Religion is based upon lies... And spreading lies is immoral and dangerous.
So lets stop defending this irrational bullshit and the drones that propagate it.
Religion is based upon lies... And spreading lies is immoral and dangerous.
So lets stop defending this irrational bullshit and the drones that propagate it.
you are already halfway to eugenics and ethic cleansings
sure is more rational than the everything came from nothing bullshit
also retarded flag kys
Religion elevates man above the debasements of life.
There are miracles everywhere bro.
>everything came from nothing bullshit
>still using this argument
Top kek, do I even need to explain?
You already shit on anything you had to say with you fucking faggot flag.
nah you don't need to it's current year already
Religion was made to control the masses
Who's says lies are immoral? What if a lie gives meaning and purpose to life that propels the individual past the hyper-rationality that holds people back?
Rejecting lies gets me halfway to eugenics?
I had no idea common sense was so dangerous.
go back from whence thee came
>i'm a massive cuck faggot and love to lick the boots of men wearing dresses
>i also think debasements is a turn on
just fucking die you massive prick
>And spreading lies is immoral and dangerous.
As long as you'll say the same thing about Islam. Otherwise you're a hateful coward and only attack white establishments to get that hatred out, but fear the social pressure of actually have principles universally.
If God does not exist, then there is no objective right or wrong. This thread is retarded. Go post on the new emails being sifted right now. Some big happenings are being slid.
"Religion should be..."
*chain smokes*
"....treated with ridicule...."
*guzzles hard liquor*
"...hatred and contempt..."
*has homosexual relationships in boarding school*
"....and I claim that right."
*Advocates insane and disastrous zionist wars in the middle east*
t. christopher hitchens
***dies of throat cancer caused by smoking, drinking and sucking cock***
Yes, religion certainly elevates us. You are right. I'm wrong. I'm sorry.
>hates religion because its a system that is shoved down people's throat and anyone who disagrees is stupid and moronic because they can't accept the 'truth'
>shoves his ideology down people's throats and anyone who disagrees is stupid and moronic because they can't accept the 'truth'
So how was church this Sunday, Christ-bro?
That statement losers force when it comes from neo-Trotskite/neo-Con drunk.
It is true and untrue. Only the mentally strong are able to take life's truths as they come. Most will wilt under the expectation of coming oblivion.
Lies conceal the truth from people, which can cause them to make bad decisions. Mature, well adjusted humans shouldn't need to be told this, but one of the effects of religion is that it warps peoples moral compasses.
What "ideology" have you been indoctrinated into that causes you reject the claims of Zeus as false?
Or... is there no such ideology?
Is it just basic rationality?
The problem with you is that you have some emotional soft spot for religion, which triggers you to want to defend it from criticism.
How many religious people have you killed, user?
what OP fedora lad isn't telling you is "religion" is code word for christianity
all atheists only challenge christianity and give jews/muslims/budddhists/ect a pass because muh culture and muh traditions
>muh intellectual superiority goy
really makes you think
>christians built european civilization
>lies the fanatic ideological atheists have built their world on is destroying european civilization
Something about almonds...
Change your flag. Nobody's going to take you seriously.
I'm still waiting for the atheist riots out side of a satanist church.
I'm also still waiting for atheist soup kitchens and shelters.
*taps foot*
>using Islam to slander all religion
>implying Christianity is like islam
You have to go back
That quote is from a kick-ass speech
The 'problem' with me is I don't pretend to not be a Christian and still act like one like you do. And no, I don't reject Zeus' existence because I understand what Zeus is, I understand what mythology is, and I understand why great philosophers and poets of the past chose to believe in these deities even if they aren't rational, according to your worldview. One day you might understand, if you take an interest in such subjects. If you think that all religion is the same you're just showing your lack of understanding in the subject. What about religions that focus primarily on honoring the ancestral dead? Ya know, the ones that we got the whole 'leaving flowers on tombstones' from? Are those 'bad' in your worldview? Is it wrong to aspire to live up to your family's legacy? What about religions that are focused on community building, poetry, music, and art rather than a dogmatic belief system that limits potential. Are those bad too? What about religions that have no gods or laws? Are those bad? What about religions that have caused no wars in history or had no missionaries? Can you please point to a great druid missionary mission in history please? Are those bad too?
Don't kid yourself. You're a Christian pretending you're not a Christian.
It still amazes me how someone like Hitchens actually believes the Holocaust occurred.
