So I just visited the SF museum of modern (((art))) and politics will be dumping photos, AMA
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You should have pissed on it.
wow, look at all those four white people
everyone there probably knows that this is a load of shit deep down
They're from out of town
Why are there so many asians?
>a bunch of gooks
>two faggots
>some lost tourist cunts who don't know anything
just fucking kill me
Girl on the right ready for the dicking.
this is what happens when you let retarded people decorate your museum
Are there any modernist or expressionist exhibits?
Well dump the fucking photos then you retard.
Is that just bowls in glass? If it was water that might be kind of cool, could be like a wishing well or carnival game where you flip a coin and try to get it into a bowl
so... what the fuck is this supposed to be?
One of the homosexuals is wearing Mr. Rogers' play shoes.
now THAT would be art.
Where are the pics niggih
call it performance art and say you're jewish and now we're cooking with gas
Because the gooks feel compelled to go to every tourist place and every exhibit and take photos of everything, even shitty plastic ponds with bowls.
wait it's supposed to be a pond?
Post pics, retard.
and gay
Fucked if I know. It just sort of looks like a pond, so I called it a pond. It's probably called something like "Reflections #16" or some such shit.
were there any niggers there
>Cooking with gas.
I see what you did there.
image familiar
Ahh, truly the purest form of art
The white bowls atop the blue pond representing the current political climate as abstractly as it is defined in words. Such a grace to my eyes to view such a piece.
The SFMoma has a few really good paintings but the recent expansion (featured here) is an abomination and a joke to any person with a semblance of critical thinking power.
Because it's San Francisco? The city is 1/3rd asian.
>tfw my redneck place of birth puts shit like this to shame
feast your eyes
THis is how Atlanta's is too
Big fucking rooms with huge installations of like a big yellow circle, a big red square.... etc
subtle pizza reference?
what kind of gay crap is that
Arts not really my thing but that's kind if cool thanks OP
I actually bought a Picasso and a Gorky print from there a few years ago. I like some of the early Ab-Ex art unlike most of Sup Forums, but can't really stand anything post-modern/contemporary.
Works of God are not works of art heathen
Put God far above the creations of man.
It looks like someone fucking dropped a K-mart dinnerware set onto a concrete floor you goddamned pleb
Do they have guides that explain what this is actually supposed to represent?
Looks nasty
performance art is where it's at lads
money laundering
Something here for you then
This empty room is about $1 million worth of prime SF real estate. My photo of the bored staff is better than anything on that entire floor.
I see a Jewfro in the bottom left corner. The photograph is the work of art. The Jew is looking on and laughing as all the goyim morons stare at a black circle with bowls from Wal-Mart glued to it, thinking that they're looking at art.
Art is part expression on behalf of the artist and part interpretation by the audience, user. It's a subtle dialogue that encompasses your totality of being, meshing it with that of the artist.
Is that a Dan Flavin?
I like neon
Modern CONTEMPORARY ((Art)) is fucking stupid bullshit. Its all about out doing/jewing the last dumb piece of shit waste for space for rich people to pretend is deep. anime is way more autistic i mean artistic.
This makes me angry!
Niggers are on the other side of the bay in Oakland
I went to a modern art museum in LA near ucla one time. They had a 'piece' which was a big red canvas with END WHITE SUPREMACY written on it in black. When I walked by, there was a mulatto having his picture taken by two white girls in front of it doing a peace sign and sticking his tongue out. Such is life in California.
Four hours holy shit KYS.
>Art is part expression on behalf of the artist and part interpretation by the audience, user. It's a subtle dialogue that encompasses your totality of being, meshing it with that of the artist.
not really user
Maybe you're just too stupid to understand the nuanced symbolism and deep deconstructions of modern society that is reflected in modern art, user. Go stare at some moss you fucking pleb bitch
>dog rips up my trashbag
>sell it as art
why havent we done this
that is the wankiest thing I have ever heard, cobba.
how in debt are you from art school, faggot?
I'll bet you made some wonderful tampons in teacups
I might shell out a hundred bucks for that thing in the corner.
Actually, I'd wait for it to be on sale.
Nah, just fuck it.
what a waste of space all that crap is
>not getting contemporary art
Did your parents not pay your art school tuition or something? Come back at me when your mind so capable of fully comprehending the genius of these artistés
>user gets a good idea
Pretentious shit. The whole installation is the "piece", it's suppose to be like "imagine its a painting but you're in it" type of thing.
>plebbit spacing
>Come back at me when your mind so capable of fully comprehending the genius of these artistés
4/10 b8 m8
try harder next time
My parents paid for it (upper east side money what what)
Stay poor faggotron
>But restaurant tables on the wall
>Call it art
thats just it. You can insert/inject doses of "symbolism" into anything and its all made up bullshit to make you sound smart. You see that dog turd over there... well thats a post-modern commentary on capitalism brah. DEEP more liek DERP. go suck a fart out of a jews ass.
Wow. That sounds like some kind of kindergarten activity. Possibly for the special ed class.
It's nice neon work but hardly a revelation. Probably more like $200k
Wonder if I could put a pipe inside a rock and sell for millions.
It's like, even though we are are all different, we are like all the same man. We're all just doing our thing in this pond called earth.
My entire being is so utterly offended by the painful-idiocy & mental-illness of modern art and those too daft to recognize it as garbage that I must hide this post.
>Hide thread
It's trying to say that this art is trash, but that would mean that the art is meaningful. Hence, the empty trash bag, because even trash says more than this art.
You must be so proud.
bay area is full of asian jews. she looks bored.
Those people should be thrown out for sitting on the art like that.
>stay poor
>has art degree
I hate san fran more than any city ive ever been to in my 24 years alive. That city is fucking modern day babylon
>upper east side
I'll be in your neighborhood tomorrow morning, user. I'll be happy to give you free lessons since you're woefully deluded.
Good thread OP. So that people see the degeneracy and emptiness of (((modern art)))
Well, feel free to dump those photos any time, faggot.
I'd like to do a thread like this for my university's holohoax museum sometime.
Its a statement on how capitalism is retarded.
The pic in OP is actually a moving piece. The bowls clink together as they bump into each other, making "music." it's mildly interesting for 15 seconds.
Video related.
Fuck that dog is cool.
Can't stop laughing.
Isn't reddit spacing where every line is indented? Seeing someone space after greentext is reddit spacing? I don't go there so forgive my ignorance but I've seen this shit forever.
>My parents paid for it
What a fucking waste. Are your parents niggers?
Meet me IRL fag
womans are the best artists since they have internal oppression and are victims of the patriarchy
This green wall out back is better than most of the inside. That's why I have 4 pictures of it but basically none from the inside
Thanks for taking one for the team bro. I now know not to visit there.
At least I got to see MC Escher when it came to my city.
> the museum of modern art in Finland (there was the cuckshed of shia labeouf)
>Broken televisions on the floor
>They had cut different cables (about 10-20 cm long) which were on the pedestal
modern art is literally trash
It's money laundering.
Lel you think matters what my degree is in? I bet you think America is a meritocracy too. I get a job no matter what with family connections and I'm guaranteed to make more than you ever will
here is some good art. really activates the almonds.
this artist has some interesting views on modernism and the destruction of classical art:
obvious racemixing propaganda.
Park and 72nd, 11AM
Be there and don't be a faggot
I thought she was part of the display lol
We're not Jewish
At least the bowl pond is kind of neat. This stuff at least looks interesting instead of some of the stuff that passed as modern art years ago. Toronto art gallery paid millions for pic related.