire generation
>Blacks are 40% of population
>Hispanics are 20%
So if a department has only one job opening and they need a black or Hispanic to fill the quota, does that mean the white candidates get screwed? when does the "white privilege" kick in?
I know this country belongs to the white men but every time some damn sjw do some laws, spic and Asian get the worst end of the deal and it really getting to me....fucking pet niggers
To answer your question, yes the white men is screwed. But let's be honest, the nigger is getting the job.
Fuck off faggot.
I like this idea. The whole fucking shit hole of a city will burn to the ground in no time and they'll all move out to California.
On what basis could a judge possibly make this ruling?
>spics are 30% of the population
>niggers are 11% of the population
>need 2 niggers per 5 white person
>need 1 spic per 5 white person
this can't be sustained
Please, more of this. Trump could win New York in 2020 at this rate.
>shitskins required to be put in an occupation that risks being burned alive
Is this a bad thing?
don't try and group spics with asians you fucking spic. only asians get fucked over by sjw retards. you're just angry spics aren't their favorite pet. niggers deserve more than spics cause unlike you they didn't invade in the last 30 years.
enjoy burning to death burgers
>I got my condiments ready
Well damn, I guess the other races really are inferior if they have to be given job preference based on their race rather than their qualifications.
Im genuinely torn on this. I hate affirmative action, but think they should be forced to risk their lives too. How many white men have died saving nogs and spics from ghetto fires?
1964 civil rights act. Nobody has any say in who they can or can't hire.
I bet you're the faggot who keeps reporting people that are telling newfags to sage bait threads. end your life cracker ass bitch
I'm a DC Firefighter and every new class is 90% black thanks to our nigger mayor. All the whites and hispanics and old school blacks absolutely fucking hate them.
>pic is actual example
I prefer syrup.
Unless you're retarded and get caught in a flashover you'll probably just run out or air or freak out and rip your mask off and inhale superheated gases and die instantly in one short moment of unspeakable shiny just saying.
Agony* top kek I hate myself for phone posting
>burger education
Maybe they know there will be another 9/11 scale attack soon? Pretty smart honestly to get rid of some shit skins
makes sence because they darker skin will protect them from fire longer than white boys
melanin superpowers at it again
kinda wish i wasnt white
>run out of building too quickly escaping fire
>startle somali ff
>get shot somehow
not long ago a blakc stunt woman died at the deadpool 2 set. they chose her because she was black and the character she represented was also black. Before the dawn of SJW they picked the most qualified person. If it was a whit person she would get dark make up to do her stunt. That is racist black facing. So they picked an original black woman. Which had no experience in doing such dangerous stunts. But she was black. Now she is dead. Killed by social justice.
And now they want to walk the same path in the FDNY.
Quotas basically mean you have to pick a less qualified person in worst case. While better qualified persons are left behind. That's why I'm also against seats for women.
>makes sence because they darker skin will protect them from fire longer than white boysmelanin superpowers at it againkinda wish i wasnt white
Being black and having a big dick will make fine fire fighters.
White people and their standards are just racist. Anyone should be able to become a fire fighter! Even someone in a wheel chair.
Badass, am complaining about sjw treating niggers like their some godly race. I love whites more you ever could. I made my boss Jew wife and dauther cry by dropping redpills on the holahoax and nearly got fired, I made fun a nigger in company by telling he needs to go back and blacks can't swim jokes. The spic hated me and called me white lover cause I supported trump and said all illegal need to go back to Mexico. So don't you say shit you don't understand.
2/5ths of a firefighter. isn't that a downgrade from 4/5ths of a person?
Never thought about becoming a fire fighter up until this point, but seems like it would be easy to get in. How hard is it being in the department!
Yea and racism is banned too lol
he's obviously trying to oven the non-whites, what a racist.
Somebody can archive and no that text isnt the tweet.
Get in the bunker. It's happening guys, the system is weening you out.
It means the fire departments become welfare for the useless. You won't need any credential to get hired except, "I'm black" or "I'm hispanic".
All the actual firefighting will be done by the white guys, who will begin to quit because of the strain and work hours.
Then the fire departments will be composed of incompetents who cannot fight any kind of actual fires.
It'll be great. New York gets diversity AND their own fires to purge it.
we love our fire fighters - drumpf
theres more mexicans in the country so why more black fire fighters vs mexican ones?
racial quotas, so progressive!
In 1981 my stepfather, who was a cop, told me the FD was hiring so I went down to a station house to pick up an application. I ask for one and the guy says ok but you're the wrong color.
and that's the way it goes
>40% black
>25% hispanic
What the fuck do they even mean by this? This isn't near the population demographics. Is the idea that every goddamn job should exactly represent demographics?
Women sewage workers when? Asians are severely overrepresented in medicine, someone put in a white quota to stop the slanty menace!
..but of course nothing will ever be created that benefits white people or men, even in jobs where they're underrepresented.
Diversity = no whites.
>A federal judge ordered that it's okay for innocent people in need of help to die for diversity's sake
Looks like we're employed, gentlemen
>check negro/hispanic on "race" box
When everyone starts doing this, racial quotas will be meaningless.
im going to just tell everyone i have black in my ancestory and therefore identify as black. If people can switch genders why cant I switch races?
And they can't reject you, because according to mainstream science and most normies, we're all from Africa.
HR departments btfo
IF being a slobbering fuckwit with a inch long cock and a mutilated anus from that time you tried to see how much Lego you could get in it was a Global rule you'd be permabanned.
What film?
How about we just pay them to stay at Home, something Lyndon Johnson would say at this moment!
thats new york, they've always been """""progressive"""""" same with cali
three for one deal!
good they will be dying instead of us
So niggers and spics have to start working?
Alright, why not?
is this what they call a donkey show?
fucking west fucking cucks
fix your fucking countries you cucks
you make mexico look alpha
we have been here before. 1990, only pregnant black women can be hired. So department hires them. Firefighters die from moron decision. Pushes people that WANT to be fire fighters away so fags that just take jobs because privilege.
This will end badly. History repeats.
Nordbot has really fast internet
That's disgusting and flat out dangerous.
Why not three of every five be black firefighters?
Maybe now the fucking insufferable fireman worship will die down.
Also, NY deserves to burn. What about the transvestites, don't they get to be firefighters? How about 90 pound Filipino women? Sounds discriminatory to me.
There was one NYC black guy who would go missing at every fire his Dept went to!
No Joke!
Also, the lady who got paid to sit at home/office because she didn't Qualify for Job.
City paid her around $200,000 a year to sit!