>It's an "atheist willfully ignores the allegorical truths and cultural value that religion offers" episode
Why do you even bother?
You're arguments are so 2 dimensional, no one except actual religious people will debate the validity of their doctrine, but those outside the folds of religion fall into one of two categories, philosophers who understand that the nihilistic trap that atheism proposes is not helpful for the evolution of one's in-group, and those who simply vehemently attack the source material without so much as giving a thought to how religion privileges and benefits your in-group.
With that said, you have to look at each religion on a case by case basis, historical precedence and success under a particular religions dominance are to be weighed against the death toll and negative effects.
Christianity was undoubtedly a net positive for Europe, or everyone would be Muslim Turkish half breeds if the first Crusade had failed.
Islam on the other hand is a failure.
You don't have to believe in the religion, acknowledge what is beneficial about it and let these people be.
>jew is against religion
>but still super jewish
loved marx, trotsky...etc
I only have a problem with semitic, middle eastern, abrahamic religions which are inherently anti-European/anti-white.
Delusional Christfag please go.
Please explain how cucking Europe with submissive attitude and turning the other cheek was beneficial for Europe.
In that regard Christianity was an absolute failure.
Found the kikey jew shills. Take your satanic fbullshit and go build a nuke, while your at it find out where humans came from with all your magnificent science. you satanic jew worshiping fucks.
Pretending all religions are equivalent is a Postmodernist tactic often times paired with Marxist undertones.
For example:
>Da IRA bombed ppl, therefore Christianity is just like ISIS too, all religion is bad poopy head
This ignores that ISIS pulls their beliefs straight from Islamic doctrine through the Koran and Hadiths, while the IRA, though they were made up of Catholics, we're entirely politically motivated because no one could point to a piece of Christian Doctrine that promotes the use of terrorism.
But if they can make everything equivalent, then nothing is better than the other. Christianity, therefore, is not preferable to Islam which raises a Marxist question. Why isn't Islam as prominent in the west as Christianity?
The conclusion is already given under neoMarxist social warfare and that is simplest that Islam is oppressed and Christianity, having more than equal representation in the west, is the oppressor.
After all, Christianity and Islam are equivalent, therefore they should have the same representation amongst the populations.
It gave all of Christian Europe a rallying point when the pope declared the 1st Crusade you dipshit.
I gave you the very reason you're not praying to Mecca 5 times a day and being a cuckhold for a mass-murdering pedophile named Mohammad.
Is that why they went and sacked fucking Constantinople during the 4th Crusade, and after they lost the Crusades altogether, they went to fight European Pagans and Orthodox Christians in the Baltics and Eastern Europe while Turks and other subhumans overran Europe.
D-DOOS VEULT indeed Christfag.
On top of this all, when Eastern Europe was facing an existential threat from Mongol invaders, the Crusaders went and allied with the Mongol Chinks, who backstabbed them later and converted to Islam. Fucking morons.
Fine. I feel the same way about his religion. So wee even.
Read up on the history of the fucking crusades, Jesus.
The reason they sacked Constantinople and ultimately ruined the Byzantine empire, was due to a promise by the former, ousted Prince that if the other nation's armies were to restore him to the throne, he would aid the war effort in any way he could.
Each one of the 4 crusades happened in different time periods under very different circumstances.
The first and Third were huge successes, while the second and fourth were failures.
#1 Europe was only cucked because satanic zionist took control of the currency system and farced every moron out there to believe the holocaust was real.
2. If christians knew what jews say about jesus the jews would be on the fast track out of their country.
3. Christianity has been incepted and there's massive propaganda campaigns telling everyone jews are their brothers.
4. You're judging christianity by the actions of man instead of heeding the word of the bible. Men are doomed to control themselves this is what the bible is all about. Without god we will ultimately destroy ourselves. The end is coming you better strap the fuck up with jesus.
Abrahamic religions.
>Jews study nothing of the sort only the talmud and a man made doctrine.
>Islam came 600 years after the bible and teaches nothing but barbaric dog shit.
>Christianity is the true religion.
and for the record muslims have far more respect for jesus and christianity than a jew ever will.
What about Communism? Hitchens always got pissed whenever anyone pointed out that dogmatic thinking can happen even in the absence of religious dogma.
Christianity will revert to being barbaric when they lose power in the next century. Religion is a poison anywhere and the abrahamic religions are by far the most abhorrent. Islam is this eras barbaric form because its basically the plagiarized arabic language version of the abrahamic faiths. They are all a cancer on society.
Thinking everyone who believes in a higher power follows a religion neck yourself faggot.
t. Deist
No matter what mental gymnastics you try to pull, Christicuckiny started out as a Jewish cult and is not European.
According to the bible the world will end before that. If we're not all dead before 100 years the bible is false. Hows that?
Religion is largely allegorical and while doesn't convey literal truths. Contain things our species have learned and needed the masses to get behind.
Fuck off (((athiest)))
12-year-old Hitchens larper alert.
All of the Crusades were a failure as they not only didn't manage to make any long-lasting gains, but they opened the way for further sandnigger expansion into Europe.
On top of this all, the Crusaders focused on fighting over a bunch of shitskin "Christians" in the Middle East while Whites in Spain were being occupied by Islamic sandnigger invaders.
Fuck off Christcuck. You people are worthless trash-tier. Neo-Paganism will replace Christcuckery.
Also Marx is a faggot, but "Religion is the Opiate of the masses" is true. If you take the foundation of morality and community (and lets be honest there isn't much sense of community outside of church *I don't go*) things get chaotic .You need to think about this topic a little more a realize not all people have the same hyper-rational mind and religion helps them. Also hang yourself fedora fag.
T.Once again Deist
>religion is a poison everywhere
U kno das rite
We wuz Nashionel Soshallists
There has never been a society without a religion.
The society that gives up religion first will fall into a nihilistic trap that will cause the population to be indifferent to any sort of replacement, because they no longer believe in anything concrete, they will find their lives meaningless.
The loss of Christianity in the west, regardless of whether you believe in it, has allowed Islam to take root in a faster manner than ever before.
The west is ripe for concurring and people will allow it to happen, because nothing matters.
Thank you. Idiots should check out all sides rather than just listen to (((Hitchens))) although intelligent he is not the authority should check out Graham Hancock and then Peterson's view on the bible before being fedora fags
if you're in any western country, you're simply a christian atheist.
You accept the basic ideals of western civilization that are built on christian ethics, you just simply reject the cornerstone underpinning it all because your world view and philosophy has not progressed past that of a 14 year old.
anyone with a clue knows you're not an actual atheist, because you're not a narcissistic sociopath, you're arguing with other idiots on a basket weaving forum on the last good sunday of the summer.
Religion is the only thing keeping alphas such as myself from reverting back to complete Darwinism and killing off faggots like you and taking everything you have for my own. Count your blessings. Bitches like you need religion a hell of allot more then me.
>they didn't make any long lasting gains
You don't know how on the ropes Europe was before the first crusade.
You should kill yourself you fucking LARPer.
Rome fucked their asses into submission and Europe was never more prosperous than when Christianity was dominant.
Exactly. Europe was in dire straits with Mudslimes pressing down on Iberia. So where did Crusaders go? That's right, the fucking desert instead!
Fuck off Christcuck. Back to licking nigger feet for you.
Japan and south korea seem to be doing fine without religion. If the state replaces religion with philosophy from a young age the void in western europe wouldnt have existed.
This dumb niggers posted an image from a jewish website trying to defame and destroy christianity. You are one dumb delusional fuck. Blacked is owned by a fat jew fuck just as yourself.
According to the newtons interpretation of the bible the world will end. Theologians dont view isaac newton in high regard for his biblical interpretation.
Who the duck is this? I've seen him posted before. Kekastani Kike or what? I just don't know what to make of it.
There are 52 volumes of western canon that would be great reads. The Bible is a great book and contains many allegorical truths, even going so far as to benefit human evolution.
Japan and South Korea could be ethnically replaced by China tomorrow.
If you've looked at their birth rate lately, they've fallen right into that nihilistic trap as well.
They just aren't importing large amounts of Muslims, so their collapse is not being accelerated in the same manner the west is, but rest assured that they hold no values in particular.
Both religious and atheist people can have their faiths (or rejection of) turned against them and used to justify terrible deeds. The idea of an after life means this life is worthless, so fair trials aren't needed, god will sort out the innocent from the guilty for us (witch hunts). If there is no god who made us in his image, then we are just animals, and like any animal, we can be culled and made to toil in order to "selectively breed" our way to a new, better man, and be praised for it just as any farmer would when he does the same with his livestock (actual communist theory).
Your entire conception of morality is founded inseparably in Christianity.
Not really true for South Korea, SK is becoming more religious and more Christian. They currently have the biggest Christian church on earth by members.
China is also expected to see a huge decline in irreligiosity. They are expected to be the largest Christian nation in the future.
Was gunna say we should start with Judaism then, but you comment seems to imply such.
>You accept the basic ideals of western civilization that are built on Greco-Roman ethics
You need to progress your world view, philosophy, and historical knowledge passed that of a 14 year old.
I guess the star of bethleham is bullshit. The growing tensions between russia, turkey, Iran and israel. The rebirth of israel. The synagogue of satan - A new world order being established. The ability to destroy the planet. The growing and unstable state of the world with almost every country having nuclear capabilities. Come on man. We're getting close. Mankind can not be responsible with such powerful weapons.
The bible being viewed in the same regard as mythology and literature is very different from it being a faith. All religious texts are beneficial for literary discussion otherwise they wouldnt be very convincing texts for people to devout their lives to. Nihilism is a teenage state of mind for disenfranchised youth. Teaching children about morality from a young age and giving them purpose as human beings doesnt require a religion it can be schooled.
Watch this if you aren't a pussy ass bitch thats afraid of the truth.
[spoiler]you can stop watching when they get to the 9/11 part as that should all common sense by now [/spoiler]
Christopher Hitchens confessed the Lord Jesus Christ as his saviour on his deathbed.
Why wouldn't he?
At every point throughout history there have been cranks who believe the end is nigh. Nuclear war doesnt scare me, humanity can recover from it.
What is the purpose of life?
It's to pass on one's genes, but I'm curious as to what you think is being taught in school.
Creating a society built solely around fucking and reproducing is not going to produce a robust society. Sub Saharan Africa was basically that.
So religion steps in to take it one step further by creating a civilized society that increases everyone's chances of reproducing.
Where do our objective morals come from if not from God or our own personal deity?
Cool, I agree, let's base everything on statistical and factual information.
Now, how about we talk about non-white IQ/crime rates.
>Christianity today is the same as Christianity 2000 years ago
>No European influence was added whatsoever
You're a fucking idiot.
Christopher Hitchens had it wrong. People absolutely need a level of moral objectivism derived from some sort of suspension of disbelief (faith) or they become nihilistic, depressed and inhuman. If they do not have religion to provide them with this, they will find it elsewhere, usually in the form of the vapid liberal zeitgeist and Jewish entertainment franchises like Harry Potter. Christianity for example was a tried and treligion that successfully operated for centuries to encourage healthy and fertile living. It's moral objectivism acted as a social contract which served to establish and maintain civilisation which did not require a huge state to maintain order.
Now that God is dead as Nietzsche exclaimed, people are turning to worship of the self and vapid entertainment. They no longer have a unifying set of principles, beliefs and behaviours. The high-trust societies of the past are becoming a thing of the past and civilisation is crumbling.
The only way western civilisation is to survive is with the revival of the church or the creation of a new religion which all adhere to. Some of the political ideologies of the 20th century came with them an almost spiritual dimension to solve this, Communism for example came with it a certain level of universalist post-Christian morality of equality. Nazism, dismayed at the church, channeled a certain return to Eurocentric paganistic traditions and occultism and taking influence from eastern faiths like Hinduism and Buddhism.
It's worrying when people start to apply their religious fervour to behaviours which do not produce healthy life, but destroy life like the praise of homosexuality.
Not all religions just semetic religions
Thats damn too long of an explantion and frankly the answer wouldn't be completely objective since it would take public policy planning as how to structure the lesson plans thru a mixture of literature and philosophical inquiry.
Sorry sweetie that movie is atheist propaganda. All of the myths they compare to the story of Jesus to use Christian language and MASSIVE liberties/lies in the actual their actual stories to push the idea that Christianity was identical to a slew of other religions at the time.
This shouldn't be surprising because the Zeitgeist movies are made by rabid communists.
I appreciate Nietzsche's views on certain things.
This topic in particular he is decent at describing, but it's worth remembering that he is partly responsible for postModernist theory.
I understood the purpose of counter enlightenment thinkers who influenced Nietzsche, but Kant and Hegel made terrible flaws in their views of subjective and objective realities that directly contributed to the subjective, "no truth, no facts" style of Postmodern, neo-Marxism we see today.
>No European influence was added whatsoever
You just proved my point, if it was European to begin with,like European polytheism, you wouldn't have to mention it having "European influence". That European influence for the most part was just keeping holidays.